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Prologue - Comming soon! After watching the opening cinematic you should have a bit of a clue of what to do first, talk to the Great Deku Tree, but there are certain goals the at you must accomplish in order to do so. The first is to find the Kokiri sword. Walk out of your house and climb down the ladder, you will see Saria run up to you, run past her for now and take the path to the left, run up the ramp at the end of the path and you should see a few yellow fences. Make your way to the biggest fenced in area and crawl into the little crawlspace you’ll see there. Once you are on the other side run to the left, wait until the boulder rolls by and then follow it until you see a break a separate way to go on the right, go that way and open the chest there to get the Kokiri sword! Now make your way back to the fence area and run back down to the path you took at the start. Go all around the forest looking for rupees, stop when you are at 40. Look around the forest and look for the Kokiri Shop. Once you’ve found it buy the Deku shield. Now that you have a sword and a shield you are ready to talk to the great Deku tree. Go to the path leading to the Deku tree, use the map at the bottom of your screen, talk to Mido, once he sees you have a sword and a shield he will let you past. Kill any plants that try to kill you on the way. Talk to the great Deku tree and he will open his mouth, so enter and break the curse on the great Deku tree. Once you walk in follow the wall on the left to find a ladder, climb the ladder leading to the top of the ledge. Continue across the ledge jump onto the branch sticking out of the wall, and from there jump to the next ledge. Continue along the ledge to find a treasure chest with the map of the dungeon inside, don’t bother with the vines yet. Keep moving along to find a door, go in and defeat the Deku shrub using Z targeting and your shield to deflect the nuts that he throws at you back at him. The bars on the door will disappear and walk into the next room. Run and jump onto the stone platform and quickly jump onto the ledge. Open the chest there to get the big prize, the fairy slingshot! Now look back at the entrance and shoot the ladder above the entrance with the slingshot to make it drop. Go back to the main room, back to the vines and shoot all the spiders and then use the vines to climb up to the next level. Once you are there go into the only door that is up there. Step on the switch to make the pillars rise, jump across them to the other end of the room to get the compass in the chest. Now go back to the entrance of the room and take out a Deku stick and light it on fire by putting it in the flame of the torch, once the sick is lit light the other torch on fire to open the door. Now you are back in the main room. Kill one of the spiders to clear the way to jump off, so do so, make sure to land in the middle of the web to break it and fall to the lower level. Swim up to the shallow end of the water and climb onto the ledge on the right. Step on the switch to light the torch. Take a Deku stick and light it on fire and use the shallow water to bring the flaming stick to the other, smaller island and hit the web with the flame. The web will be incinerated, giving you access to the door. Walk in the door and defeat the Deku shrub, take note of what he says:_2,3,1_. It is important. Now shoot the eye above the door to make the bars disappear, and walk in! Now you will be in a room with a spiked pole crossing across the middle of the room, and a grassy platform floating on water crossing underneath it. Walk into the water and push the switch down and to lower the water, quickly get on the platform to get to the other side of the room. Once you are there kill the spider then push the block up to the ledge then make your way up to the door and walk into the next room. You will now be in a smaller room with 3 torches, take out a Deku stick and use the lit torch to light up your Deku stick, no light the other 2 torches to open the door to the next room. You will now be in a round room, do not go in the center of the room, little spiders will drop down from the ceiling if you walk there. So anyway look for a lit torch in the room, walk up to it, light a Deku stick and run directly across the room and burn the spider web. Now crawl threw the now reachable crawlspace and you will find yourself in the first lower room that you fell in by. Now push the block into the water and jump across light a Deku stick, run back and stand on the spider web in the floor and swing the flaming Deku stick to burn the web and you will fall into the final chamber before you reach the boss. Now this is were the Deku shrubs clue comes in, defeat the 3 Deku shrubs in order 2,3,1, the one in the middle then the one on the right and then the one on the left. Now you can enter the bosses lair. By now you should have found the Deku nuts, if not I suggest that you go to the Kokiri shop to buy some because you will need them. Hyrule Field And Market Now that you have obtained the first spiritual stone it is time to leave Kokiri forest. Head to the exit, the guard there will now be out of your way and you are free to come and go as you please. As soon as you leave the forest a cinematic begins, Saria will give you the fairy Ocarina and then you finally leave the forest! As soon as you start to walk you will automatically talk to the owl up in the tree. As soon as he is done follow the path strait in front of you that leads to Hyrule market. But you have to be fast of it will become night time quickly and if you don’t make it there in time the drawbridge to the market will close and you will have to fight Stalcilds all night. Now that you are in the market go strait to the castle. Hyrule Castle Once you are on castle grounds you will talk to the owl again. After he’s done talking head strait up the path and climb up the vines. Run right at the guard to be caught and thrown out, yes, I am serious! Now walk back to the vines and Malon will be standing there, talk to her and she will give you the weird egg. Climb up the vines again and this time jump down to the other side of the gate. Go around the corner and walk up the hill on the left without being seen by the guards up the path, and without be seen by the guard at the top of the hill, just go behind him. Now look for a rocky wall and climb up the rocks. Jump down into the moat and be careful, stay along the side of the wall and the guards wont see you. Walk up the tiny dirt ramp. Now walk around the corner and towards the crates, there will be a strange sound coming from there, don’t worry it is just Malons dad sleeping! I swear the first time I thought it was a sleeping guard dog, but if you take a closer look it will turn out to be a person. As soon as morning hits the egg will hatch, use the chicken to wake up Talon, talk to him and he will run out of the castle very, very, VERY frantically. Now push the milk crates into the water, one on top of the other, and use them to jump to the other side of the stream and into the drain pipe. Now you should be in the Hyrule castle courtyard. Next you will face 5 different series’ of guards that you must sneak past. They can not see you behind walls, or bushes, so just sit there for a little while studying there patrol patterns, and just sneak by! Next you will meet princess Zelda, pay attention to what she says, she will also give you a special note. Next in the same area you will meet the princesses personal guard, don’t worry she is on your side, she will teach you Zeldas Lullaby, then she will help you sneak back out of the castle, don’t worry, you don’t have to do anything, it happens automatically. Lon Lon Ranch Before you can get into Dodongo’s cavern you must learn Sarias song. To do this, you must go to the lost woods, but on the way there you come across LonLon ranch, it is a good idea to go there because there is a bottle there. Walk in and go in the house on the left. You will see Talon sleeping there again, wake him up with the chicken. Then