✡ Praying For The Peace Of Jerusalem~! ✡

Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem: “May They prosper Who love You”

I Pray That Today That There Will Be Peace Of Jerusalem

I Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem~!  I Shall, (Definitely, “Will”), Prosper Because I Love You.


Psalm 122:6-9 ~

Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem: “May They Prosper Who Love You.
7 Peace Be Within Your Walls, Prosperity Within Your Palaces”.
8 For The Sake Of My Sisters And Brothers And Companions, I Will Now Say, “Peace Be Within You”.
9 Because Of The House Of Yahweh, Our God I Will Seek Your Good.



May The Enemies Of Yahweh, (Who Strikes, Repays, And AdMinisters Justice), That Would Afflict or Attack Jerusalem Be Like Chaff Before The Wind, With The Angel Of Yahweh Driving Them Away; May Their Path Be Dark And Slippery, With The Angel Of Yahweh Pursuing And Persecuting Them, (Psalm 35:1-10).

The Kingdom Of Yahweh, (Yahweh Is Our Peace), Come Today In Jerusalem.  The Will Of Yahweh, (Yahweh Is Here With Us ~ His Glory Will Be Seen On Us), Be Done Today In Jerusalem.

Hamas Is In The Scriptures~!   It’s At Genesis 6:13, (Ironically, There Were Also 613 Laws), And You’ll See A Word That Is Used For Violence, And Comes From The Hebrew Root Word, “<c>Hamas”, {Strong’s Concordance #: OT:(H2555)}.;  If You Look Up The Hebrew Word, It Is Chamas, But The ‘C’ Is Silent, So It Is Pronounced ‘Hamas’.  It Means, “Violence”.  The Theological Wordbook Of The Old Testament Defines This Was As Saying, “It May Be Noted, However, That The Word Chamas, In The OT Is Used Almost Always In Connection With Sinful Violence.  It Does Not Refer To The Violence Of Natural Catastrophes or To Violence As Pictured In A Police Chase On Modern Television. It Is Often A Name For Extreme Wickedness”.

(Psalm 140:1) ~ Deliver Me, Yahweh, From The Evil Man. Preserve Me From The Violent Man;
(Psalm 140:4) ~ Yahweh, Keep Me From The Hands Of The Wicked. Preserve Me From The Violent Men: Who Have Determined To Trip My Feet.
(Psalm 140:11) ~ An Evil Speaker Won’t Be Established In The Earth.  Evil Will Hunt The Violent Man To Overthrow Him.

Substitute The Hebrew Word ‘Hamas’ For Our English Translated Word ‘Violent’ As It Is Really The Same Word.

(Psalm 140:1) ~ Deliver Me, Yahweh, From The Evil Man. Preserve Me From cHamas’;
(Psalm 140:4) ~ Yahweh, Keep Me From The Hands Of The Wicked. Preserve Me From cHamas’: Who Have Determined To Trip My Feet.
(Psalm 140:11) ~ An Evil Speaker Won’t Be Established In The Earth.  Evil Will Hunt cHamas’ To Overthrow Him.

To This Day, Hamas’s Charter States:, “The Purpose Of HAMAS Is To Create An Islamic Palestinian State Throughout Israel By Eliminating The State Of Israel Through Violent Jihad”.  Wow~!  Their Stated Purpose And Psalm 140 Are A Match~!  Hamas Is Responsible For Innumerable Terrorist Attacks And Murders.

Here’s Food For Thought. It’s Good To Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem, (Much Like A Child Would Pray That Mommy And Daddy Would Get Along).
It’s Better To Pray For Jerusalem Using The Word Of Yahweh, (His Word Will Not Return Void ~ Isaiah 55:11).
It’s Best To Make A Firm Stand Based On Specific Words From Yahweh, (Psalm 119:89; Jeremiah 1:12).
So, In These Verses Below, Many Stood Out As Promises That I Can Bank On And Say, “Hey, It Says At Such-n-Such Place In The Scriptures, Yadahave-Yadahave-Yadah, And Yahweh According To Your Legally Binding Contract, I Am Entitled To Such-n-Such. For Example,

In Righteousness You Shall Be Established; You Shall Be Far From Oppression, For You Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You. (Isaiah 54:14)

