Yahweh, ~ ( YHWH), IS NOT A Title.
Elohim Is A Reference To Who He Is: i.e. – The  Most High God.

Adonai Is A Title.
Redeemer Is A Title.  Creator Is A Title.

Yahweh Is His Name~!


(Exodus 3:15; Isaiah 42:8; Jeremiah 16:21; Psalm 83:18;
Proverbs 30:4; Psalm 68:4; Genesis 15:7; Exodus 15:3; Isaiah 38:11



Listed Below Are Some Of The Attributes That Express Who Yahweh Is…
As You Go To Each Name or Title, or Reference To Who Yahweh Is, Click On The “Top Of Page” On The Bottom Of Each Name, To Return Back To The Definitions Choice Menu, (Below).


Yahweh Is His Name~!
Definitions Choice Menu ~ Click On A Word From The Three Lists Below:

Hebrew ~ Chaldee Titles Of Yahweh
(Old Testament)

Greek ~ Arabic Titles Of Yahweh
(New Testament)


The Titles Of Yahweh May Be Divided Into Three Categories.  The First Three: Elohiym, El Shaddai, And Adonai, Deal With Who Yahweh Is And How We Should Respond To Him.  The Next Six Titles, Yireh, Rapha, Nissi, M’Kaddesh, Shalom, And Tsidkenu, Speak Of Yahweh’s Work On Our Behalf.  The Final Two Titles, Rohi And Shammah, Speak To Us Concerning Yahweh’s Relational Nature, or What He Wants To Be For His People.



You Can Know ALL The Titles Of Yahweh, And Still Not Know Yahweh.
(Psalm 75:1; Nehemiah 1:11; Psalm 145:1-12)

Read The Word Of Yahweh With The Intentions Of Getting To Know Yahweh Of The Word,

Rather Than Trying To Know The Word Of Yahweh, (John 5:39-40)~!

But Let Him Who Glories Glory In This: That He Understands And Knows Me, [Personally And Practically, Directly Discerning And Recognizing My Character].  That I Am Yahweh, Who Practices Loving-Kindness, Judgment, And Righteousness In The Earth, “For In These I Delight”, Says Yahweh(Jeremiah 9:24 ~ Amplified Bible Classic Edition).

Malachi 3:16
“Then Those Who Feared Yahweh Spoke To One Another, And Yahweh Listened And Heard Them; So A Book Of Remembrance Was Written Before Him For Those Who Fear Yahweh And Who Meditate On His Name”.

Psalm 34:18; Isaiah 57:15; Jeremiah 9:24; Micah 6:8

Psalm 34:18
Yahweh Is Near To Those Who Have A Broken Heart, And Saves Those Who Have A Crushed Spirit.

Isaiah 57:15
For The High And Lofty One Who Inhabits Eternity, Whose Name Is Holy, Says: “I Dwell In The High And Holy Place, With Him Also Who Is Of A Contrite And Humble Spirit, To Revive The Spirit Of The Humble, And To Revive The Heart Of The Contrite”.

Jeremiah 9:24
24 But Let Him Who Glories Glory In This, That He Understands And Knows Me, That I Am Yahweh, Exercising Loving-Kindness, Judgment, And Righteousness In The Earth. “For In These I Delight, ” Says Yahweh.

*Notice That Loving-Kindness Is Listed First.  In Fact, In The Listing Of The Fruits Of The Spirit, Love Is Also Listed First, (Galatians 5:22-23).

Micah 6:8
8 “He Has Showed You, O Man, What Is Good. And What Does Yahweh Require Of You But To Do Justly, To Love Kindness And Mercy, And To Humble Yourself And Walk Humbly With Your God?”



Adtributes or Titles Of Yahweh Reveal Yahweh’s Character
The Attributes of Yahweh That Henry Blackaby Used In The 4th Week, Day 1 Lesson of “Experiencing God(Psalm 75:1; Nehemiah 1:11; Psalm 145:1-12)

My Advocate, (Job 16:19);
Comforter And Sorrow, (Jeremiah 8:18;
Wonderful Counselor, (Isaiah 9:6);
My Strong Deliverer, (Psalm 140:7);
Our Father, (Isaiah 64:8);
I Sure Foundation, (Isaiah 28:16);
God Almighty, (Genesis 17:1);
God Who Adventures Me, (Psalm 18:47);
Our Guide, (Psalm 48:14);
Our Help, (Psalm 33:20);
Great High Priest, (Hebrews 4:14);
My Hope, (Psalm 71:5);
Righteous Judge, (2 Timothy 4:8);
Our Leader, (2 Chronicles 13:12);
Light Of Life, (John 8:12);
Lord Of The Harvest, (Matthew 9:38);
The Most Holy, (Daniel 9:24);
Prince Of Peace, (Isaiah 9:6);
Refuge And Strength, (Psalm 46:1);
My Savior, (Psalm 42:5);
Sovereign Lord, (Luke 2:19;
My Support, (2 Samuel 22:19);
Bread Of Life, (John 6:35);
My Confidence, (Psalm 71:5);
Defender Of Widows, (Psalm 68:5);
Faithful And True, (Revelation 19:11);
A Consuming Fire, (Deuteronomy 4:24);
My Friend, (Job 16:20);
God Of All Comfort, (2 Corinthians 1:3);
God Who Saved Me, (Psalm 51:14);
Head Of The Church, (Ephesians 5:23);
My Hiding Place, (Psalm 32:7);
Holy One Among You, (Hosea 11:9);
Jealous, (Exodus 34:14);
King Of Kings, (1 Timothy 6:15);
Your Life, (Colossians 3:4);
Lord Of Lords, (1 Timothy 6:15);
Mediator, (1 Timothy 2:5);
Our Peace, (Ephesians 2:14);
My Redeemer, (Psalm 19:14);
My Salvation, (Exodus 15:2);
My Support, (Psalm 18:2);
Good Teacher, (Mark 10:17

Grouped Together, {Bible Gateway Has A 13 Verse Limit}

Job 16:19; Jeremiah 8:18; Isaiah 9:6; Psalm 147; Isaiah 64:8;
Isaiah 28:16; Genesis 17:1; Psalm 18:47; Psalm 48:14;
Psalm 33:20; Hebrews 4:14; Psalm 71:5; 2 Timothy 4:8

2 Chronicles 13:12; John 8:12; Matthew 9:38; Daniel 9:24;
Isaiah 9:6; Psalm 46:1; Psalm 42:5; Luke 2:19; 2 Samuel 22:19;
John 6:35; Psalm 68:5; Revelation 19:11; Deuteronomy+4:24

Job 16:20; 2 Corinthians 1:3; Psalm 51:14;
Ephesians 5:23; Psalm 32:7; Hosea 11:9; Exodus 34:14; 1 Timothy+6:15

Colossians 3:4; 1 Timothy 2:5; Ephesians 2:14;
Psalm 19:14; Exodus 15:2; Psalm 18:2; Mark 10:17



Some Scriptures For Names Of Yahweh

Save Us Yahweh, Our God, And Gather Us From The Nation So That We May Give Thanks To Your Holy Name And Triumph, {Cheer} In Your Praise, (Psalm 106:47).

All The Nations You Have Made Will Come And Bow Down Before You Yahweh And Honor and Glorify Your Name, (Psalm 86:9).

I Will Give You Thanks Forever, Because You Have Done It.  I Will Hope In Your Name, For It Is Good, In The Presence Of Your Saints, (Psalm 52:9).

Those Who Know Your Name Will Put Their Trust In You, For You, Yahweh, Have Not Forsaken Those Who Seek You, (Psalm 9:10).

But Let All Those Who Take Refuge In You Rejoice. Let Them Always Shout For Joy, Because You Defend Them.
Let Them Also Who Love Your Name Be Joyful In You, (Psalm 5:11).

We Boast In God All Day Long; We Will Praise Your Name Forever, (Psalm 44:8).

Yahweh, Our Lord How Many Magnificent Is Your Name Throughout The Earth~! (Psalm 8:1).

So We Will Not Turn Away From You.  Revive Us, And We Will Call Upon Your Name, (Psalm 80:18).

I Will Declare Your Name To My Brothers and Sisters Among The Assembly, I Will Praise You, (Psalm 22:22).

Teach Me Your Way, Yahweh.  I Will Walk In Your Truth.  Make My Heart Undivided To Fear Your Name, (Psalm 86:11).

Fill Their Faces With Confusion, So That They Will Seek Your Name, Yahweh, (Psalm 83:16).

I Will Thank Yahweh For His Righteousness; I Will Sing About The Name Of Yahweh Most High, (Psalm 7:17).

The Whole Earth Will Worship You And Sing Praise To You. They Will Sing Praise Your Name, (Psalm 66:4).

Grouped Together

Psalm 106:47; Psalm 86:9; Psalm 52:9; Psalm 9:10; Psalm 5:11;
Psalm 44:8; Psalm 8:1; Psalm 80:18; Psalm 22:22;
Psalm 86:11; Psalm 83:16; Psalm 7:17; Psalm 66:4


Exalt His Name Together~!

My Name Is Charlie.  What Is My Name In Mexico?  {Hint, It’s Not Carlitos}.  What If I Were To Visit China, What Would My Name Be?  Even In Russia or Hungary, It’s Still Charlie.  They Might Call Me Carlitos, And I Would Probably Answer, But That Did Not Change My Name.  Yahweh Is The Name In Hebrew That God Certified With The Scriptures Is His Name.  What Is Yahweh s Name In English, Spanish, German or Chinese?  It’s Still YahwehIsaiah 42:8 ~I Am ‘Yahweh’, That Is My Name; I Will Not Give My Glory To Another or My ‘Praise’ To Idols”.  And It Is Not ‘Jehovah’, As There Was No ‘J’ In The Hebrew Language.  I Wrote A Whole Lot More About This On The Following Website, Click Or Tap Here To Go To https://www.angelfire.com/al4/zoe/yahweh.htm.