talk to him and he will ask you to play his super-cucco finding game, say no, now take all the chickens and throw them in between Talon and the stairs, then agree to play, this will make the game a lot easier to win. The prize, a bottle of LonLon milk, revives 5 hearts, 2 drinks per bottle, but just empty it and you’ll have a plain old bottle. Next go out of the house and out to the horse,.. area, I don’t know what it is called, you should see Malon there and talk to her 3 or 4 times and then show her your ocarina, then she will teach you Eponas song. Now head for the lost woods. Lost Woods In case you do not know were the lost woods are I will tell you. The entrance is in Kokiri forest. Look for a high ledge and the entrance is in there. From now on just follow the music…, when you get there you will know, anyway, note the directions in the back of your instruction booklet, because you will only be able to hear the music once. Now you will be in the sacred forest meadow. Use the map at the bottom of the screen to make your way throughout the maze. Now show Saria your ocarina and she will teach you Saria’s song. Now head back to Hyrule Field. Kakariko Village, Death Mountain Trail, Goron City The entrance to death mountain is in Kakariko village. Kakariko village is east of Hyrule castle. There you will find a bottle and the house of Skulltula, that is all that the village is useful for at the moment. Now talk to the guard at the gate, give h him Zelda’s note and he will give you access to death mountain. Go all the way up the mountain as far as you can go. Look out for tektites along the way. Now look for a open gate and walk in. You will now be in Goron city. Without wasting any time here just go to the bottom level and play Zelda’s lullaby on the door mat, now go in the door and talk to Durania, then play Saria’s song in front of him and he will give you the Gorons bracelet. Now go out of Goron city and go left, you should see a Goron sitting beside a bomb flower. Take the bomb flower and throw it over the cliff to blow up the boulder blocking the way to the Dodongo’s cavern, this might take a few tries, try throwing from different spots. Now jump straight down and head into the cavern. Dodongo's Cavern Now enter the cave. Here is a hint for the rest of the game. If you see a odd looking wall like the one you should be seeing in front of you, hit it with your sword, if it makes a weird sound, blow it up. Now walk into the real Dodongo’s cavern. Now you must first get onto the ledge on the right, there is a ladder on the far side of the ledge. Now that you are up there just blow up the dirt wall closest to the entrance. Run down the zigzag hallway, wachout for the baby Dodongo’s. Now push the statue on the switch then go into the next room. Walk down the hallway, lookout for the keese on the walls. Walk into the next room to fight 2 lizalfos. Walk threw the now open door. In the next room are 3 Dodongo’s, kill them then light the 3 torches to open the door at the other end of the room. Go down the passage and step on the switch. Now go to the ledge on the other side of the room to the now open room. In that room put a bomb flower in the gap of bomb flowers, when it detonates it will create a stairway. Climb up the stairway, and up the ramp into the next room. Now move the statue covering the ladder, the other ones will attack you. Climb the ladder and step on the switch. Go into the next door. Now walk across the bridge and go into the switch on the other side. Now you will be in a room that has narrow passageways, and spike blocks. Get to the other side of the room and jump onto the block then up the ladder. Jump to a ledge with a chest and a bomb flower. Take the bomb flower and destroy the dirt wall. Now go into the hallway, there are a lot of baby Dodongo’s in there, get into the next room at the end of the hallway. You’ll be in a narrow and long room with a platform in the middle, the platform will be on fire, at the other end of the room shoot the eye to stop the flame and jump across. Now you will be in a long hallway with a lot of baby Dodongo’s. Go down the hallway to the door. In the next room there are 2 Lizalfos, so, kill, kill, kill!!!!!!! Now go threw the door and there will be 2 flaming platforms, shoot the eye at the other end of the room, that will stop 1 flaming platform, now look to your left, you will see another one, shoot it, now jump across. In the next room jump across to the other ledge and on your right you will find the grand prize of the Dodongo’s cavern, the bomb bag! Go threw the dark passage and you will be back in the main room, but on the second floor, step on the switch to make one of the platforms on the first floor rise up the second, it will circulate so if you die you can easily get back up there. Now go to the bridge and drop bombs into the giant skulls eyes to make the mouth fall revealing a door. Go threw that door and take the passage on the left, once you are in the next room go down a little lower by going left, and go up to the block and pulling it so that it will be aligned with the other block. Now climb onto that block and push the other one off the ledge. Now take that block and push it to the other side of the room, align it with the block at the other end of the room and climb to the other side, run threw the passageway and push the block there off the ledge and into the whole in the ground to hold the switch down to open the final door. In that room put a bomb in the odd looking spot in front of the chest to open a way down to the lower levels of the cavern to fight the Infernal Dinosaur: King Dodongo. Zora's River, Zora's Domain, and Lake Hylia Once you have defeated King Dodongo Durania will give you the Gorons Ruby. Now head for Zora’s River! Once you get in talk to the owl and then blow up the boulders blocking your way. Next run and jump across the tiny stream. You need to use the path-like ground as a guideline of were to run. Now go left and run up the bridge like path and you will get to the high ledge. Now continue to the end of the ledge and jump off. Climb onto the little elevation near the tiny water fall and climb onto the elevation on the right. Jump across the water and up the hill and across the bridge. Now you will see a huge water fall, go up the path on the right and turn right and jump onto the path going under the one you are standing on, now go left and stand on the stone ground and play Zelda’s Lullaby there and the water fall will nearly dry up, giving you access to Zora’s Domain. As soon as you walk into Zora’s Domain you pretty much get a view of the entire place, so anyway just follow the signs leading to King Zora. Once you are in King Zora’s chamber take the passage on the left to get to the diving game. Win the diving game to get the silver scale, now dive back into the water and go through the underwater passage, to lake Hylia, you will find a bottled letter underwater near were you came out of. Once you’ve gotten it go back to Zora’s domain and show King Zora, he will _move_over_ and there you will find the passage way to Zora’s fountain. Before you go to Zora’s fountain you should have a fish in a bottle, there are some swimming around in the water near the Zora shop. Now that you are in Zora’s fountain put the fish in front of the giant fish(Jabbu-Jabbu) and he will suck you into his mouth along with the fish. Then begins the 3rd dungeon. Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly As soon as you walk in, run all the way to the other side of the room to the door. Then turn around and use your slingshot to hit the yellow switch on the ceiling. Go into the next room and carefully make your way to the door on the other side of the room. The next room will be filled with holes and jelly-fish, so just in this guide I am going to call it the hole room. In the hole room you will meet Princess Ruto. She will fall down one of the holes, follow her down the same one. You will meet up with her right away, again, talk to her twice, she will now sit down and you must carry her on your shoulders. Bring her into the door behind you. Just carefully run through this hallway to the next room. The next room should have a shallow pool of water in the middle of it. jump into the water and throw Ruto onto the ledge on the other side of the room. Now you step on the switch, raising the water so you can get to the ledge. Pick up Ruto and keep going. Go into the hallway in front of you and hit the yellow switch on the ceiling to open the door and keep going. In the next room you must just put Ruto down and put up your shield, of if you don’t have a shield, pull out your slingshot, you must fight the Octorok, kill him the same way as the Deku shrub. Now pick up Ruto and jump on the elevator, when it comes. You will be brought to the second room of the dungeon. Jump on the floor and go back into the hole room. This time, instead of just going down a hole, go into the other door on the other side of the room. The place you will be in now will have 3 main passages, there are 2 secondary ones in the left and right ones that lead to doors, the 2 secondary ones plus the center passage is blocked by a electrified slimy thing that you cannot pass, yet. First go in the right passage and into the door. Kill all the enemies in the room to get the boomerang. Now go in the room in the left passage and kill the tentacle hanging from the ceiling using the boomerang and Z-targeting techniques, once it’s dead you will receive the the map, plus the red slimy things will be gone in the secondary passages. Now exit that room and go into the secondary passage on the left, go into the room behind the door and pop all the bubbles in under 40 seconds to get the compass. Now go to the secondary passage in the right passage and kill the tentacle there to make the red slimy thing in the center passage disappear. Now go into the room in the center passage and kill the jelly-fish and the green tentacle to make the green slimy thing in the hole room disappear. Now go to the hole room and go down the now available hole. Go down the passage and through the door. In this room, throw Ruto onto the platform, the platform will rise, you will hear a scream and back down comes a giant Octorok, known as GiantOcto. To kill the GiantOcto just chase him around the central platform, once you get close enough just throw your boomerang _ahead_ of him to pick up the movement. Then attack his obvious weak spot with you sword, after you’ve gotten him 3 times, let him hit you, then get him with the boomerang, you cannot chase him, he is too fast. Now go up the elevator, down the passage and through the door. Now, in this room, hit the red, moving platforms with you boomerang, then jump from one to another to the door. The next room is the last room before the boss, climb the vines in this room and lock onto the switch and throw your boomerang to hit it, no go into the door... Temple Of Time As soon as you are totally prepared head for Hyrule castle. As soon as you approach the gate a cinematic will begin. It will be like the beginning of the game except this time Zelda will throw something into the moat. When the little movie is over jump into the moat and retrieve the Ocarina of Time. As soon as you get the Ocarina of Time you will be taught the song of time by Zelda (somehow). Now head into the market and into the Temple of Time. Play the song of time in front of the altar in the temple. The door of time will open, so walk in. There you will find the Master sword. Pull it out of the pedestal of time… A blue light will surround you as you warp to the sacred realm, but as you do so, Gannondorf enters the sacred realm with you and he takes the Triforce. You, are held there for 7 years. When you finally wake up you will be in the temple of light. You will now be older. You will talk with Rauru the sage of light, listen to what he says because it is very important to know. Then he will warp you back to the temple of time, only in the future. You will almost instantly meet Shiek, she will give you further instructions on what to do. Then walk out of the temple of time and into the Market to get a glimpse of what hell’s like. Graveyard Head out of the hellish town and head for Kakariko village. You will find that most of the people from the market are now in the village. Any way head to the back of the village, or near the chicken lady, that is were the entrance is. Now that you are in head up the path on the left. You should notice that there is a new grave, if not just pull open the grave with flowers in front of it. Now will fall into Dampés grave. You will see the ghostly Dampé waving at you. He will ask you to race him. If you can keep up with him then he will give you his treasure, the hookshot. Be careful he tries to cheat by throwing fireballs at you, but just use it as a guideline to tell you that you are on the right track. Head into the next room and play the song of time in front of the blue block(this works for all of these blue blocks) to make it disappear. Then head into the door. You will be in the windmill! Just get out of the windmill for now. Now head to Kokiri forest. Kokiri Forest, Sacred Forest Meadow Once you enter the forest something might seem different. There are monsters everywhere! So just un-peacefuly make your way to the lost woods. In the lost woods you will know if you are on the right track if you meet Mido, play Saria’s song, and he will let you past. There just make your way to the sacred forest meadow using those directions you were supposed to write down. Well when you get to the sacred forest meadow you will have to be careful… make your way through the meadow using your map. Then when you get to the final spot, were Saria is, were Saria was. In a cinematic it will show Link run up to the tree stump in shock to see that Saria is not there. Then Shiek will appear and teach you the minuet of the forest, which will warp you there anytime. Now use the hookshot on the tree branch to get to the entrance, now walk in. Forest Temple As you walk in you will be in a little courtyard, kill the 2 wolves, then climb up the vines in the east wall, then jump from tree to tree to find a chest with a key in it. Now jump down and enter the real Temple. Kill the spider with your sword, arrows or hookshot. Then proceed to the next room. You will see four ghosts fly away in 4 separate directions. Go to the door straight ahead and proceed throughout the little hallway, kill the flaming skull, and into the next room, where you must kill 2 Stalfos to get a key. Head back to the main room and find a big blue block. Play the song of time in front of it to make it disappear. Now go into the next room. In the next room there is a giant man eating plants, this one is harder than the one in Kokiri Forest. Well climb the vines, look out for Skullwalltula’s, climb the vines up to the door. Go onto the door and kill the flaming skull, you get a map for a reward. Next you will be back in the Giant plant room. black and white target on the left somewhere and use the hookshot to get there. Step on the switch to lower the water in the well. Jump down and go into the well. Go through the under ground tunnel. There is a chest with a key inside at the end. Then climb up the vines in front of you. Exit the room you are in and go up the stairs directly in your right and unlock the door. Walk in and kill the flaming skull. Then climb the ladder right in front of you. Then climb the other ladder on your right. Turn left through the archway and look at the painted arrows on the ground. Turn directly left and pull the block as far as necessary, until it can fit down the hallway. Then push it down the hallway in the direction that the arrows were pointing in. once it is pushed up against the wall turn around and go forward and turn right were the block originally was, then make 2 more rights. You will now be behind the block. Push it as far as you can, then climb up the block and onto the ledge. Continue and you will see yellow arrows on the ground. Turn left and pull the red block as far as possible then turn around and go back down to were the blue