But Yahweh Is Faithful, Who Will Establish You, And Guard You From d—Evil One , (Matthew 5:37; Matthew 6:13; Matthew 13:19, 38; Luke 11:4; John 17:15;
Ephesians 6:16; 2 Thessalonians 3:3; 1 John 2:13-14; 1 John 3:12; 1 John 5:18-19

(John 6:70; 1 John 3:8) ~ [But] He Who Commits Sin [Who Practices Evildoing] Is Of The Devil [Takes His Character From d—Evil One], For The Devil Has Sinned (Violated The Divine Law) From The Beginning.  The Reason The Son Of God Was Made Manifest (Visible) Was To Undo (Destroy, Loosen, And Dissolve) The Works The Devil [Has Done].

So, Let’s Mix Faith With The Word.  Father, According To Your Word, Yahweh, Free Israel From The Hands Of The Wicked And Violent Men.  Preserve Israel From The Men Of Hamas: Who Have Determined To Trip Israel’s Feet, As You Said That Evil Will Hunt The Men Of Hamas To Overthrow Him.

* * * * *
Violence Towards Israel

Southern Israel Has Been Struck By More Than 750 Rockets Fired From Gaza This Year That Have Hit Homes And Caused Injuries. On Thursday, A Rocket Smashed Into The Top Floor Of An Apartment Building Here In Kiryat Malachi, About 15 Miles North Of Gaza. Two Women And A Man Were Killed, According To Rescue officials And Army Radio. A Baby Was Among The Injured And Several Israelis Were Hospitalized With Shrapnel Wounds After Rockets Hit Other Southern Cities And Towns, They Said.

* * * * *
Violence Found In The Scriptures

Genesis 6:11; Genesis 6:13; Psalm 11:5; Psalm 55:9; Psalm 58:2; Psalm 72:14; Psalm 73:6; Proverbs 4:17; Proverbs 10:6;
Proverbs 10:11; Proverbs 13:2; Isaiah 53:9; Isaiah 59:6; Isaiah 60:18; Jeremiah 20:7-8; Jeremiah 51:35,46;
Ezekiel 7:11; Ezekiel 7:23; Ezekiel 8:17; Ezekiel 12:19; Ezekiel 28:16; Ezekiel; 45:9;
Joel 3:19; Amos 3:10; Amos 6:3; Obadiah 1:10; Jonah 3:8; Micah 6:12; Habakkuk 1:2-3,9; Habakkuk 2:8,17; Zephaniah 1:9;
Malachi 2:16; Psalm 7:16; Psalm 18:48; Psalm 140:1; Psalm 140:4; Psalm 140:11; Proverbs 16:29
, (WEB)

Present Day Cities That Were In The Old Testament

Psalm 122:6; Psalm 35:5-6; Mark 11:24

Ancient Times Present Day
Edom Arab States & Jordan
Ishmaelites Arab States
Moab Jordan
Hagarenes Saudi Arabia
Gebal Lebanon
Ammon Iraq
Amalek Syria
Philistines, (& Hamas) Northeast Of Egypt, The West Bank & The Gaza Strip, {Palestinians}
Ancient Times Lebanon
Syria Assyria & Iraq
Philistines Palestine’s

(Some Of These Ancient Nations Are Also Represented Today By Turkey)

Gog ~ | Magog ~ | Meshech ~ | Tubal ~ Georgia | Persia ~ Iran | Cush ~ Ethiopia | Put ~ Libya | Beth Togarmah or The House Of Togarmah Of The North Quarters | Gohmert ~

United States, (America ~ Jeremiah Is Spelled So Close ~ Not Quite An Anagram, But It Has The Same Letters And Jah At The End Is The Way The Prophets Of Old Contained The Name Of Jah ~  (Psalm 68:4) ~ {AmeriJeh})
JerUSA lem, (Has USA In The Middle Of It).

Israel ~ Israel
Gog & Magog ~ Russia
Tagarmar ~ Northern Turkey & Armenia
Meshach ~ Western Turkey
Persia ~ Iran
Gohmert ~ Ukraine
Put ~ Libya
Cush ~ Sudan, Somalia & Yemen
Kings Of The East ~ China
European Union ~ Revived Roman Empire
Egypt ~ Egypt
Dedan ~ Saudi Arabia ~ (Ezekiel 38:13)
Sheba ~ Ethiopia
Tubal ~ Eastern Turkey

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The Evil One

Not Only Does The Word, “dEvil” Contain The Word, “Evil”; But 12 Times In In The New Testament, From The World English Bible; The “dEvil”, Is Referred To As, “The Evil One” (“d-Evil” One).

