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Become an AffiliateThere are some simple steps that you'll need to do to become an affiliate. 1. Put my banner on your page. You can get a 80x30 banners on my banners page. 2. Fill out the form below with all the information and the URL of your 80x30 banner. 3. (Optional) For every ten people who sign my guestbook and mention that you sent them to this site, I'll put two banners on my site in different places to increase traffic to your site. Please be aware that if at any time your banner becomes a box with a red X in it. You'll have two days to send me the new URL before I cancel your affiliate membership. Sorry but as of now I am only accepted affiliates that have something to do with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Don't get me wrong, I love looking at other sites because I love other shows on the WB and other stations also, however as of now I would like to only have Buffy. Thanks, Ricky. |