block originally was. Climb the ladder and turn right. Push the red block up against the wall. Then head back, down the ladder and up the blue block. Push the red block as far as you can. Then climb the red block and up the ledge. Then turn right then right again, then climb the ladder. You now will be in a room with 2 flaming skulls. Kill them then unlock the door. You will be in a twisted hallway. Head through it to the twisted room. Jump to the platform in front of you and look to your right and jump there then unlock the door, you have to be quick moving in this room because of the shadows of monsters. Proceed forward and all the way down the stairs and through the door at the bottom. You will now be in a room with a hole in the middle of it. Then a Stalfos knight will appear. Kill him and a platform will drop from the ceiling, blocking off the hole. Then 2 more Stalfos knights will appear. Kill the first one, then be very quick killing the other one because if you are not quick, another will appear. Anyway, the fairy bow is your prize. Then head back from were you came and shoot any ghosts in pictures with the fairy bow, once you get the 3rd, a ghost will appear. Then head back to the Stalfos room and you will meet the ghost in the way, kill it. You will get a key for killing it, then head back into the room beside the torch. Then go through the door on the other side of the room. You will now be in another staircase room. Do the same thing to the blue ghost as to the red. Your reward the is time, the compass. Now go ALL the way back to just outside the twisted hallway and shoot the eye switch to make the hallway straight. Walk all the way to the twisted room. Jump down and get the boss key in the golden chest, then jump down the hole. Kill the 2 flaming skulls to open the door. You will now be in the plant room, but on a higher ledge. Kill the giant plant and go into the door on your 2nd right. There will be a _hand_ in there. When it turns green, put up you shield, then hit it twice with your sword. Then kill all the pieces as fast as you can. You get a key for kill the floormaster. Walk out and turn right. You will be back in the blue/red block puzzle room, just go all the way up to the top. Shoot the eye switch to re-twist the room. Go back to the twisted room and jump to the next room. Now head all the way to were you got the compass, then head to the top of the stairs and unlock the door. You will be in another twisted room, with shadows of monsters, take the ladder on the right. Go down the hallway filled with green flaming skulls. Unlock the door o go to the next room. In the next room there are 4 platforms spinning around one. The one has a torch on it. Also, on the east side of the room there is a frozen eye switch. Jump onto one of the spinning ones and pull out you bow and arrow and aim at the eye switch. Wait until the eye switch and the torch are aligned, then shoot. That will twist the hallway you were just in. go back to the twisted room and jump down the hole. In this room a certain part of the ceiling will fall down. Make your way to the switch and to the door without being crushed. In the next room shoot the painting to make the puzzle blocks fall. Assemble them in the proper position to make the yellow Poe appear, kill him to open the door. You will be back in the main room. Jump down to the center of the room, to fight the purple Poe. It will split up into four, the real one will do a spin, just kill it with the bow and arrow. Then now when all four torches are lit the elevator will appear. Go down. In this room just push the walls that are sticking out of the walls to rotate the room. Just keep pushing it until you step on all the switches to open the gates to eventually get to the bosses lock, unlock it with the boss key and walk … Goron City Well now that you have beaten the forest temple, and you have obtained the forest medallion from Saria, you must head back to Goron City, While you are traveling up the mountain you may notice that there are giant rolling boulders everywhere. Do your best to avoid them and enter Goron City. But something might seem wrong, NOBODY’S THERE! The only thing that is there is a small rolling Goron named . Detonate a bomb in front of him and he will stop. Talk to him and you will find out that he is Durania’s son! And that Durania named his son after you. Anyway, he will be crying, just talk to him to calm him down and he will tell you what happened to all the other Gorons. Then he will give you the Goron tunic. He will open the shop and the door leading to Durania’s room. Jump down to the lowest level and go into the shop and get all the stuff you think you might need. Then go into Durania’s room. Take a good look at the bird statue, stand up against it and you will notice that the action icon says grab, so pull the statue out of the wall, that will reveal an opening. Put on your Goron tunic and enter the inferno that is Death Mountain Crater. Death Mountain Crater Now that you are in the crater look to your left for a bridge, walk up to it and use the hookshot on the log on the other side to cross the broken part. Walk forward as the cinematic starts, Sheik appears and will teach you the Bolero of Fire, then mysteriously disappears. Now, go left into the stone entryway and climb down the ladder, once you reach the bottom, turn around and walk forward to enter the fire temple. Fire Temple As you enter, run up the stairs and into the door on your left. You will instantly meet Durania and he will tell you all that you need to know about Volvagia and freeing the Gorons. When you regain control of Link, jump to the little platform on your left and look to your right and jump across the 2 other platforms to the final platform, step on the switch to open the gate to free the Goron, he will tell you some tips, that goes the same for the rest of the Gorons that you rescue, get the key in the back of his cell, then jump back to the door and exit. Run to the other side of the room and unlock the door and walk in. From here, run across the bridge and down the wooden plank on you right. Then follow the platform running along the wall to get to a stone platform, climb up onto the stone part and bomb the stone part of the wall. That will reveal a door, go through it and run to the end of the passageway, step on the switch to free the Goron, and get the key in his cell. Walk all the way back to the room with the broken bridge. Use the platforms scattered across the lava to get across to the other side of the room were this another stone platform, but this time, you don’t have to bomb anything, just walk into the door and run down the passageway and step on the switch to free the Goron, and get the key in his cell. Now walk all the way back and step out of the stone alcove and walk down the platform on your left, follow it to a locked door. Walk in and slide down the plank, then climb up the fence on your right, run across to the half-way point of the bridge, kill the 2 bats, and jump down to the platform below, push the block off the ledge, then quickly jump on top of it. Then use it as an elevator (trust me :) Unlock the door in the little door in that room, walk through it to walk into the giant rolling boulder maze. Go through the maze and collect 2 keys from 2 Gorons, then you must find the locked door. When you go through the locked door, carefully get accross the little paths, to not fall down. Unlock the door in that room and then continue. Now go back to the room with the fence like floor. Look for a locked door. Run and jump to the ledge were it is, it is easy to get there unlock the door and run down the passageway and through the door. In this room look for locked door on the left side of the room. Unlock it and run through the next room and all the way into the next. Make your way to the switch in plain sight and step on it. That will make the firewall fall, quickly run up to the ledge were the firewall was and plant a bomb in front of the fake door. That will reveal a real door. Step through and you will face a mini-boss. He is