(Exodus 3:15; Isaiah 42:8;
Jeremiah 16:21; Psalm 83:18;
Proverbs 30:4; Psalm 68:4;
Genesis 15:7; Exodus 15:3;
Isaiah 38:11

Psalm 68:4-5
4 Sing To God~! Sing Praises To His Name.  Exalt Him Who Rides On The Clouds — His Name Is Yahweh —And Rejoice Before Him.
5 God In His Holy Dwelling Is A Father Of The Fatherless And A Champion Of Widows.

Psalm 105:1
Give Thanks To Yahweh, Call On His Name; Proclaim His Deeds Among The Peoples.

Isaiah 12:4
And On That Day You Will Say: “Give Thanks To Yahweh; Proclaim His Name~!  Celebrate His Works Among The Peoples. Declare That His Name Is Exalted~!

Isaiah 52:6-9
6 Therefore My People Will Know My Name; “Therefore They Will Know In That Day That I Am He Who Speaks: ‘Behold, It Is I.’ ”
7 How Beautiful Upon The Mountains Are The Feet Of Him Who Brings Good News, Who Proclaims Peace, Who Brings Glad Tidings Of Good Things, Who Proclaims Salvation, Who Says To Zion, “Your God Reigns~!”
8 Your Watchmen Shall Lift Up Their Voices, With Their Voices They Shall Sing Together; For They Shall See Eye To Eye When Yahweh Brings Back Zion.
9 Break Forth Into Joy, Sing Together, You Waste Places Of Jerusalem~!  For Yahweh Has Comforted His People, He Has Redeemed Jerusalem.

A Translation Of The Hebrew Letters YHWH’, Traditionally Translated As “The LORD”; “Yah” Is The Shortened Form. The Translation “Yahweh” Is Used In The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) In Places Where The Personal Name Of God Is Discussed, (Psalm 68:4), or In Places Of His Self-Identification, (Isaiah 42:8).  If You Are A Mother or A Father or an Aunt or an Uncle or Even A Captain or A Chief In The Navy or A Colonel In The Army, You Know That Your Name Is Not Mother, Father, Aunt, Uncle, Captain, Chief Nor Colonel.  No, Colonel Sanders’ First Name Is Not Colonel~!  If Your Bible Says In Isaiah 42:8, “The LORD Is His Name”, That Is The Same Nonsense.  You Know That Can’t Be Right.  Anytime You See The Word LORD In The Old Testament With All Capital Letters, Now, You Know That In The Hebrew Language That Word Was YHWH, <Strong’s Concordance Number OT: H3068>.  I Explain Why The Translators Did This 6,822 Times At https://www.angelfire.com/al4/zoe/yahweh.htm.  They Did This Because They Had Thought That HIS Name Was Too Holy To Be Said Out Loud, Which Is A Subtle Way Of Taking Yahweh’s Name Away From Us, {You Shall Not Take Away The Name Of Yahweh And Obscure The Name And To Make It Null And Void, (Exodus 20:7)},  We Have Mistakenly Been Taught That We Are Not To Take Yahweh’s Name In Vain, and Interpreted The Word Take To Mean Blasphemy.  Let Me Ask You A Question, When, {If Ever}, In Any Of Our Conversations, Do We Ever Use The Word Take, When Referring To The Misuse Of Some Word?  Never.  So, Even If I Didn’t Have The Original Hebrew Language To Back Me Up, {Which I Do}; Wouldn’t It Be Obvious That Take Means Take, As In To Take Something Away?  This Is Why I Use Either The World English Bible, {WEB}, or The Lexham English Bible, {LEB}, or The Names Of God Bible, {NOG} When I Quote Scriptures That Have Yahweh s Name In Them.

There Are Those That Mistakenly Believe That Yahweh Has Many Names.  Actually, That Is True And Yet It’s Not.  These Names Are Actually Titles That Were To Given To Yahweh By Others, And They Became Names.  For Example, I Once Helped Someone Move And We Were On The Second Story Of An Apartment Complex And Someone Said, “I Hate That We Have To Walk All The Way Back Down”, And I Replied, “You Don’t Have To Walk Back Down, You Could Just Jump Off The Balcony”.  Someone Said, “Right~!”, Like That Was Not Even A Possibility, And Just On A Lark, I Went Running For The Balcony And Jumped And Clobbered A Bush Below.  I Told My Dad What I Did And He Had Always Called Me Wildman, And Dad Said, “And You Wonder Why I Call You Wildman

So, Wildman Is Not My Name, But If Dad Were To Say Wildman, I Would Respond.  But That’s Still Not My Name.  It’s Just A Title That Dad Called Me By. “Even A Young Man Is Known By His Actions”, (Proverbs 20:11).

I Went To A Wedding Once And There Were Two Others Also Named Charlie Warren’s There; And None Were Related To Me or To Each Other, Except For Two More That Didn’t Show, (A Father And A Son).  If This Father And Son Had Shown, We Would Have Had Five “Charlie Warren’s”.  That’s Wild~!  So, If Somebody Was Talking About Charlie Warren, Someone Else Might Ask, Which Charlie Warren?   And The Reply Might Be Charlie The WildmanWildman Is Still Not My Name And I Don’t Really Like That Description, [I Saw What I Did By Jumping Off The Balcony As An Act Of Faith, Not Being Wild.  I Had Already Been Considering It, And Had Scoped It Out From The Ground Floor, And Determined How Far I Needed To Jump To Clear The Larger Bushes; and I Had AskedThe Holy Ghost If I Should Jump, and the Reply I Got Back Was It’s Up To You, {Implied, “You Won’t Get Hurt If You Do”}},  But Wildman Can Be Used As An Identifier, And I Would Come or Respond If Someone Called Me By That Title.  I Thought My Father Would Commend Me For Following The Holy Ghost And Making A Leap, (Literally) of Faith.  So, I Guess My Moniker Should Have Been ‘Naive’.  One Thing For Sure, I Quit Telling Folks Whenever I Moved In Faith, {If You Are Wise, You Are Wise For Yourself, (Proverbs 9:12)}.

There Were Many Joshua’s And Joshua’s Is Really The Same Name As Yeshua’s Actual Hebrew Name.  There Were Probably Many Joshua’s In Yahoshua’s Time.  It Would Probably Be Yeshua Of Nazareth.  The Of Nazareth Is Just An Identifier, But Not Part Of Yeshua’s Name.  If I Write Yeshua, I Think Folks Would Read That As, Yes-You-Are.  That’s Why I Write Yahoshua, {So, That It Will Be Pronounced Correctly}.  The Pronunciation Is More Important Than The Spelling.  It’s Like In The Movie Written, Directed And Co-Starred By Tom Hanks Called ‘That Thing You Do’, With The Original Title Of The Band Called ‘The Oneders’, Which Was Intended To Be Pronounced, ‘The Wonders’, But Nobody Got It.  So Tom Hanks Changed The Name Of The Band To Be ‘The Wonders’.

Did You Know That Yahweh’s Name Had Been So Obscured and Taken Away’, {Just Like Today}, That By The Time Yahoshua Arrived On The Scene, That Very Few Knew His Name And That Yahoshua Himself Taught Them The Name Of Yahweh?

John 17:6;26, {NRSVA} ~
6 “I Have Made Your Name Known’, {NKJV ~ Manifested Your Name; NASB ~ Revealed Your Name}, To Those Whom You Gave Me From The World. They Were Yours, And You Gave Them To Me, And They Have Kept Your Word”.  The Names Of God Translation Says, “They Did What You Told Them~!
26 “I Made Your Name Known To Them, {NKJV ~ Declared To Them Your Name}, And I Will Make It, [Your Name] Known, So That The Love With Which You Have Loved Me May Be In Them, And I In Them”.

The Attributes That Have Been Given To Yahweh Include Yahweh ~ Nissi Was Given To Yahweh When When Moses Lifted Up The Rod Of Victory Like A Banner And They Defeated The Amalekites By Moses, (Yahweh Our Banner ~ Exodus 17:15).  Or That Time When Yahweh Helped Gideon Bring Peace To The Land, So Naturally What Does Gideon Name Yahweh, Yahweh~Shalom Meaning, Yahweh Is Our Peace, (Judges 6:24).  In The Same Way, David Who Was A Shepherd Called Yahweh, Yahweh~Rohi, (Which Means Leader or The Great Shepherd At Psalm 23:1), And When Abraham Was About To Offer Isaac Upon The Altar, And God Provided A Ram, Abraham Called Yahweh, Yahweh~Yireh, {Yahweh Provides or Yahweh Is Our Provider ~ Genesis 22:14}.

Malachi 3:16
“Then Those Who Feared Yahweh Spoke To One Another, And Yahweh Listened And Heard Them; So A Book Of Remembrance Was Written Before Him For Those Who Fear Yahweh And Who Meditate On His Name”.

