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A Little Something Extra

This page is dedicated to hacking and friends. I also put my ideas and tests here.

Click here to view a flash movie I made starring myself!

The hacking aardvark is back!!!  Watch as he executes the perfect 'leg over' again and again for your personal enjoyment!

Need more ideas for a name!  Vote here!  What do you think the aardvark's name should be?
and your email address so I can let you know when it's time to vote:

Note: This page is best viewed using Internet Explorer 4.0 or greater.

Cool Feature!
Click a person to email them! Try it!

The Guys

This is a pic taken by an IBM at Disney world's Epcot Center. Left to right it's Chris, Me, Robby, and Derek. The usual hack circle minus Michael and Jesus (hay-zeus).

Here are some pics from a party Chris had May 6, 2000:

ChrisFallDown.jpg (55748 bytes)    ChrisLickStina.jpg (61393 bytes)    ChrisNStinaNap.jpg (90815 bytes)    DLikesPizza.jpg (81228 bytes)

    JerryNDate.jpg (64357 bytes)    joshsack.jpg (57796 bytes)    psycod.jpg (47044 bytes)    

Here are some pictures I took when some friends and I went to Orange Beach, AL for spring break.
Click here for the PHP thumbnail page!

My Online Awards


This is my award from It is a personality test you can take yourself and send to your friends!

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