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Life Is Merging...

Life Is Both Male and Female...

There is nothing so grand as the unity of male and female.
And there is nothing so filled with conflict as the failed attempt at such unity.
Unity is not the joining of two halves.
It is the coming together of two wholes who are likeminded.
First be whole.
Then be ready.
Then be patient.
True love is worth the wait.

...time goes by so slowly, but I will meet you on eternity's shore.

Life is Merging

The sea, the earth, the sky, the light are all one.
Merging, they form a seamless beauty.
This, too, our lives shall do some day.
We will all be transformed into that which we love.
I suppose if we do not love wisely or immensely,
the transformation shall not be noticed.
And no one will ever miss us in that seamless beauty.

Life is Being One With Nature

We all need greenspace.
A place to escape from the asphalt jungle and the noise of traffic.
Find these places.
And rediscover the other side of being human - the natural side.

Are you still dancing?

May your own melody be always unchained.

Recommended Tour: ..On to Fighting..

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