I Know Some Churches Have Banners Made With These Wonderful Titles For Yahweh And When You Get To Heaven And See A Man Waving A Banner That Says Wildman, That Would Be My Dad Welcoming Me Home~!  However, I Said All That To Say This..  You Can Name Yahweh~!  That’s Right, Whatever Attribute That You Need Right Now.  Why Not?  I Used To Work For Boeing’s Help Desk For Computers, And The Many Times I Had To Ask Yahweh How To Solve A Computer Problem And Yahweh Would Show Me, So To Me, Yahweh Was Yahweh The Magnificent Geek~!   But You Might Need A Break-Through In Some Areas Of Your Life.  Rather Than Beg Yahweh To Help You With Your… {Son, or Daughter, Finances, Decisions, Addictions, Relationships, Marriages).  Why Not Spend Some Moments After Reading This To Rehearse Those Areas Of Your Life Where Yahweh Came Through For You By Praising Yahweh For Being Yahweh Of The Breaking Through Of ___________.


To Know ‘Yahweh To Know Yahweh, (The One True Living Yahweh’;
Is To Know His Attributes {Titles} For His Attributes {Titles} Reveal His Character

We Shall Give Thanks~! And Your Name Is Near~!  Your Wonders Shall Be Declared~! ~
(Psalm 75:1 ~ Yahweh’s Word 1998).  {We Are Going To Explore The Titles Of Yahweh That Were Assigned To Him By Others}.

We Shall Give Thanks To You, O Elohiym {Plural Name For God,}.

(Genesis 1:26) ~
Then God, <Elohiym OT: H0430)>, Said, “Let US Make Man In OUR Image,
According To OUR Likeness; Let Them Have Dominion Over The Fish Of The Sea, Over The Birds Of The Air, And Over The Cattle, Over All The Earth And Over Every Creeping Thing That Creeps On The Earth”.

Could The Word US & OUR Be Referring To The Godhead: The Trinity ~ God The Father, The Son & The Holy Spirit / {Holy Ghost}.  I Think So.

Yahweh, Let Your Ear Be Attentive To The Prayer Of Your Servant And The Prayer Of Your Servants Who Delight To Revere And Fear ‘Your Name, (Your Nature And Attributes); And Prosper, I Pray You, Your Servant This Day And Grant Him Mercy In The Sight Of This Man… (Nehemiah 1:11 ~ Yahweh’s Word 1998).

And Those Who Know Your Name Will Put Their Trust In You; For You, Yahweh, Have Not Forsaken Those Who Seek You, (Psalm 9:10).

But The People Who Know Their ‘Yahweh’ Shall Prove Themselves Strong
And Shall Stand Firm And Do Exploits
, (Daniel 11:32).  See Testimony.

See Also:

I AM, El Kabowd, El, Praise Is Becoming To The Upright, Glory Knowing The Titles Of Yahweh, (Knowing The Character Of Yahweh)


The Tetragrammaton

We Pronounce The Alphabet, Such As ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G’ And So On.  Although They Form Words Each Character Has Its Own Pronunciation or Else We Would Not Be Able To Communicate To Pat Sajak or Vanna White On “Wheel Of Fortune”, What Letter To Flip Over?  In The Same Exact Way, Hebrew Letters Have A Certain Pronunciation For Each Character.  So, Don’t Think I’m Talking Greek When I Say Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey.  Actually, I’m Talking Hebrew.  That Is The Alpha Characters In Hebrew That Spell Out The Word, ‘YHVH’, or Some Might Write It Down As YHWH, And I’ll Explain That Too As We Go Along.  Just As We Would Read ‘YHVH’ And Would Pronounce This As Why-H-Vee-H In The English Language, The Hebrew Pronunciation Is Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey,

And The Hebrew Language Reads From Right To Left, (Opposite Of The Way We Read English).  So, Starting On The Right Is The Yod.  Next To It Observe That The 2nd Letter From The Right And The First Letter On The Left Are The Same.  That Would Be Pronounced, Hey, As In “Hey, That’s Pretty Cool~!”.  “As A Baby, Yahoshua Was Laid In The Hay”.  So, The Only Letter Not Mentioned Is The 2nd From The Left, 3rd From The Right.  That’s The Vav, And It Represents A Shepherds Crook… The Hebrew Language Has Vowels; However, This Is A Consonant.  In Fact, They All Are And The Vowels Were Omitted.  Why Did They Omit The Vowels?  We’ll Talk More About These Things And Their Importance To Us As We Go Along.

This Arrangement Of These Consonants Are Called The Tetragrammaton And Is Not In The Scriptures. So, It Will Be Alright If You Don’t Learn To Spell Tetragrammaton Correctly, (That’s What Spell Check Is For)~!


Hebrew Text Reads From Right To Left

Western Text Reads From Left To Right


What Does The Spelling And The Vowels Got To Do With The Name?

Translations Vary From YahVeh, To Yahweh, To Yehovah With Many Pronunciations In-Between.  The Orthodox Jews Consider It Too Holy To Say And Therefore Say, “Adonai”, (Lord), or, “HaShem”, (Which Means The Name), or Sometimes, “Elohiym”, Wherever The Consonants, ‘Yod Hey Vav Hey’ Combination Is Found In Scriptures.

Jehovah Is An Invalid Interpretation Of The Tetragrammaton With The Vowel Marking Notations For The Hebrew Folks To Denote That The Word, “Adonai”, (Lord), Should Be Substituted, (There Was No ‘J’ In The Original Hebrew Language, So A ‘J’ Should Not Be Used Here For Yahweh’s Name).

The Vowels

1st Of ALL, The Scribes For Fear That Someone Would Say Yahweh’s Name In Vain, Did This Clever Trick Where They Took The Name Of Our God Which Was Written As The Consonants Of YHWH, And Inserted The Vowels For The Word Adonai, (Adonai Means ‘Lord’); And Using Certain Vowel Markings, (See Next Paragraphs Below For More Explanation).

So, In Order To Preserve This Mindset, (Which Is Directly Opposed The Command Given In Exodus 20:7), The Vowels For The Word, “Lord”, (Adonai In The Hebrew) Were Inserted Into The Consonants For YHWH, Making The New Word, “YAHOWAH” - As It Was Translated Into English?  ‘Jehovah’ Came From Using The Vowels For Adonai With The Consonants For YaHWeH.

The Orthodox Jews Thought That They Were Practicing The Commandment, “Do Not Take The Name Of Yahweh Your God In Vain”, However They Were In Fact Taking Away The Name And Making It Vain, (Rendering The Name Useless).

In Temple Times, The Name Yahweh, (or YHWH), Was “Spoken” Only Four Times ALL Year On The Day Of Atonement.  During The Ceremony Procedures, The High Priest Would Say It; And Everyone Would Bite The Dust In Worship To The Holy Name Of Yahweh.


Masoretic Text

I Was Named Charles, And Until I Was 6 Years Old, I Was Called Charlie.  Both My GrandFather And My Uncle Were Also Called Charlie And I Was Little Charlie .  But, Then My GrandMother Sent Us GrandChildren Some Pajamas With Our Names On Them, And She Misspelled My Name as Charley.  I Really Didn’t Not Like That.  But, My Parents Wouldn’t Make Her Change That.  I Realized Right Then, She Is Going To Misspell My Name All Of My Life.  I Was So Disappointed.  All My Brothers And Sisters Had Their Name Spelled Correctly, And So When I Went To The 1st Grade Someone Called Me, Chuck, And I Came Home And Told Everyone That My Name Was Chuck, And It Stuck.  I Was Chuck-O The Clown.

The Only Ones That Didn’t Except My Name Change Were My Relatives In The South.  They Continued To Call Me Charlie Long Past The Time That I Got Married And Came Out Of The Navy And On Into Adulthood.

But, Shortly After I Got Spirit-Filled At Age 32 The Holy Ghost Came To Me And Said That He Did Not Tell My Mother To Name Me Chuck And That Chuck Had A Meaning That He Did Not Intend For Me To Have, Like ‘Moose’ or ‘Knucklehead’.  Whereas, Charles Means Strong, Manly, And OftenTimes On Coffee Mugs, Charles Is Associated With Joshua 1:9 ~Haven’t I Commanded You?  Be Strong And Courageous. Don’t Be Afraid. Don’t Be Dismayed, For ‘Yahweh’ Your God, {‘ Elohim’}, Is With You Wherever You Go’”.  This Is Similar To When The Angel Found Gideon Hiding Out In The Threshing Floor For Fear That They Would Take His Life And The Angel Of Yahweh Said To Gideon, “Yahweh Is With You, You Mighty Man Of Valor~!”, (Judges 6:12).  Perhaps, Gideon Turned Around To See If There Was Someone Else That The Angel Was Talking To.  Who Me?  This Is Yahweh’s M.O.  Yahweh Always Calls Those Things That Are Not As Though They Were And Then They Become So, (Romans 4:17).  But, Both With Joshua and With Gideon, Yahweh Said He Will Be With Them …Therefore, They Are Now Strong And Courageous And Men Of Valor, {Joshua 1:9}.

And Now, The Holy Ghost Is Telling Me The Same Thing That He Told Both Gideon and Joshua.  Furthermore, Yahweh Said To Me, “I Told Your Mother To Name You, Charles, Not Chuck ”.  So, For Approximately Three Years, I Told Everyone My Name Was Charles, Which It Was And Still Is On My Birth Certificate.  Yet, I Was Not Able To Convince Anyone To Call Me Charles, {Not Even My Wife}.  So, I Approached Yahweh, The Heaven Father, And Said, “You Said In Your Word, “Come Let Us Reason Together”, (Isaiah 1:18), And I Would Like To Present My Case To You.  You’ve Watched Me For Almost Three Years Be Faithful To Your Instructions To Tell Others To Call Me Charles, But It Just Hasn’t Taken Hold.  I Think Charles Is Associated With Nobility And Well, I Would Really Liked Be Called Charlie A Lot.  I Just Didn’t Want To Be Little Charlie or To Have My Name Misspelled As Charley.  And Charlie Is A Name More Associated With My Jovial Personality, As In Good Time Charlie.  Can I Be Called Charlie Instead Of Charles?  And I Heard The Heavenly Father Say, “Yes, As Charlie Is A Derivative Of Charles And Has The Same Meaning And From This Day Forward, You’ll Be Known As Charlie Even In Heaven.”  Sealed~!  So, My Name Is Really Charlie, I Should Change My Birth Certificate, But To Honor My GrandFather And My Mother, I Let Be… But, My Name Is Charlie.

