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It was a ship of dreams…it was…it really was

It was a ship of dreams…it was…it really was. The Titanic was part of the fleet of three ships namely Britannic, Olympic and Titanic. They were also known as the Olympic class of liners. Titanic was the largest moving object made by man at that time. It weighed 66,000 tons and 880 feet long. It was the triumph of the industrial revolution in Europe. It had lavish interiors far better than those ever seen, I mean it was fit for kings. Everyone thought it was unsinkable even until the last moment before it went down. The Titanic left world above at 2:33AM on 15th April 1912 sinking at a speed of 22 knots to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Today it lies at the bottom in three pieces, otherwise virtually intact, except the stern, which imploded on sinking about 1500ft, the people on the stern had the worst fate. Many expeditions were carried out in search of the Titanic unsuccessfully, until Dr. Robert Ballard discovered its final resting place in the North Atlantic, 3.8 miles or 12500ft under the water in 1985. Dr. Ballard kept the co-ordinates of the Titanic secret to protect it from other explorers who would strip the wreck of all its historical wealth, he returned the next year with the DSV Alvin and the Jason Jr. to explore the ship, Jason Jr. is a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) which was tethered to the DSV Alvin- a three man submersible, via a long cable. Jason Jr. explored the wreck of the Titanic, it went inside the hull and saw the Grand Stairway for the first time since 15 April 1912. After all the scientific experiments and mapping of the wreck were done, Dr. Ballard and his colleagues placed a plaque on the ship in the Memory Of The Victims Of The RMS-Titanic. The Titanic today lies in the darkness slowly being eaten by time and the ocean and fading away into History. The Fact that so many people are fascinated by the Titanic is that it was the largest Liner in the world on her maiden voyage, sank in the North Atlantic Ocean taking 1500 souls with it, who’s end was till now shrouded in mystery.

Read the detailed version of the story of the Titanic

Read Edgar Park's Journal about the last hours of the Titanic

View the survivor list of the Titanic from all the lifeboats 1-16 and collapsibles A B C D.

"Titanic is not just a cautionary

tale - a myth, a parable, a metaphor

for the ills of mankind. It is also a

story of faith, courage, sacrifice and,

above all else, love."

Writer/director James Cameroon 1997

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