very easy to beat, all you need is the hookshot and your sword, lock onto him with Z-targeting, and use the hookshot, then use your sword on the black thing that you pull out. Once he is dead, climb up the stairs and stand on the platform, the platform will rise bringing you up to the next floor. In the next room go around the corner on the left and climb up the fence, then look down the ledge on your right and shoot the switch to lower the fire around the other fence area on the wall, quickly climb up the fence on the eastern wall and go through the door and climb up the ledge and step up to the switch that is in plain sight and step on it. Then run up the stairs that are to the right of the switch. Run all the way up as fast as you can, if you are fast enough, you will get to the chest with the megaton hammer inside before the flames suround it again. Run all the way back down the stairs to the entrance to the room and stand on the little platform and swing the megaton hammer, this will make the platform drop to a room below. Hit the statue with the megaton hammer to reveal a door, go though it and kill the bats that will immediately face. Then stand on the tiny platform and swing the megaton hammer, this will form some stairs leading down to a door, before you go, turn around and pick up a crate, then go all the way down and step on the blue switch and put the crate down on top of it. Then go through the door. In this room, stand on the tiny platform and swing the megaton hammer, you will then drop to the huge room, now, jump to the ledge on your right and hit the rusted switch with the megaton hammer, then go through the door and jump to the ledge on the other side and play the song of time in front of the blue block, then hit the rusted switch with the megaton hammer, then turn around and jump down below and talk to the Goron and get the key in his cell. Then climb up the blue block and jump to the ledge with the door, and go through the door. Now jump to the platform with the tiny platform, hit the tiny platform with the megaton hammer, be sure to stand on though, then you will drop all the way down to were you met Durania. Now, go out of that room, go downt the stairs in the main room and turn left, hit the statue with the hammer and unlock the door. Kill all the enemeys in the next room to open the door. In the next room, kill all the flying tiles and the LikeLike to open the door on the left of the room. Now in the next room you will face the mini-boss again, but this time he will be harder, this time when you kill him, a key will appear. Get the key and go through the door that is now open. Hit the rusted switch with the megaton hammer and free the Goron. Get the Boss key in his cell and go out the door in front of you. Go up the stairs on the left and into the door on the left, jump accross the pillar to the final room, unlock the giant door with the boss key and enter the final chamber, to meet the boss. Zora's Fountain After you have beaten the Fire Temple, head for Zora’s River, you must just head straight to were Jabbu-Jabbu was in the past, once you are there, go to the platform were Jabbu-Jabbu used to be and jump from platform to platform in a western direction, you will get to a cave opening and go inside. Walk in, inside is the ice cavern. Ice Cavern As you walk in, follow the passage to a room with a spiked block circulating around the room, very quickly, kill the Freezzards to open the door. Follow the passage to a room with a spinning ice blade, in this room, collect all the silver rupees to open the door on a high ledge. Go through it and follow another passageway to another room. Run through it avoiding the spiked blocks and the Freezzards. Go around the corner and down the stairs. Jump up onto the ledge closest to the entrance. Kill the freeboard and any ice keese that might attack you, then jump to the ledge on your left and then to the one with blue fire on it. Bottle some of the blue fire and then go back out of the room and backtrack to the room were you collected the silver rupees, jump straight down from the ledge to the red ice and melt it with the blue fire. Go down the passageway to another room, first use your bow and arrow to kill all the ice keese and then push the block around to get all the silver rupees, then get some blue fire if you don’t have any and then use the block to get to the now open door. Go through it and down the passageway, kill the Freezzard and use blue fire to melt the blocks and continue, down the hallway and open the door, in the next room kill the white Wolfos to make a chest appear. Open it to get the iron boots, then a cinematic will start and Sheik will teach you the Serenade of water. Once it is over, head to Zora’s Domain. In Zora’s Domain, use blue fire to unfreeze King Zora, talk to him and he will give you the Zora Tunic, then play the Serenade of Water... Lake Hylia After you play the serenade of water, you will be warped to the warp tile in Lake Hylia, run into the water, in the direction you are facing. Then put on the Iron boots and the Zora Tunic and sink to the bottom of the lake. You should land on a stone floor, look above the gate for a diamond shaped object, hit it with your hookshot, that will open the gate, then enter the water temple. Water Temple When you enter the temple, take off the iron boots, you will rise to the surface of the water, then swim up onto the ledge in front of you. Jump into the water in front of you and swim up to the ledge that is to the right from were you are. Run down the passage and jump into the little pool of water, put on the iron boots to start sinking, Go around the corner and pull the red block as far as it will go. Then turn around and go back to the end of the passage, take off the iron boots and float to the top. Go out of the passage and turn around and put the iron boots back on, take them off when you float a little under the 1st passage you see underwater, swim into it and put on the iron boots. Walk around the corner and kill all the manta rays, then take out your hookshot and fire it at the hookshot target. Then turn around and shoot the one on the ceiling that is furthest from you. You will drop on front of a crystal switch, turn around and you will see a big chest with a water guise around it, run up to the chest, then aim the hookshot or a arrow at the switch and that will drop the guiser, open the chest to get the compass. Then backtrack all the way back to the main room. As you walk out of the passage, you will see 2 pots, well, ignore them and just jump off the ledge and you will fall to the temple floor. Turn around and go into the passage, at the end in a little room, you will encounter your _fiancé_, Princess Ruto! She will ask you to follow her, float up the same way she goes and when you get to the surface of the water, she will be gone! Well, anyway, climb up onto solid ground and stand in front of the Triforce symbol on the wall and play Zelda’s Lullaby in front of it. That will drain the water all the way to the bottom, but don’t jump down yet, go through the door in the little room and kill all the spiky balls to make a chest with the map inside appear. Then turn around and head out the door. Jump down the hole to the bottom of the room, and if you might notice, one of the torches will be lit. Stand behind the lit torch and fire an arrow through the fire at the unlit troches, this will take a few tries but you will eventually get it. Anyway, that will open the door, so walk in and kill all the clam monsters to make a chest with a key appear. Turn around and walk out the door. Go back through the passage to the main room. Now go around the tower in the middle of the main room and climb up onto the platform on the other side. Then push the block into the water. Then put on the iron boots and dive down after it. Once you fall on it, turn around and walk all the way up to the wall, then take off the iron boots and float up to a room with a huge gap in the middle of it. shoot the blue tektite on the other side of the room with an arrow, then hit the crystal