Now, I’ve Said All That To Say This..  Some Folks Continued To Call Me Chuck While Others Adapted And Called Me Charlie, {Even My Wife}.  I Had To Be Very Persistent About It, And What Surprised Me The Most, Is That Those Very Same Relatives That Insisted On Calling Me Charlie When I Lived Far Away And Known As Chuck Elsewhere, Now Very Determinedly Call Me Chuck.  So, I Inquired Of Yahweh, Why Are Some So Resistant To Call Me Charlie?  The Holy Spirit Told Me That I Would Be Able To Tell Those That Are Knowing Me After The Flesh, If They Called Me Chuck,  And Those That Call Me Charlie, Were Knowing Me After The Spirit.  This Is Like A Secret Code That Allows Me To Know Where Others Are Spiritually.

In The Same Manner…

1.  The Masoretes Were A Group Of Scribes/Scholars Between The 7th And 10th Century BC, Headquartered Mostly In Tiberius And Jerusalem, Who Devised A System Of Pronunciation And Grammatical Guides To Preserve The Proper Pronunciations Of Yahweh’s Word.
2.  They Added Vowels Under The Text.

A.  Not To The Text But Under The Text.  These Markings Were To Serve As An Aid In The Proper Pronunciation Of Each Word.

3.  Their Texts Were Soon Recognized As Authoritative Because Of The Great Care They Took In Making Copies Of Yahweh’s Word.
4.  The Masoretic Texts Became The Basis For Our Translations Of The Old Testament.
5.  In The Masoretic Texts You Will Find The Tetragrammaton Written 6823 Times.
6.  By The Time They Began To Copy These Texts – The Jews Were Beginning To Embrace The Belief That The NAME Was Too Sacred To Utter.  Not Realizing That They Just Violated Exodus 20:7, But We’ll Get To That Later.  So The Masoretes Came Up With An Ingenious Plan: Where Yahweh’s Name Was Written They Would Not Use The Correct Vowels.  They Would Use The Vowels Intermingled From The Word AdonaiAdonai Means ‘Lord’.  And This Plan Worked Perfectly.

(A). First – Any Jewish Person Who Was Reading The Scripture Would Know The Proper Name Yahweh And When They Saw These Markings – They Would Know That They Were Not The Correct Ones And They Would Know To Substitute The Title, Adonai As They Read.
(B). Second – Any Non-Jewish Person Who Read The Text Would Not Know What The Scribes Had Done, And Would Try To Pronounce The Name With The Wrong Vowels, And Consequently Would Mispronounce The Name as Jehovah.  Oops.  It Was Like A Secret Code To Identify True Israelites From False Tribes Pretending To Be Israelites, {Which Had Happen To The People Of Israel When The Gibeonites Who Were To Be Destroyed Pretended To Be Fellow Comrades From Afar, (Joshua 9)}.  This Is Just Like Folks Calling Me Chuck Instead Of Charlie.  I Can Know Immediately Whether They Are In The Flesh Or They Are Being Led By The Spirit Of Yahweh.  Those That Call Our God Jehovah Are In The Flesh, (Maybe Because Of Ignorance, Which I’m Correcting Right Now), and Those That Call Our God Yahweh, or Yahoweh, Are Being Spirit Led.


Yahweh’s Name Simplified

1st Of ALL, The Masoretes Scribes For Fear That Someone Would Say Yahweh’s Name In Vain, Did This Clever Trick Where They Took The Name Of Our God Which Was Written As YHWH, And Inserted The Vowels For The Word Adonai, (Which Means ‘Lord’), Using Certain Vowel Markings, (See Previous Explanations).

The Hebrew Priest Would Look At Every Instance Of YHWH, Which Is Strong’s Concordance # H3068 And Instead Of Saying The Actual Name Of Our God, They Would See The Vowel Pointing That We Might Call Tick Marks Both Above And Below The Word YHWH And Know To Pronounce This As ‘The LORD’.

The Problem Arose In Their Doing This Because It Directly Contradicted And Violated The Commandment That, “You Shall Not Take The Name Of ‘Yahweh Your God In Vain, For Yahweh Will Not Hold Him Guiltless Who Takes His Name In Vain”, (Exodus 20:7), As Will Be Explained Below.


Taking Away Is Not The Same As ‘Blaspheming’

The 3rd Commandment Deals With, “Taking”, Not ‘Blasphemy’.  The Word Used In Exodus 20:7 Is The Verb {NASA ~ OT:05375} and Means To ‘Take Away’, And Has Absolutely Nothing To Do With ‘Speaking’; (So ‘Blaspheming’ Would Not Be The Correct Interpretation Of This Word). OT:5375 A Verb Meaning To Lift, To Carry, To Take Away, (From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament Copyright © 2003 by AMG Publishers. All Rights Reserved.)

It Is Used In Exodus 20:7 Where It Is Said That, “You Shall Not Take Away”, {“Remove” or To, “Lift Off”} ~ The Name Of Yahweh.  We Certainly Blew That As Everywhere The Word ‘YHWH’ Was, Has Now Been Replaced In Many Translations By The Words, “The LORD”; And “The LORD” Is Not Yahweh’s Name.

Interesting Side Note That The Word, “Lift Off” Is The Hebrew Word NASA, {As In, “We Have Lift Off”})1.

The Word Vain; {SHAV ~ OT: 07723} Means To Make Uselessness or To Make Meaningless, Emptiness, Nothingness, Vanity. This Same Exact Word Is Used In Psalm 60:13 {As Worthless}.  SHAV Is Used Also In Psalm 108:12, {For Vanity Is The Help Of Man}; Psalm 127:2, {It Is Vanity [Useless] For You}; Psalm 89:48, {For What Nothingness Have You Created Man}; Isaiah 1:13, {Of Ineffective Offering To}.  So, Exodus 20:7 Should Read, “You Shall Not Take Away, or Lift Off And Remove The Name Of Yahweh To Make It Useless, Meaningless, Worthless or Ineffective, In Vain”.

Adverbs Modify Verbs, Meaning That They Answer Questions About The Verb, And Can Tell You How or When or In What Manner.

Now, This Word ‘Take’ Is The Hebrew Word NASA; (Strong’s Concordance # H5375 ~ This Is A Clickable or Tapable Link), Means To Lift Up’, or To Carry, To Carry Away, To Remove, To Take, or ‘To Take Away.

However To Obscure The Name, To Make It Of No Use; Would Be Taking The Name Away, (Like Changing The History Books With Hollywood Movies To A False History, As The Truth Was Taken Away).

The Exact Same Hebrew Word, {NASA}, Is Used In Psalm 32:1 ~ Blessed Is He Whose Transgression Is Forgiven, Whose Sin Is Covered, {Forgiven Here Means To Be Removed, Taken or Carried Away, Lifted).

Even Today In Our Modern English, NASA And The Words, “Lift Off” Are Associated Together As NASA’ Is The Abbreviation For The United States ‘National Aeronautics And Space Administration’… We Have “Lift Off”~!  ‘Lift’, ‘Remove’ And ‘Take’ Are Also ‘Slang Expressions’ For ‘Stealing’~!  Once More, We Have, “Lift Off”, Except This Time, Some Folks Have, “Taken Off” or, “LiftedYahweh’s Name~!  Like Shop-Lifting, They Have Stolen The Name Away From Us’~!  The Name Of Yahweh Has Been Stolen~!  Amazing Revelation~!


In Vain

The Word, Vain, (Strong’s Concordance # H7723), Means… To Ruin, To Bring To Uselessness, Emptiness Of Speech, The Quality Of Being Worthlessness, Emptiness Of Speech, Lying, Deceit, Useless.  “Yahweh’s Word Declare That His Name Was Not To Be Changed, Hidden or Deleted or To Be Made Worthless, (This Is Taking It In Vain — Making It To Be Vanity or Nothing)”.  This Would Be Like Someone Promising You Something, But They Were Only Saying This To Get You Off The Phone, And In Actuality, They Have No Intentions Of Following Through On What They Are Saying.  Their Speech Was Lying, Deceitful, Worthless, And In, “Vain”.   Like Going To Visit Someone In The Hospital, Only To Find Out That They Had Been Discharged, (The Trip Was In Vain).

Exodus 20:7 Should Have Read, “You SHALL NOT Take Away or Change or To Make Hidden or Obscure The Name Of Yahweh Your God To Make It Worthless”, (Meaningless).

Unfortunately, That Is Precisely What Has Happened, And Most Of Us Did Not Even Know That Yahweh Had A Name, or We Thought That He Had Many Names, (Explanations To Follow).


HalleluYah Means ‘Praise Yah
{Yah Is The Short Form Of Yahweh}

Now, There’s Further Proof That Yahweh’s Name Is NOT ‘The LORD’, (His Name Is Probably Pronounced Yahave-o-weh, With The “o” Softly Spoken Like The Way You Would Pronounce “Chocolate”.