  • But Let Your Speech Be, ‘Yes, Yes; No, No.’ Whatever Is More Than These Is Of The Evil One, (Matthew 5:37).
  • When Anyone Hears The Word Of The Kingdom, And Doesn’t Understand It, The Evil One Comes, And Snatches Away That Which Has Been Sown In Their Heart.  This Is What Was Sown By The Roadside, (Matthew 13:19).
  • The Field Is The World; And The Good Seed, These Are The Sons Of The Kingdom; And The Darnel Are The Sons Of The Evil One, (Matthew 13:38).
  • Forgive Us Our Sins, For We Ourselves Also Forgive Everyone Who Is Indebted To Us. Bring Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From The Evil One”, Luke 11:4
  • I Pray Not That You Would Take Them From The World, But That You Would Keep Them From The Evil One, (John 17:15).
  • Above ALL, Taking Up The Shield Of Faith, With Which You Will Be Able To Quench ALL The Fiery Darts Of The Evil One, (Ephesians 6:16).
  • But Yahweh Is Faithful, Who Will Establish You, And Guard You From The Evil One, (2 Thessalonians 3:3).
  • I Write To You, Fathers, Because You Know Him Who Is From The Beginning. I Write To You, Young Men, Because You Have Overcome The Evil One. I Write To You, Little Children, Because You Know The Father, (1 John 2:13).
  • I Have Written To You, Fathers, Because You Know Him Who Is From The Beginning. I Have Written To You, Young Men, Because You Are Strong, And The Word Of God Remains In You, And You Have Overcome The Evil One, (1 John 2:14).
  • Unlike Cain, Who Was Of The Evil One, And Killed His Brother.  Why Did He Kill Him?  Because His Works Were Evil, And His Brother’s Righteous, (1 John 3:12).
  • 18 We Know That Whoever Is Born Of God Doesn’t Sin, But He Who Was Born Of God Keeps Himself, And The Evil One Doesn’t Touch Him. 19 We Know That We Are Of God, And The Whole World Lies In The Power Of The Evil One, (1 John 5:18-19).

(Matthew 5:37; Matthew 6:13; Matthew 13:19, 38; Luke 11:4;
John 17:15; Ephesians 6:16; 2 Thessalonians 3:3; 1 John 2:13-14; 1 John 3:12; 1 John 5:18-19

We Are Instructed Not To Mention The Names Of Other Gods, “The Sorrows Of Those Who Run After Another God Shall Multiply; Their Drink Offerings Of Blood I Will Not Pour Out or Take Their Names On My Lips”. And “In ALL I Have Said To You Take Heed; Do Not Mention The Name Of Other Gods [Either In Blessing or Cursing]; Do Not Let Such Speech Be Heard From Your Mouth”, (Exodus 23:13; Psalm 16:4).

The Short Definition Of The Word, “devil” Means, “Slanderer”.  Yet, Literally Speaking, The Word Refers To, “One Who Puts Himself or Some Thing Between Two In Order To Divide Them”.

NT:1228 ~ One Who Falsely Accuses And Divides People Without Any Reason.  He Is An Accuser, A Slanderer {(1 Timothy 3:11; 2 Timothy 3:3);
(Titus 2:3); Sept.: (Esther 7:4; Esther 8:1)}.
(From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament © 1992 By AMG International, Inc. Revised Edition, 1993)


Jerusalem Is The Apple Of My Eye

Zechariah 2:8 ~ For Yahweh Of Armies Says: ‘For Honor He Has Sent Me To The Nations Which Plundered You; For He Who Touches You Touches The Apple Of His Eye.’

Zechariah 12:2-3 ~ 2 Behold, I Will Make Jerusalem A Cup Of Trembling Unto All The People Round About, When They Shall Be In The Siege Both Against Judah And Against Jerusalem. 3 And In That Day Will I Make Jerusalem A Burdensome Stone For All People: All That Burden Themselves With It Shall Be Cut In Pieces, {Though All The People Of The Earth Be Gathered Together Against It.  {To Be Cut In Pieces = Splinters}.

