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  .: English League 1
  .: English League 2
  .: Euro League 1
  .: Euro League 2
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Fixtures and Results
  .: English League 1 Fix
  .: English League 1 Res
  .: English League 2 Fix
  .: English League 2 Res
  .: Euro League 1 Fix
  .: Euro League 1 Res
  .: Euro League 2 Fix
  .: Euro League 2 Res
  .: Fa Cup Fix
  .: Fa Cup Res
  .: European Cup Fix
  .: European Cup Res
  .: Champions League Fix   .: Champions League Res
  .: Charity Sheild Fix/Res
  .: European Charity Sheild Fix/Res

Tables and Standings
  .: English League 1 Table
  .: English League 2 Table
  .: Euro League 1 Table
  .: Euro League 2 Table

  .: Bid Board
  .: Confirm Board
  .: Non eff list

  .: Weekly Newspaper
  .: Hall Of Fame
  .: Manager of the Month
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      >>European Fantasy Footbal<<


Here is where i am supposed to say who helped with the website so......... here goes.....

Me - Well obviosly - For supplying the message boards

Alex Mason - For designing graphics for the site

FF Warpzone - For designing the site

Nick Morris - For helping with varios parts of the site

Jim Bacon - For doing non-eff

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