Questions and other things worth pondering

There are several things about the BSB that strike me as confusing. It's not that I don't absolutely adore them (cuz I do) but I can't help but wonder about stuff that I've noticed or heard! Yeah....I guess I'm nosy. Ok, now who can really say that they've never had questions about the BSB? Well, see for yourself....

*Does Howie's hair classify as a jheri curl?? I think it does....maybe....
*People say that Kevin talks too slowly. By who's standard are they measuring!! His speech doesn't seem unusually slow to me....
*All the members of the BSB have crooked teeth. Dont believe me? Take a good look at some of the closeup facial shots. I noticed this since I've just had my braces taken out and I just look at teeth for some friend may saw a pic of nick and she yelped "what's up with his teeth!"
*Nick is not freaking fat ok!!! To see why, click here.
*Brian's eyes are kinda quinty....not like "John Wayne" squinty, but "AAHHH!! the lights are too bright!" squinty. They actually make him look cuter :)
*Dont' you think AJ has enough tattoos?
*Why did AJ ever get the damn stupid idea to put braids in?? Thank goodness he had them taken out!!!
*Has NE1 really seen Howie drool? I hear that a lot...
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