For Example, Psalm 113:1 In The King James Version Of The Bible, It Will Say, “Praise The LORD”.  However In The Original Languages, It Is The Very Common, ‘Hallelujah~!  Which Should Have Been Translated “Praise Yah”.   {Interestingly, This Common Phrase Of, “HalleluJah” Is Known ALL Over The World, No Matter What Language They Speak And Although It Is Spelled ‘HalleluJah, It Is Always Pronounced Universally, ‘HalleluYah; Which Is In Itself Is A Fulfillment Of Many Scriptures That I Could Find, {(Psalm 46:10; Psalm 83:18; Exodus 9:16; Isaiah 12:4; Psalm 57:5,)}; But Especially Exodus 9:16 ~ “… And That My Name May Be Declared Throughout All The Earth”}.

However; There Never Was A J In The Original Hebrew Languages, So This Really Should Be Spelled Just As It Is Pronounced, HalleluYah.  The Hallel Means Praise, (Actually It Means More In The Line Of Hail Like When It Is Said Hail To The Chief, or Hail Caesar or Heil Hilter); But Take A Guess What Yah Stands For?  It’s The Short Form Of Yahweh, (Yah Is Used 47 Times In 43 Verses, But You Probably Can’t Tell It Because Your Translation Has Taken It Away ~ Enter Here To See For Yourself In The World English Bible; or Look At Psalm 68:4; Isaiah 12:2; Isaiah 26:4; & Isaiah 38:11 In The New King James Version).  HalleluYah Means Praise Yah, (Not ‘Praise The Lord’).  Yahweh Is Used 6840 Times In The World English Bible, (How Many Times Can You Find It Used In The Scriptures You Own?).  Let Us Exalt His Name Together~!

Yahoshua Is The Same Exact Name As Joshua, (However, As There Are No J s In The Hebrew Language), Joshua’s Real Name In Hebrew Was Yahoshua, (And Jerusalem Is YeRushalayim, And Joseph Should Be Yosef, However, Notice In The Spelling Of JerUSA lem, {“USA” Is In This Spelling Of This Rendering}).  A Great Many Of The Prophets Of Yahweh Had Yahweh’s Name Incorporated Into Their Name, (Yeshayâh = Isaiah And ‘êlı̂yâh = Elijah), or Even The Universal Phrase, “Hallelu-Yah”, (“Hallelujah”)~!  Bonus: JoEL’s Name Means, “‘Yahweh’ Is God”~!

The Name Of Yahweh Is Also Incorporated Into Several Theophoric Names, However, In Almost All Cases The Hebrew Name Itself Uses -Yahu, Not -Yah. This Does Not Preclude The Translation Of Several -yāhū Names Without The Added ū, Such as Elijah (ʾĒlīyyāhū) Or Hezekiah (H̱īzəqīyyahū), or The Existence Of Several Hebrew Names Which Do Use The -Yah Form, Such As Jedidjah, Malchijah, And Adonijah.

Take A Close Look At Psalm 113:1 Sometimes, {By Entering Here}; or In A Scripture Study That Contains The Strong’s Concordance Numbers.

Enter Here To See More On Praise or Enter Here To See More On Worship.

Okay, Suppose A 10-Year Old Child Passed Me A Note And They Described Their Parents With The Words My Daddy, or My Mommy, And That’s ALL That I Have To Go On.  Later On, When I ‘Meet The Parents’, If I Said To Them, Hello, Daddy, or Hello Mom, Then That Might Be Appropriate Once or Twice As A Greeting, But Would Not Be Appropriate All The Time Especially In A Group Setting Where There Are Many Dad’s And Mom’s As That Is Not Their Names~!  ‘The Lord’ Is Not Yahweh s Name~!


Pronunciation & Enunciation


Why Do People Call ‘Yeshua’ ‘Jesus’?

This Will Probably Be News To You, But ’Jesus’’ Name During His Time On Earth Was The Hebrew Name Yehôshûa, {Strong’s Concordance #: H3091}. and Not ‘Jesus’.  In Fact, This Is The Same Name As What We Now Spell As ‘Joshua’, {Recall That There Was No ’J’ In The Hebrew Language So Joshua Was Spelled Yehôshûa}.  During ‘Yahoshua’s’ LifeTime NO ONE CALLED HIM ‘Jesus’~!  Nobody~!  Doesn’t That Just Blow Over Everything You’ve Ever Been Taught About Yahoshua?  They Called Him ’Yehôshûa’~!

When The Gentiles Tried To Transliterate His Hebrew Name Into Greek, They Treated His Name Different Than Others Also Named ’Yehôshûa’.  All The Others Named ’Yehôshûa’ Were Translated To ’Joshua’.  Eventually, They Came Up Yeshua, Starting With, “Ihsoun” or, “Iesous”, (Strong’s Concordance #: G2424}. This Word “Iesous” Was From The Hebrew Word For ’Yehôshûa’, (H3091).  Jesus (i.e, “Jehoshua”), The Name Of Our Lord And Two (Three) Other Israelites).  In The Hebrew Which Is יהושע.  When, “Iesous” Was Transliterated Into Latin, It Became, “Iesus”, Which Was Then Carried Over Into English It Became Our Modern Day, “Jesus” When The Letter, “J” Developed In The 1600’s.  This Means That For Hundreds Of Years After His Death, ’Yahoshua’ Was Called “Iesus”.

The Name, “Jesus” Comes From The Latin Iesus, Which Comes From An Anglicized Form Of The Greek Name Yesous.  What This Means Is That The Greek Name Yesous Was Altered As It Was Adopted By The English Language.

Enter Here To See A Short Video Showing How The Name ‘Yeshua’ Came About.

In The 1st Century The Greek Name Yesous Represented The Hebrew Name Yeshua, Which Was A Shortened Form Of The Hebrew Name Yehoshua.  Despite Claims To The Contrary, There Is No Historical or Linguistic Basis In Any Biblical Texts For Other Modern Forms Of The Name Yeshua, Such As Yahshua, Yahushua, Yeshu, or Y’shua.  The Name Jesus Did Not Yet Exist During The Time That Yahoshua, {Jesus} The Christ, * {Ha Mashiach}, Was On Earth, Approximately 4 BC To 29 or 34 AD.  It Did Not Come Into Existence Until It Was CONfigured By The Council Of Nicea Of The Roman Catholic Church In The 4th Century.

Some Spell Jesus’ Name As Yahoshua As Yeshu, Yeshua, or Yehoshua; However, I Prefer To Spell It Yahoshua And I’ll Tell You Why.  If I Spell His Name As Yehoshua or Yeshua, Then You Are Probably Going To Mistakenly Pronounce It As, “Yes You Are” Instead Of Yahoshua As The e Is Pronounced As An a.  Let Me Show An Example.  The Spanish Phrase, “Cinco De Mayo”, (The 5th Of May), Explains It Best.  Say This Spanish Phrase Out Loud. Cinco De Mayo, Did You Just Say Sink-O De Maayo, As In Mayonnaise.  Well, That’s Not Correct, Because In Spanish, (Español), The Pronunciation Of The ‘a Is Enunciated As The Way We Would Say A Long ‘i, (Which In This Case Would Have a ‘y Sound), So The Word Should Be Pronounced, “Cinco De My-O”.  My Oh My~!  Enter Here To Hear Cinco De Mayo Said In From A Spanish Perspective.

This Is Precisely What Happens When We In The English Speaking World See The Wording ‘Yehoshua In Print.  We Think This Reads As ‘Yes-You-Are.  The ‘Ye Should Not Have A ‘Yes or The ‘Ye-Hoos Sound, But It Would Have Our Short ‘a Sound Of Ya.  or Ya-Hosh.’  Sounds A Lot Like How We Say The Name Joshua, {As It Should}, As They Are The Same Name With The Exception Of The Spelling With a ‘Y.  In The Same Way, Hebrew Letters Are Pronounced Differently Than How We Say Them In English.  I’m From The Southern Part Of The United States.  In The South We Have The Word Mayonnaise, And We Over Pronounce Our, “a’s” As a Double-A, (Hear Any Country Music Song To See What I Meaa n).  So, We Would Pronounce This As ‘Maay-o-naze’ .  In The Northern Part Of The United States, The Mayo Clinic Is Pronounced With The Same “a” Sound.

So, With That Being Established, If We In The United States Of America Saw In Print The Wording “Cinco de Mayo”, We Are Going To Pronounce It “Cinco de MAAYo”; (It Is After ALL In The Month Of MAY).

I Write Our Savior’s Name The Way That We Should Pronounce It In American English, And I Think That Is What We As Translators Of Another Language Should Do, To Make It Palatable And Understandable To Our Ears.  Yahoshua.  So, It Really Should Be ‘Yehoshua, But I’ll Keep Writing It Yahoshua As I Think That Pronouncing Of The Name Is That Important, (For More Great Reading See This Web Site: https://yeshua.org/who/what-does-yeshua-mean//).