Every Time We As A Nation Mishandle Israel, We See Splinters All Over America.

Gaza Was A Seaside City Of 80,000 People In Israel. When President George W. Bush Made Israel Give Up Gaza And To Be Dislodged, And The Israeli Military Were Fishing People Them Off Their Roofs That Got Dislodged, To Be Airlifted Out Of There By Helicopters, Then A Few Days Later In An America The Seaside City Of New Orleans, With A Population Of 800,000 People Were Dislodged From Their Homes And Had To Be airlifted Out Of There By Helicopters.  And This Breach Of The Levee In New Orleans Was On The ‘West Bank’.


The Hebrew Language Is Actually Three Languages
In The Original Hebrew, (The Same Hebrew That Moses Used To Describe The Torah Was Both A Pictographic And A Numeric Language)
Shin ~ Teeth That Crush And Destroy
Lamed ~ Shepherd’s Staff
Vav ~ Nail / Hook
Mem~ Waters:
Waters Of Life, (As Pictured By A Clear Running Stream) or
Waters Of Chaos And Confusion, (As Pictured By A Flood or A Tsunami)

Shalom In The Conventional Hebrew Means
Not Being At War
Harmony Between People
Security And Freeedom From Violence
Idea Of Serenity And Tranquility

Shin ~ Destroy
Lamed ~ The Voice Of Authority
Vav ~ Signifies Two Things That Are Connected (With)
Mem ~ Chaos And Confusion

Peace or Shalom Only Comes When The Authority Connected With Chaos or Confusion Is Destroyed.

Every time You Said The Word Shalom, You Are Uttering A Prayer That Someone Will Come And Destroy All The Chaos And Confusion. And Who Is That Someone? Who Is Coming To Bring True Shalom? The Prince Of Peace, (Isaiah 9:6), Is Coming?

New Jerusalem~!

(Revelation 21:16) ~The City Is Laid Out As A Square; Its Length Is As Great As Its Breadth.  And He Measured The City With The Reed: Twelve Thousand Furlongs, (12,000 Furlongs).  Its Length, Breadth, And Height Are Equal.

One Furlong = 0.125 Miles ~ 12,000 Furlongs * 0.125 = 1500 Miles

The New Jerusalem Is The Size Of Some Countries~!  1500 Miles * 1500 Miles * 1500 Miles.

In The Los Angeles Skyline, The Tallest Building Is 1018 Feet High~!

Now Suppose We Give Each Floor or Layer 1000 Foot High Ceilings~! 1 Mile – 5280 Feet 5280 Feet x 1500 Miles = 7.92 Million Feet / 1000 = 7920 Layers 7920 Layers With 1000’ Ceilings Subtract 12’ Approximate Thickness Of Each Floor = 7800 Layers Of 1500 Square Miles, 1000’ Floors.

If All The Earth Were A Land Mass With No Water And The 7800 Layers Each 1500x1500 Square Miles = 2.25 Million Square Miles Were Superimposed On The Earth’s Surface Which Is 197 Million Square Miles, Then It Would Take 87.5 New Jerusalem Layers To Cover Earths~!

The Earth = 197 Million Square Miles And The Holy City = 2.25 Million Square Miles, {197 Million Square Miles ÷ (1500 x 1500)} ≈ 87.56 Layers

But There Are 7800 Layers In The Holy City, (New Jerusalem)… So 7800 ÷ 87.5 ≈ 89 Planet Earths Of Land Mass~!

The New Jerusalem = 89 Planet Earths Of Land Mass~!  If 3 To 4 Billion Saints Get Saved…

640 Acres In A Square Mile Earth = 197 Million Square Miles

126 Billion Acres x 89 Earths 11.2 Trillion Acres ÷ 4 Billion People 2800 Acres Of Land Per Person~!

If You’re Interested In How Big Our Universe Is, Then Go To The Lou Giglio Video Link Below Entitled, “How Great Is Our God”… https://youtu.Be/PtpTk2ENq7o.


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In Righteousness You Shall Be Established; You Shall Be Far From Oppression, For You Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You. Isaiah 54:14

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In Righteousness You Shall Be Established; You Shall Be Far From Oppression, For You Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You.  Isaiah 54:14

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