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Photo Gallery Of The Rms-Titanic

Journey from Southampton to the iceberg (Page# 2)

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Titanic leaving Cherbourg,

Titanic approaching Queenstown.

Titanic anchored off the coast of Cobh, Queenstown. (The docks at Queenstown were not big enough to berth the Titanic, so passengers and mail were ferried to the ship)

The White Star Line Wharf at Queenstown. (People seen here are passengers waiting for the Titanic)

The Starboard anchor of the Titanic being raised for the final time at Queenstown. (The hull plates shown here are the same ones that were split open by the iceberg)

The last picture of Titanic taken afloat leaving Queenstown on a direct collision course with an iceberg. (The Titanic would only be photographed again in 1985...73 years later under the Atlantic Ocean by an expedition lead by Dr. Robert Ballard.)

The Iceberg that may have caused the disaster. (There were specs of fresh red paint found similar to that of the Titanic on this iceberg)


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