switch on your right, then use the water guiser that rise to jump across the gap to the other side of the room. Go through the door and jump into the whirlpool of water, first though, look to see were the metal pipe is, when you are overtop of the pipe, then put on the iron boots. Then hit the switch in the mouth of the statue with the hookshot, then take off the iron boots and swim into the mouth of the tunnel, then put the iron boots back on and walk to the end of the passage, ignore the clam monsters and take off the iron boots and float to the surface of the water. Get on the _solid ground_ and open the chest to get a key. Then hit the switch beside the chest and put the iron boots on and drop back into the water and get out of the passage before the gate closes. Then take off the iron boots and let the current take you back to the platform were the door is, or use the hookshot. Get out of the room. Walk forward and kill the blue tektite, then use an arrow to hit the crystal switch, then jump across the guiser to get to the other side of the room. Put on the iron boots and sink back into the water and go to the other side, stand on the block and hookshot your way back up to the suface. Follow the passage back to the main room. Run up to the _right_ side of the tower in the middle of the room (from were you are) and unlock the door. Walk to the far side of the room and look up and to your right. Hookshot up to the platform and play Zelda’s Lullaby in front of the triforce symbol on the wall in front of you. That will make the water level rise to the second floor. Climb up onto the platform that is now beside you and put on the iron boots and jump down, sink down the hole at the bottom. Go down the passageway and turn left, run up to the crystal switch and hit it with the hookshot, kill all the clam monsters and the spiky balls that fall out of the gate on the ceiling. Once they are all dead, that will make the other gate in the ceiling open, stand under it and take off the iron boots and float to the surface. Get on the platfrom with the chest on it to get the key inside. Then backtrack all the way back to the room inside the main room. Float all the way back to surface in the little room, were you raised the water level, get on the platform in there and jump to the platform were the door is, open it and exit that room. Now that you are back in the main room, turn left on the little ledge and put on the iron boots and jump off, run down the passage in front of you (in case you didn’t turn left, it is the one with 2 torches in front of it) and run all the way into the room, take off the iron boots and you will rise all the way to the suface, get onto the platform and bomb the cracked part of the wall, get the key in the chest inside. Then backtrack to the main room. Once you are back in the main room, rise to the top, then climb up onto the platform that surounds the tower in the middle of the room. Then look around for a locked door, once you see it, hookshot over there and unlock the door. Now in this room, stand near the guiser until a blue tektite falls from above, kill it, then stand on the guiser and shoot the crystal switch with an arrow, the guiser will take you up and into the next room, exit the empty room through the door and play Zelda’s Lullaby in front of the triforce symbol on the wall on your right. That will make the water level rise to th 3rd level. Then jump onto the platform that surounds the tower in the middle of the room. Hookshot to the locked door that is nearby, very nearby. Go through it and kill the 2 keese on the walls. Then walk off the ledge to the platform below, then drop to the one that is below that one, then, use your hookshot on the moving platforms, get from one to another until you get to the top. Then go throught the locked door. Start off by killing all the blue tektites in the room, then hit the switch in the middle of the room. Then hookshot to the statue in front of you, then go around the corner and hit it again. Then hookshot to the hookshot in front of you, then climb on top of the head of the statue and get down and go around the corner, then hit the switch again, then hookshot to the target on the statue, then hit the switch again. Climb onto the head of the statue’s head and hit the switch for the last time. Then climb up to the ledge and kill the likelike, then hookshot over the spikes and go through the door. In the next room, prepare for the fight of your life. I am not going to spoil how to defeat Dark Link for you, I am only going to say 2 things: 1-It is extremely fun to fight him with just the master sword and your shield. 2-The main idea here is to Conquer Yourself! After you have defeated Dark Link, the area that you were in will turn into a room, and the bars on the door leading to the next room will be gone, walk into the room and walk up to the big chest and open it to get the upgrade for the hookshot, the longshot! Then look behind the chest to find a blue block in the floor, play the song of ime on it to make it dissapear, then you will fall to the underground tunnell below you. Put on the iron boots and struggle your way through the water filled with whirlpools and get to the spot at the end, use the longshot to get on the platform and hit the eye switch to open the gate. Use the longshot on the little chest to get accross, then open the little chest to get a key. Then go down the passage on your right and drop down into a room that will be fammiliar to you, from there get back to the main room, sink to the bottom and go down the passage with 2 torches in front of you. In the room, rise to the top of the water and climb up onto the plarform, play Zelda’s Lullaby in front of the triforce symbol to drain the water completely, then jump down and head to the main room. Go back into the room in the tower that is in the middle of the room and longshot up to the triforce symbol ont the wall, play Zelda’s Lullaby and that will make the water rise to the second level. Then exit the room, then look for a gate with a eye switch under it. Hit the eye switch to open the gate, then use the longshot to get to the other side. Then turn left and push the block as far as it goes. Then turn around and turn left, open the chest to get a key. Then turn around and walk to the end of the passage. Look up and longshot yourself to the passage on the higher floor. Run around the corner and kill the tektite and longshot yourself to the central tower (by know I think you know what I meen). On the second floor, look for the room with the crystal switch and the guiser, remember, stand on the guiser and shoot the switch and that will make the guiser rise, watch out for the tektite. At the top, go trought door in the empty room and play Zelda’s Lullabye in front of the triforce symbol on the wall. That will make the water rise to the 3rd floor. (and this is the last time you will have to change the water level...YAAAAAY!) Jump off the little ledge and into the water, equip the iron boots and enter the passage on the left from were you are. Get all the way to the end of the passageway, were the spikes are, then turn around and longshot your away up, then longshot accross the spikes to the locked door, open it and enter the next room. In the next room, shoot all the blue tektites with arrows from were you are, then make your way to the door on the other side of the room avoiding the vortexes and the boulders. In the next room, jump down to the platform on the right. Then turn around and bomb the weakened wall. Then go inside the tunel and turn the corner, grab the block and pull it as far as possible. Then get out of the tunel and go to the ledge on the other side. Bomb that weakened wall and push the block all the way to the end. Then go back accross to the other ledge and pull the block as far as you can, then go to the other platform and go down the tunel and push the block into the water, it will land on a switch and make the water rise. Now get on the now reachable platform and climb up the stairs and go through the door. Now, in the next room