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1972 Photo    1984 Photo    1993 Photo    2001 Photo

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Joe and I

These four images represent an evolution of my photography skills over the last 29 years.  I made my first exposures of GI Joe when I was almost eleven years old in 1972 and the most recent image was made in 2001.  Photographically I have come full circle; I made my first photos of Joe with a point & shoot camera that gives you no control over the final image other than the framing of the subject, to now having total control over the image in that I can manipulate it at will through the use of image-editing software.



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2001 image:  Original photo by Seimon Paul-Jonel, International Combat Camera Association, Inc.

Japanese & A-Team G.I. Joes, A-Team Jeep, camera & other accessories - Hasbro, Inc.
2001 image: Uniform - The Ultimate Soldier, World War II accessories - 21st Century Toys, Inc.

Web page design and content - Eric Shindelbower