The Same Principle Of Phonics Applies To The ‘W And ‘V / ‘W Sounds Of, “Yahweh”, (“Yahveh”).  This Is The Same Reason That I Don’t Write, “Yehovah”.  The Spanish Word ‘José Is Pronounced ‘Hosé In English, (Which Also Highlights The Difference Between The Spanish Language And The English Language In That The ‘J Is Pronounced As Southern USA English Would Say An ‘H).  Listen On YouTube To, “Werner Von Braun’s” Name Being Pronounced From A German Accent As, “Verner Won Browne”, {http://youtu.Be/w9twrZDdvYw}.  Or Pronounce ‘Wiener Schnitzel’, or ‘Auf Wiedersehen’ and You’ll Hear The ‘V Sound Instead Of The ‘W

Or From The German Word, “Jawohl”.  You Might Have Heard This Word On Hogan’s Heros As “Jawohl”, As In “Jawohl Kommandant”, {Meaning “Yes Sir Commandant”}.  Yet English Speaking Folks Might Not Recognize As It Is Spelled Differently.  It Is Pronounced “Yahave-Volt”.  But, It Is Spelled “Jawohl”.  The ‘J Is Pronounced As A ‘Y’, And The ‘W Is Pronounced As A ‘V, Similar To “Yahweh”~!

You Can See That There Are Different Pronunciations For The Same Vowels And Consonants In The Spanish or German To English Translations; So, Would There Not Be Different Ways To Say The Vowels And Consonants Between The Hebrew And English Languages?  Yes, There Are~!

Again, Note That There Was No ‘J In The Hebrew Language, But ‘Y Was The ‘J Sound In The Same Way That We Substitute An ‘H Sound In Our Minds For The Spanish Word ‘José.  So ‘Yehovah Is Just A Variant Of ‘Jehovah, Which Is A Totally Wrong Pronunciation, (See My Notes About The Vowels On This Web Page).  So, Since It Should Have An ‘A Sound, I Spell It Yahweh Although It Is Probably Correctly Spelled ‘Yahveh, or ‘Yahoveh, (I’m Still Researching The Middle ‘o Sound As The Strong’s Concordance List This As Ye-Ho-Vaw), {If You Just Pronounced This Yeahave-Ho-Vaw, As In, “Yea, Though I Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death” You Just Mispronounced The Ya As Yea~!  Try It Again, And Remember The ‘e Has An ‘a Sound, And The ‘a‘ Has An ‘e ‘Sound, And That The ‘V And The ‘W Are Reversed As Well.

Does It Matter?  I Think So.  According To The Scriptures In Proverbs 30:4, Says, “What Is His Name, And What Is His Son’s Name, If You Know?  I Think That Yahweh’s Name Would Be Incorporated Into The Messiah’s Name Of Yahoshua; Since His Name Means, “Yahweh Is Salvation”.  If There Isn’t A ‘Ye In ‘Yehohah Then There Can’t Be A ‘Yeshua.  I Believe It’s Pronounced Yahoweh’, With The ‘o Sound,  {Yahave-o-VAh}, And Yahoshua, {Joshua}.


Where Does The Spelling Of “YHWH” Come From?

Okay, Just To Keep This Simple, Let’s Just Start With Two Passages Of Scripture,

(Exodus 3:15; Isaiah 42:8).

Click On This Link To Go To Yahweh’s Word OnLine That Already Has The Strong’s Concordance Numbers Beside Them.  Dr. James Strong Spent His Entire Life Coding The Old Testament Hebrew Words To A Number, So That Folks Like You And Me Can Find The Definition Of Hebrew Words Without Knowing Hebrew, (He Also Did This For The New Testament Greek Words).

Hover Your Mouse Pointer Over The Wording Of ‘The LORD’ And A Tag Line Will Appear For Showing <H03068>.  The <H03068> Is The Strong’s Concordance Number Representing The Hebrew Word.  Click On The English Word LORD.

You’ll Get Their Interpretation In Hebrew Of The Word LORD, (‘Yehôvâh’ ~ {‘יהוה’ or ‘HWHY’), Below.  Hebrew Folks Read From Right To Left, So Let’s Reverse This So That Us In The Western World Can Read This..  It’s Probably Not, “Kosher” To Reverse The Hebrew Letters; But I Am Going To Do So, Just So The Letters Will Match The English Language.  So It Will Read הוהי or YHWH.  or The Proper Name Of Our God.  (Hebrew Letters: Yude, Hey, Vav, Hey).  All The Letters In Our God’s Name Are Consonants.  However, I Reversed The Letters Just To Simplify This For Us.

But The Name Of The One True Living God Is Spelled In Hebrew As יהוה or HWHY, Reading From Right To Left.  Yude, Hey, Vav, Hey Is Still Correct, But In Our Mind It Doesn’t Match The HWHY Reading From Left To Right.

Enter Here To View Another Website On This Subject

Of Note, There Is An Arrow To Have The Pronunciation Heard, And You Are Led To Believe That You Are Going To Hear The Correct Pronunciation Of YHWH, But Instead The Pronunciation For The Word “Adonai” Is Substituted And Heard, “Adonai” Means “Lord”, And If You Enter Here, You Can Hear The Substituted Word For YHWH.  Why Is This So?  Why Is The Hebrew Word For “Lord” Pronounced When YHWH Is Displayed?  When They Said, “Lord” Are They Talking About, “Baal?”

Also, Enter Here To Go To The Google Translate, If This Link Does Not Fill In The YHWH, Then Copy & Paste, (“Ctrl-c” &, “Ctrl-v”), The Hebrews Letters For YHWH, (יהוה), If It Interprets This As Yehovah Then That’s Close.  At The Same Website, Reverse The Letters, (הוהי) And It Will Translate As ‘God’.  Same Thing Is True If You Enter Here To Go To This Hebrew To English Website, and Copy and Paste יהוה or HWHY,  It Will Interpret These Letters As Either ‘Jehovah’ Or ‘The LORD’, (But, Both Of These Translations Are Incorrect Also).  But, Enter Here To See YHWH Mostly Translated Correctly.


The Untold Truth

In The Media There Is A Lot Of Sensationalism And The Catch Phrase “The Untold Truth Of…” Captures Our Attention.
Here Below Is The Untold Truth Of How Yahweh’s Name Was Taken Away

Remember At The First Of This Writing, That I Mentioned The Masoretes, (The Scribes), And How That For Fear That Someone Would Say Yahweh’s Name In Vain, Did This ‘Clever Trick’ Where They Took The Name Of Our God Which Was Written As YHWH, And Inserted The Vowels For The Word Adonai.

Well, This ‘Trick’ Only Worked If You Were A Hebrew And Knew How To Interpret The Code.  It Was Wrong, But The Word ‘The LORD’, (Adonai) Was Said As Intended.  However, Someone Failed To Send Out The Memo To The Greeks, And So When They Read YHWH With The Vowels Inserted For Adonai, They Interpreted This To Be Jehovah.  You’ve Probably Heard Jehovah Used For The Name Of The One True God or Deity, {Yahweh}.

Jehovah Is Not YHWH’ s Name At ALL, But An ALL Too Common Mistake Especially Considering There Was No ‘J In The Hebrew Language, And You’ll See It Listed Wrong Here If You Right-Click On 03068 As Mentioned Above, (Yahweh Name Is Not Ye-ho-vah Either, But At Least They Spelled It With a ‘Y).

Who Has Ascended Up Into Heaven, And Descended?  Who Has Gathered The Wind In His Fists?  Who Has Bound The Waters In His Garment?  Who Has Established ALL The Ends Of The Earth?  What Is His Name, And What Is His Son’s Name, If You Know?  (Proverbs 30:4).  As Further Evidence, The Messiah’s Name Yahoshua Means ‘Yahweh Saves’.  Notice The First Part Of Each Their Names Are The Same… ‘Yaho’shua, ‘Yaho’weh”.

The Name Of, “Je’hovah” Means Bringer Of Ruin or Destroyer, “Hovah” Is Defined In Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance By Hebrew Numbers 1942 And 1943 And Has Been Translated As, “Ruin And Mischief, Iniquity, Lawlessness”.  This Is One Of The Many Reasons That The Name Of, “Jehovah” Is Not, Nor Could Ever Be Used In SUBSTITUTION or Alternative For, “Yahweh.

The Correct Pronunciation Of YHWH Is Yahave-o-weh, But We Normally Pronounce It Yahweh Just Like We Do In English When We Say ‘Chocolate, (No One Pronounces The 2nd ‘o’, Or If They Do, It Is With A Short ‘o’ And It Is Very Softly Spoken).  The Short o In ‘Pop’ Sounds A Lot Like The ‘A’ Sound, (The Long ‘o’ Is Pronounced Like When We Say ‘Who’, Where A Vowel Says It’s Name).  And This Guy Below Goes To Great Length In The Hebrew To Show That It Is Pronounced Yahweh, http://www.eliyah.com/yahweh.html.

To Actually Hear How YHWH Is Probably Supposed To Sound, Enter Here.  I Honestly Think That YHWH Has A 3rd Middle Syllable That Sounds Like A “Hoo”, As In “Ya-Hoo-Ah”.  We Might See It Spelled As “Ye-Ho-Ah”, But The “Yeh” Is Pronounced “Yah”, And So If I Write This As “Yahoweh”, Probably English Speaking Folks Will Still Read This As Ya-Ho-Vah, And That Sounds A Lot Like “Jehovah”… And May Explain Where The “Jehovah” Pronunciation Comes From. This Is Like Looking At A Spanish Name Such As “Jávier”, or “José” And Pronouncing It “Ja-ve-er” or “Joe’s” Instead Of “Ha-Ve-Aire”, And “Ho-Say”.