there will be a huge gap in the middle of the room, kill the 2 tektites on the other side with some arrows and then stand on the switch to make 3 guisers rise, jump accross them to get to the other side, now go though the door. Now you will be in one of the boulder producing machines, put on the iron boots and wait t’ill a boulder passes by and then jump in and go right, fall down the hole and turn the corner, kill the clam monster and float up, unlock the door with your last key. Now just simply get the boss key, save your game, and reset the game, now you will be back in the main room! It is hell trying to backtrack through all that. Now that you are back in the main room, look for a dragon statue with a longshot target on it, longshot over to it and go through the door, now get up the reamp without getting hit by the spiked blocks, it will take a few tries, when you get there, open the golden lock to get to the boss of the water temple, for details on him, see the bosses section. Kakariko Village ( Future ) After you beat the water temple it is time to head for Kakriko villiage, for there is something going down there. Once you get there, watch the cinamatic of the burning house and the shadow monster. After it is over, Sheik will explain the critical situation to you, then she will teach y ou the Nocturne of Shadow. After she is gone, head up to the windmill and talk to the guy playing the song, show him your Ocarina and he will teach you the song of storms claiming that you taught it to him as a child. Then play the prelude of light wich you sure as hell should have learned by now, and go back in time. Kakariko Village ( Past ) After you have gone back in time, go back to Kakariko villiage and go up into the windmill and play the song of storms, that will cause all the water in the well to drain out of the well. Exit the windmill and climb down the ladder leading into the Kakariko well dongeon. As you enter walk forward and crawl through the little tunel in front of you. Climb down the ladder that is on the other side. Kill the skulltula in the middle of the hallway. Then walk up to the skelleton and walk through the fake wall that is beside him. Go around the pool of water and head down the hallway on the left. Turn right on the first turn and follow it until you see a passge on your right. Go down it and stand on the triforce symbol and play Zelda’s lullaby, that will drain all the water in the well. Now, continue down the passageway and turn right. Then go all the way to the end of that passage and turn right. Jump down the now drained pool and crawl though the tunell. Kill the Skulltula in the room and then climb up the fence to get to a door. Go through it to get to the mini-boss (and only boss) of the dongeon. Walk up to one of the hands and let it grab you. That will make the boss appear. Frantically push all the bottons that you can to break free, then stand right in front of the boss and wait untill he lowers his head, then quickly hit his head with your sword, repeat the process to beat him. Then open the big trasure chest that will appear to get the lens of truth. And then use it and look behind the big chest to find a little chest with a gold rupee inside! Well, then play the prelude of light and warp to the temple of time, then, take the master sword from the pedestal and become an adult again. Then play the Nocturne of Shadow that Sheik taught you to warp to the graveyard. Graveyard, Shadow Temple Once you warp to the graveyard, you will notice that you in a place that you can normaly see, but can’t reach, well, turn around and walk down the stairs towards what looks like (to me anyway) and eye??? Well, stand on the little platform in the middle of the groupe of torches and use Din’s fire to light all the torches, that will open the large stone door, revealing the path to the shadow temple. When you walk in, turn the corner on the right and use the longshot to cross the gap. Then walk directly through the wall. You will be in a room with a stone statue of a bird and about 8 skull statues surrounding it. Walk towards the bird statue to get the clue about turning the beak to the real skull statue or fall into the pit of infinite darkness. Use the lens of truth to see the right one then push the beak so that it faces the real skull. That will open the stone mouth on the other side of the room. Then, turn on the lens of truth and look for a fake wall. Walk through it and run through the other fake wall at the other end of the passageway.In the next room, put on the lens of truth, turn left then right, through the wall, then kill the re-dead and the 2 keese for the map. Then exit back into the little maze and turn left and right, through the wall, then go through the door. Now you will be in a room identicle to the previouse one. Turn right, then left, keep walking all the way through the wall to enter the room with the mini-boss. He is the same as the guy in the Kakariko well, but now, you have the lens of truth to fight him, and that makes a difference. Instead of making the hands grab you to make the boss appear, turn on the lens of truth and look for a shadow in the ground, then drop a bomb on it and it will make the boss appear, then just go for his head! The a chest will appear with the hover boots inside! Then backtrack all the way back to the room with the bird statue, this time, look on the other side of the balck pit, put on the hover boots and hover all the way across the pit of drakness, but, run as fast as you can, because, the hover boots don’t last very long, the best way is to to roll off the ledge to get extra distance. Then run down the long passage and kill the beamos statue with a bomb, then play the song of storms to make a faerie appear. Then use the lens of truth and go through the door on the right (from were you came in). Kill the 2 Gibdo’s (mummified version of the re-dead, much harder to defeat) to get the compass. Then exit the room and kill the beamos statue and walk through the passage directly in front of you. Go through the door and now you should be in a room with a statue with 2 HUGE balds on it, plus, it is spining! The pupose of this room is to get a key. So, get all the silver rupees and that will open the tiny gate in the room, revealing the little chest with the key inside. Then carefully exit the room and bomb the wall on the left. Unlock the door on the other side. The next passage is filled with skulltula’s. To easily get through, just look on the ground for shadows and when you see one, throw a bomb near it and caustiously walk towards it. When the skulltula comes down, the bomb will detonate, and kill it. After you have cleared the passage, carefully make your way past the huge knives, watch out for the one that is inbetween 2 of the knives.Then make your way through the passageway to the next room there, drop to the other platform and jump through the 2 giant knives to a platform that seems to have nothing on it, but as soon as you lay a foot on it, a stalfos appears. Once you kill it, jump to the platform that is rising and droping, it is pretty hard to do at first, but once you get on it, jump to the ledge on the other side, also very hard to do. Collect all the silver rupees, then kill the beamos statue to get the last one that is under it. that will open the cage like door. Walk through it and go all the way to the room were there are spikes falling from the platforms of the ceiling, use the lens of truth on the wall on your right and pull the block out of the wall and use it as a sheild. Push it until both platforms are falling on the block, then go around and pull the block as far as you can. Then climb up on top of it and then jump to the ledge on the left. Then, when the platform drops on the block, jump on top of it, then jump to the other side. Step on the switch to make a chest appear on the other side of the room, then use the longshot on it to get over there and then open it to get a key. Then exit the room. Use the lens of truth to see 2 invisible platforms and jump to them and then to the locked door, look in the