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Photo Gallery Of The Rms-Titanic

Journey from Southampton to Iceberg (Page# 1)

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|| Construction | Interiors | Journey | Crew | Titanic Today ||


The RMS-TITANIC being launched. (A worker was killed during the launch, his leg had got caught beneath the slipway, he died on the way to the hospital, that is why Titanic was considered unlucky by some people)

Titanic boarding at Southampton. (Picture taken from First Class Gangway, Second Class Gangway can be seen a little further back)

Farewell being given to emigrants on board the Titanic.   Titanic at White Star Line docks at Southampton. (This was the only time Titanic was dressed in flags)

Titanic docked at Southampton.

Titanic leaving Southampton.

Titanic almost met with disaster in the beginning of the journey at Southampton.

Seen here the Steamer New York frantically being pulled by the tug 'Vulcan' to avoid collision with Titanic, the displacement from the Titanic had caused the New York to snap her moorings and swing toward the Titanic, but Capt. Smith used the wash from his port proppeller and avoided disaster, if he had not done this, there would have been a repeat of the Olympic and Hawke collision.


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