You Really Need To Understand The Phonics Of Hebrew To Get The Pronunciation Correct, We Probably Should Spell As Ya-Hoo-Ah”, Much Like “Yahoshua”, (Which Is Almost Identical To How We Pronounce “Joshua”, Except With A “Y” Sound, As There Was No “J” In The Ancient Hebrew Language).  So, YaHooAh And Yahoshua Are My Interpretation To The Best Of My Knowledge Of How To Correctly Pronounce Both The Heavenly Father’s Name And His Son, {… “What Is His Name, And What Is His Son’s Name, If You Know?”, Proverbs 30:4)}. However, I’m Spelling It “Yahweh”, But Pronouncing It “YaHooAh”.


Substitution For The Name Of Yahweh For ‘The LORD’

In Much The Same Way That A Letter From A 10-Year Old Would Lead One To Think Their Parents’ Names Are ‘Mommy’, or ‘Daddy’, We’ve Read Yahweh’s’ Word ALL Our Lives, Reading Where The Real Name Of YHWH Has Been Substituted With The Words ‘The LORD’ In Our Translation.  The Original Name Was Taken Away And Instead Was Given A ‘Title’ That Masked ‘The Real Name’.  Yahweh’s Name Is Not, “The LORD”.

There Are Lots Of Songs That Sing About, “The LORD”, But That’s Still Not His Name.  It’s The Same As Calling Your Spouse or Girlfriend or Boyfriend On The Phone And Saying Hello, ‘Spouse/Girlfriend/Boyfriend’.  True, They Are Your Spouse/Girlfriend or Boyfriend, But That’s Not Their Name~!

The Transcribers, (The Masoretes Scribes), Had Wrongly Replaced, “Yahweh” With, “The LORD”, And In Doing So Directly Violated The Command In Exodus 20:7 Not To Take Away The Name, Nor To Obscure It And Make The Name Vain.

Moses Wrote: “You Shall Not Add To The Word Which I Command You, Neither Shall You Take Away From It, That You May Keep The Commandments Of Yahweh Your God Which I Command You”, (Deuteronomy 4:2).   Later In This Same Book Of THE LAW, Moses Repeated The Admonition In Similar Words. He said, “Whatever Thing I Command You, That You Shall Observe To Do.  You Shall Not Add To It, Nor Take Away From It”, (Deuteronomy 12:32).

18 “I Testify To Everyone Who Hears The Words Of The Prophecy Of This Book, If Anyone Adds To Them, May God Add To Him The Plagues Which Are Written In This Book:
19 “And If Any Person Shall Take Away From The Words Of The Book Of This Prophecy, God Shall Take Away Their Part Out Of The Book Of Life, And Out Of The Holy City, And From The Things Which Are Written In This Book”, (Revelation 22:18–19).

And If You Think That They Are Only Just Changing The Name and Not A Big Deal, {Just A Matter Of Semantics}; Then Take A Look At This Commandment At:

Numbers 6:22-27 ~
22Yahweh’ Spoke To Moses, Saying,
23 “Speak To Aaron And To His Sons, Saying, ‘This Is How You Shall Bless The Children Of Israel.’ You Shall Tell Them,
24Yahweh’ Bless You, And Keep You.
25Yahweh’ Make His Face To Shine On You,
And Be Gracious To You.
26Yahweh’ Lift Up His Face Toward You,
And Give You Peace.’
27 “So They Shall Put ‘My Name’ On The Children Of Israel; And I Will Bless Them”.

Now, Just Suppose That You’re Not Buying Into This Yet.  How Would The Priest Be Putting Yahweh’s NAME On The Children Of Israel, If He Said, “The Lord Bless You”, Etc, Since ‘The Lord’ Is Not His Name?   So, It Is A Direct Violation Of The Scriptures To Substitute ‘The Lord’ For Yahweh’~!

To Prove My Point, Let Me Ask You, “Are You Not Thinking That Yahweh Is A Hebrew Name?”.  My Name Is Charlie.  Guess What My Name Is In Spanish?  In Spanish, People May Want To Call Me Carlos or Carlitos; But That’s Not My Name.  My Name In Spanish Is CharlieYahweh’s Name In English Is Yahweh, This Is Not A Hebrew Name, It Is His Name~!  Period.  And This Might Surprise You, But ‘Lord’ Is The Same Name Used To Call Baal, Furthermore Proving That ‘The Lord’ Is Not Yahweh’s’ Name.

Jeremiah 23:26-27
26 How Long Shall This Be In The Heart Of The Prophets That Prophesy Lies?  Yea, They Are Prophets Of The Deceit Of Their Own Heart;
27 Which Think To Cause My People To Forget My Name By Their Dreams Which They Tell Every Person To His Neighbor, As Their Fathers Have Forgotten My Name For Baal. {LORD}.

Hosea 2:16-17 KJV
16 And It Shall Be At That Day, Said Yahweh, That Thou Shall Call Me Ishi; And Shall Call Me No More Baali, {Lord}.
17 For I Will Take Away ‘The Names Of Baalim’ Out Of Her Mouth, And They Shall No More Be Remembered By Their Name.

Baali Means ‘My Lord’, or ‘My Master’Baal Is Not Really The Name Of Just A Single Deity.  Haddad, (The Amorite God Of The Storm).  Baal Is A Term That Means ‘My Lord’ And Denotes Ownership, So When They Referred To Haddad They Referred To Him As ‘My Lord’.  Baalim Is Plural, With Many Gods And Many Names For Their God.  This Word Baal Was Connected With A Lot Different Regions And Areas, And As Such Baal-Perazim, (2 Samuel 5:20).  Baal-Berith, (Judges 9:46).  I Will Take Away The Names, (Notice That The Word Names Used Here Is Plural).

Remembered Means To Be, “Mention”, By Their Name ~ And They Shall No More Be Mentioned By Their Name, The Canaanite, The Amorite Gods Will No Longer Be Mentioned By Name.


Making Sense Out Of Nonsense

(Click On This Link).  These Are Many Versions Of Yahweh’s Word That Put Yahweh’s Name Back, (Including The World English Bible, {WEB}; or The Holman Christian Standard Bible, {HCSB}; or The Concordant Literal Version, {CLV}; or Even Joseph Bryant Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible, {EBR or REB, or EB In eSword} Which Was Published And Revised Between 1872 And 1902).

Notice Something Here.  I Took Exodus 3:15 & Isaiah 42:8 And Compared Them From The World English Bible To The King James.  (Click Here To See)

Isaiah 42:8 ~ I Am The LORD: That IS My Name.
Exodus 3:15 ~ The LORD God Of Your Fathers, The God Of Abraham, The God Of Isaac, And The God Of Jacob, Has Sent Me Unto You: This Is My Name For Ever, And This Is My Memorial Unto ALL Generations.

This Phrase Has So Many Words That It Is Hard To Follow, So, Just For Clarity I’ll Put In Three Dots, (Called An Ellipsis), To Show The Readers That Part Of The Quotation Is Missing For The Words In The Middle.

The LORD God … That IS My Name.
The LORD God Of Your Fathers, “This Is My Name For Ever …

Can You See That This Can’t Possibly Be Right?  A Title Cannot Be A Name~!  Like ‘President’ Is Not The Name Of The USA’s President, Nor Is ‘Dad’, Nor ‘Mom’ Their Real Names.


Yahweh’s Name Is Not ‘The LORD’

Now, As Long As You Believe That The One True God’s Name Is ‘The LORD’, You Might Not Even Realize That You’ve Been Fooled, And There Needs To Be An Extra Comma Between LORD God, For His Name Is Not LORD God, But, Yahweh, And Yahweh Was Saying I Am Yahweh, God Of Your Fathers, (or Like Me Saying I Am Charlie, Father Of Kelly & Caleb).

Read These Same Passages With The Properly Translated Word For YHWH, (Strong’s Concordance # H3068), Placed Back In.  YHWH By The Way Was Made Without The Vowels So That No One Could Say The Proper Name, As They Thought It Was Too Sacred To Say… Complete Opposite Of What Yahweh Instructed In Numbers 6:22-27 And What Yahoshua, (Jesus), Taught In John 17:6, 26.  So, When I Write YHWH And Then Use The Word Yahweh, I May Be Confusing You On This Issue.

Isaiah 42:8 ~ I Am Yahweh: That IS My Name, (Some Translations Word It Correctly Such At The World English Bible, The Updated Version, And The Holman Christian Standard Bible)
Exodus 3:15 ~ Yahweh, God Of Your Fathers, The God Of Abraham, The God Of Isaac, And The God Of Jacob, Has Sent Me Unto You: This Is My Name Forever, And This Is My Memorial Unto ALL Generations.

If You Put Yahweh’s Name Back In, This Is More Proof That Yahweh Doesn’t Have Many Names, But One Name Because As Shown Below To Put My Name Upon Them, You Can’t Use The Phrase, “The LORD” And Be Putting His Name Upon Them.

Yahweh Spoke To Moses, Saying, “Speak To Aaron And To His Sons, Saying, ‘This Is How You Shall Bless The Children Of Israel.’ You Shall Tell Them, Yahweh Bless You, And Keep You.  Yahweh Make His Face To Shine On You, And Be Gracious To You. Yahweh Lift Up His Face Toward You, And Give You Peace.’, “So They Shall Put My Name On The Children Of Israel; And I Will Bless Them”, (Numbers 6:22-27).

When You See Something In The Scriptures And You Refuse To Believe It, And Choose Rather To Believe The Traditions Of Folks, Then This Is A Religious Stronghold.

Our God’s Name Is NOT “The LORD”. Yahweh, This Is My Name , (Isaiah 42:8; Exodus 3:15) .