direction of the locked door, that is were the platforms are. Now in the next room, immediately start using the lens of truth. Kill the 2 re-deads, then get all the silver rupees to open a door in the room. Go into that room and climb up the stairs and throw a bomb flower into the giant skull head to make it explode and out will pop a key. Then kill all the keese in the room to open the door again. Go back to the room with the spikes and use the lens of truth to see the hookshot target above the locked door, longshot up there and unlock the door. In the next passage put on your iron boots and walk through the passage until you get to a gap, use the longshot to cross (the wooden plank on the ceiling). Then drop down and start walking towards the door on the other side, when the eye above the door throws a flame at you, just do a role attack, that will give you enough to avoid it. Walk into the room at the other side of the hallway and kill the 2 re-deads and listen to the clue that the face in the wall tells you. Exit the room and put on the hover boots and run in the direction that the 1st fan pushes you, or use the lens of truth to see the fake wall, well anyway you choose to do it, that is fine. Go through the door and plant a bomb on the garbage pile ont he right of were you came in. Then use the lens of truth to see the invisible chest, open it to get a key. Then kill anything in the room, just make it to the locked door, open the locked door. In the next room look to your left and pull the block onto the stone path. Then push it as far as you can push it, then climb up onto it, climb the ladder from there and jump onto the boat. Stand on the triforce symbol and play Zelda’s Lullaby. That will start up the boat. As the boat moves along, kill any stalfos that you may meet along the way, then when you get to the end, quickly jump off the boat to dry land. Then head in the door nearby. In there, use the lens of truth to get through the little maze (while avoiding the floormasrters). First, head in the door on the left, use the lens of truth to see the floor master, and kill it, that will make a chest appear with a key inside, get it, and exit the room. Then head into the one on the right (from were you entered the room the first time. Once you enter, to wooden walls with spikes all over them will start to, well, I can’t really explain what happens, just use Din’s Fire to get out of this mess. Then kill all the re-deads in the room to make the golden chest appear. Get the boss key inside. Then exit the room and exit the maze. Once you are back in the room were you de-docked from the boat. Look on the other side of the lake and look for a statue with a whole bunch of bomb flowers at the base of it (it should be at the far side). Shoot one of the bomb flowers with an arrow and it will make the statue fall, making a bridge for you cross. Cross it and unlock the door on the other side. In the next room, start using the lens of truth to see the invisible platforms, then use the hover boots to cross to the other side, to the golden lock and unlock it with the boss key. In the next and final room, just drop down the hole (wich is most likely to happen if you unlocked the golden lock with the hover boots on, because there is no traction, and...) Gerudo Valley, Gerudo Fortress, Haunted Wasteland After you retrieve the shadow medalion from Impa, head out for Gerudo Valley. If you don’t know were that is, use your map. Once you get there go up to the broken bridge and use Epona or the longshot to cross it. Then talk to the guy standing next to the tent and he will ask you to get his workers back from the fortress, so head into the fortress, walk right up to one of the guards to get captured and put into a cell. Once you are in the cell, look striaght up and use the longshot on the wooden part of the window to get into the window area. From there pull out your bow and arrow and shoot all the guards you can, you cannot kill the ones in white. Then drop down to the ground (and I repeat, TO THE GROUND!)then enter the door on the right. As you walk in turn right and talk to the guy in the cell. Then a guard will appear and you must fight her to get a key, use Z-targeting and keep side-jumping until you get an opening to strike, and always keep your sheild up when your moving. Once you’ve defeated the guard, get the key and free the carpenter. Then go out the door on your right and go into the other one on your left. Turn right in this room and crouch behind a crate (put up your sheild). Wait until the guard is gone, then get up and go out the door on the right. Turn left and climb up the ledge, watch out for the Gerudo guard, and turn left. Talk to the second carpenter and fight the guard for the key (you know the strategy). Free the carpenter and exit through the nearby door. Now you should be outside, jump off the ledge and enter the door in front of you. Talk to the third carpenter and fight the guard for the key. Free the carpenter and exit the room from the same door in witch you entered. Go foreard and climb up the vines and turn into the door on the left. Go through the next couple of rooms by killing the guards with arrows. Then finally exit the room with the huge pot with red stuff boiling inside. Jump off the ledge to the right and go into the last door and go up to the crate and take out your bow, and shoot the guard the second she gets on screen. Continue right and talk to the fourth carpenter and fight the last guard to the key. Free the carpenter and then a strange woman will come and give you the Gerudo membership card (I won’t bore you with the details). Now you are free to go anywere on fortress grounds and the guards won’t arrest you! And now you can go into the Gerudo Training Ground, but not yet. Now it is time to enter the haunted wasteland, the guide for the grounds will come in the next update, in its own section. Anyway, exit the fortress and go towards the gate. Climb up the ladder and talk to the guard up there and she will open the gate for you. Get down and enter the haunted wasteland. In the haunted wasteland, you’ll need the hover boots and the lens of truth, so before you enter this place, be sure to have obtained them. Well, first, head towars the lake of quicksand and put on the hoverboots, with them on you’ll be able to walk on the quicksand without being sucked in. Once you have passed that, look for a flag (it’s best if you enter during the day)once you see one, follow it to another and continue like that until you reach a srtange stone structure (there is a bomchu shop in the desert also, near the entrance, across the lake of quicksand, follow a couple of flags to a sign leading you to the shop, it is more like a flying shop).Anyway, once you reach the stone structure, look for a ramp leading to the top of the structure. Once you are up there, use the lens of truth to see the ghost, follow him all the way to the desert collosus, that is all I can say, follow him VERY sharply, use Z-targeting). Dessert Collusus As you enter the desert collusus, you will be immediately attacked by levers, try to avoid them and make your way towards the giant stone archway, from there it will be easy to see the entrance to the temple. Enter the temple, look around, read the inscription of the stone snakes, get an idea of what you think that this temple will be like when you venture deep inside, well, once you are done doing that, go back outside. A cinamatic will start, it will be automatically day, and you will see through Sheiks eyes as he jumps down from the top of the stone archway, the, while the camera shows him walking up to you, you will see the owl fly over top of you. Sheik will then teach you the requiem of spirit, then, mysteriously enough, you will see a close up of the owl, then he will fly away into the desert, huh? What the hell is all that about (about the owl). Now, play the prelude of light, become a kid again and play the requiem of spirit to return to the desert collosus. Once you are back at the desert collosus, return inside the spirit temple. More comming soon!