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I had to include this picture because from where the roofer is standing on the edge you can see the next county. Way too high for me!
This is way happens when you don't have a roof. I think one of Murphy's Laws of House Moving is that a house without a roof instantly becomes a rain magnet. So, if you are in the midst of a drought and you want rain..just do something to the roof of your house and rain will follow soon after.
Here is the hall after the Great Flood...which happened 2 days after the house arrived. I came home that night to find my sister and the house mover building troughs out of plastic and pieces of lumber to channel the water that was pouring from the ceilings/window frames/door frames/light fixtures/antiques ceiling fans/etc/etc/etc out through  the holes in the floor where the floor vents had been. As bad as this only got worse. The next natural disaster would be the Ice Storm of the Century. 


