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Josh's Photo Album

Click the links below to view separate albums I created with my Sony DSCP31 and iPhoto.

I also recommend JAlbum for creating web photo albums on PCs.

Click here to see an album full of recent pics of me!

Click here to see an album full of pics of my car with the body kit on it.

Here are a couple photos taken by a digital camera at Circuit City back in 1999.  Click on a picture to open it in a new window.

BigOlPete.jpg (8361 bytes)
Chillin' At the City

Photo taken by Lee with the Sony Mavica 73. Just killing time playing with the neat toys. I'll always be a kid at heart!

josh.jpg (9114 bytes)
Me at work

Here I am trying to promote DIVX! Too bad it didn't work out though. Funny, huh Chris?

joshp.jpg (32154 bytes)
Video phones are cool

Here I am testing out the new Intel video phone.

The next five pics were taken with my friend's web cam.  This was done September 2001.

LaughingJoshSmall.jpg (36566 bytes)
What's so funny?

I am!!!!!!!!


ThinkingJoshSmall.jpg (30007 bytes)

What was I supposed to do today?


ProfJoshSmall.jpg (28706 bytes)
Professor Josh!

People say I look very intelligent with my glasses on.  What do you think?


PlainJoshSmall.jpg (34885 bytes)
Whud up?

This is what I look like most of the time.  Unless I'm being silly or sleeping.  Then I look different.


WhateverJoshSmall.jpg (26062 bytes)

This is my face of disbelief.  If I don't believe what I am hearing, this is what you'll see.


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