Yahweh / Yahveh / Yehovah / YHVH / YHWH /Yod Hey Vav Hey

(Hâ-yaĥ ), Strong’s # 1961, I Am,
{Exodus 3:14-16 ~ Parallel Amplified Bible Classic Edition & World English Bible}
{Exodus 3:14-16 ~ Interlinear Bible}

(Yahweh), Strong’s # H3068, The Proper Name Of The One True Yahweh,
{Exodus 3:15; Isaiah 42:8;
Jeremiah 16:21; Psalm 83:18;
Proverbs 30:4; Psalm 68:4;
Genesis 15:7; Exodus 15:3; Isaiah 38:11

The Proper Name Of The One True Yahweh, “Self-Existent”, “Eternal” or, “He Is”.
 Compare H3068 To Strong’s Concordance #’s: H3050, H3069

YHWH, (‘Yod Hey Vav Hey’) Is The Tetragrammaton Derived From The Vowels YHWH To Form The Word Yahweh That We Use Today.  Some List This As YHVH, But That Is Because The Sound That The W Makes Sounds Like What We Call A, “V”.  This Can Be Understood Also In Modern German To English Translations, (or The Opposite Is Shown When One Buys A Sony ‘Wega’ TV, Yet It’s Pronounced ‘Vega’).

Isaiah 52:6 ~
5 Now Therefore, What Have I Here”, Says Yahweh, “That My People Are Taken Away For Nothing?  Those Who Rule Over Them Make Them Wail”,
Says Yahweh, “And My Name Is ‘Blasphemed’ Continually Every Day”.
6 Therefore My People Shall Know My Name; Therefore They Shall Know In That Day That I Am He Who Speaks: ‘Behold, It Is I.’ “

Malachi 3:16
“Then Those Who Feared Yahweh Spoke To One Another, And Yahweh Listened And Heard Them; So A Book Of Remembrance Was Written Before Him For Those Who Fear Yahweh And Who Meditate On His Name”.

{Host Means Armies As In The Heavenly Host Of Angels.
The Of Hosts Cited Below Is Not His Name, But An Identifier Like
Jesus Of Nazareth, Paul Of Tarsus, Joseph Of Arimathea, Or James The Elder.
Yahweh Of Hosts}.

It Greatly Appears To Me To Be A Slight Trick Of d-Evil One To Remove Yahweh’s Name And Make It Appear That His Name Is His Title, (Lord) In Such Places As:

Psalm 68:4
Sing To God, Sing Praises To His Name;
Lift Up A Song For Him Who Rides Through The Deserts,
Whose Name Is Yahweh, And Exult Before Him.

Exodus 3:14-15
God Said To Moses, “I Am Who I Am”; And He Said, “Thus You Shall Say To The Sons Of Israel, ‘I Am Has Sent Me To You.’” God, Furthermore, Said To Moses, “Thus You Shall Say To The Sons Of Israel, ‘Yahweh, The God Of Your Fathers, The God Of Abraham, The God Of Isaac, And The God Of Jacob, Has Sent Me To You.’ This Is My ‘Name’ Forever, And This Is My Memorial-Name To All Generations.

Exodus 6:3
And I Appeared To Abraham, Isaac, And Jacob, As God Almighty, But By My ‘Name’, ‘Yahweh, I Did Not Make Myself Known To Them.

Exodus 15:3
Yahweh Is A Warrior;
Yahweh Is His Name.

Jeremiah 33:2
“Thus Says Yahweh Who Made The Earth, Yahweh Who Formed It To Establish It, Yahweh Is His Name.

Isaiah 42:8
“I Am ‘Yahweh, That Is My ‘Name;
I Will Not Give My Glory To Another,
Nor My Praise To Graven Images.

Amos 5:8
He Who Made The Pleiades And Orion
And Changes Deep Darkness Into Morning,
Who Also Darkens Day Into Night,
Who Calls For The Waters Of The Sea
And Pours Them Out On The Surface Of The Earth,
Yahweh Is His Name.

Amos 9:6
The One Who Builds His Upper Chambers In The Heavens
And Has Founded His Vaulted Dome Over The Earth,
He Who Calls For The Waters Of The Sea
And Pours Them Out On The Face Of The Earth,
Yahweh Is His Name.

Deuteronomy 28:58
“If You Are Not Careful To Observe All The Words Of This Law Which Are Written In This Book, To Fear This Honored And Awesome Name, Yahweh Your God.

Jeremiah 31:35
Thus Says Yahweh,
Who Gives The Sun For Light By Day
And The Fixed Order Of The Moon And The Stars For Light By Night,
Who Stirs Up The Sea so That Its Waves Roar;
Yahweh Of Hosts Is His Name:

Jeremiah 32:18
Who Shows Lovingkindness To Thousands, But Repays The Iniquity Of Fathers Into The Bosom Of Their Children After Them, O Great And Mighty God. Yahweh Of Hosts Is His ‘ Name;

Jeremiah 50:34
“Their Redeemer Is Strong, Yahweh Of Hosts Is His Name;
He Will Vigorously Plead Their Case
So That He May Bring Rest To The Earth,
But Turmoil To The Inhabitants Of Babylon.

Jeremiah 51:19
The Portion Of Jacob Is Not Like These;
For The Maker Of All Is He,
And Of The Tribe Of His Inheritance;
Yahweh Of Hosts Is His Name.

Hosea 12:5
Even Yahweh, The God Of Hosts,
Yahweh Is His Name.

Amos 4:13
For Behold, He Who Forms Mountains And Creates The Wind
And Declares To Man What Are His Thoughts,
He Who Makes Dawn Into Darkness
And Treads On The High Places Of The Earth,
Yahweh God Of Hosts Is His Name.

Jeremiah 51:57
“I Will Make Her Princes And Her Wise Men Drunk,
Her Governors, Her Prefects And Her Mighty Men,
That They May Sleep A Perpetual Sleep And Not Wake Up, ”
Declares The King, Whose ‘Name’ Is ‘Yahweh’ Of Hosts.

Zechariah 14:9
And Yahweh Will Be King Over All The Earth; In That Day Yahweh Will Be The Only One, And His ‘Name The Only One.

 (Psalm 68:4; Exodus 3:14-15;
Exodus 6:3; Exodus 15:3;
Exodus 15:3; Isaiah 42:8; Amos 5:8;
Amos 9:6; Deuteronomy 28:58;
Jeremiah 31:35; Jeremiah 32:18;
Jeremiah 50:34; Jeremiah 51:19;
Jeremiah 51:57; Hosea 12:5;
Amos 4:13; Zechariah 14:9


Ab / Abba

Old Testament (Strong’s # 1)
New Testament, Abba, (Strong’s # 3962, 5)

Father, (Daddy ~ Yahweh).  One Of The Most Interesting Things About This Word, Was That This Was The Word That Yahoshua Used The Most When Addressing Yahweh, (Indicating A Close Personal Relationship To Yahweh).  How Many Times Have We Heard Someone Urging Folks To Invite Yahoshua To Be Their Personal Lord, (Romans 10:9-10) & Savior, And Invite Yahoshua Into Our Hearts, (Ephesians 3:17), And Then We Remind Ourselves That Yahweh Also Wants To Be Our Father, (You Don’t Get Any More Personal Than That).  Yahweh Desires To Have A Close Personal Relationship With Each One Of Us.  Then Start Addressing The Father As Abba, (Daddy ~ Yahweh).

Using Abba, Father, Is The Personal Title On Endearment That Describes Yahweh In His Best Characteristic As Our Father, (Daddy, Yahweh); And Is Scriptural And The Way Yahoshua Addressed Yahweh~!  (Matthew 6:9; Matthew 23:9; Mark 14:36; Luke 11:2; Romans 8:15; Galatians 4:6).

I Am Yahweh Who Is Your Father.

“I Praise You For Being Such A Good Example To Me As My Father.  Abba, Thank You For Your Tender-Mercies Towards Me And Showing Me By Your Example, How To Be A Good Parent”.

Galatians 4:6; Romans 8:14-15; John 1:12-13

See Also:

Yahweh Ab, Father, Ab, (Strong’s # 1, 136, 3069, 1961 ; H3068. The Proper Name Of The One True Lord Yahweh , “And Yahweh Formed Man Of The Dust Of The Ground”, (Genesis 2:7).

Yahweh Is Connected To The Creation Of Man, To The Making Of A Covenant, And To The Atonement ~ And One Cannot Worship Him Without A Relationship Through The CovenantI Am That I Am, Our Eternal God, I Am …Whatever You Need I AM The Existing One, (El Shaddai).  I Thank You Yahweh For Being Whatever I Need.  Exodus 3:13-14; Deuteronomy 10:17.  I AM, Yahweh, Yah, Yahweh, Titles Of, Titles Of Yahweh


Yahweh ~ Elohiym

(El O Heem’) (Strong’s # H3068; H0430), It Is Yahweh Who Reveals Himself As Yahweh Our Creator Elohiym, (Genesis 1:26).  Interesting To Note That Elohiym Is Plural Of ‘ĕlôahh, ‘ĕlôahh (H0433); Which Implies That Yahoshua Was There At Creation, As He Said That He Was, (John 1:1-3; 1 John 1:1-2), {See This Reference ~ http://www.yaim.org/web/literatureside/yahshua/108-the-pre-existence-of-yahshua.

Genesis 1:26 ~
Then God, <Elohiym OT: H0430)>, Said, “Let US Make Man In OUR Image,
According To OUR Likeness; Let Them Have Dominion Over The Fish Of The Sea, Over The Birds Of The Air, And Over The Cattle, Over All The Earth And Over Every Creeping Thing That Creeps On The Earth”.

Could The Word US & OUR Be Referring To The Godhead: The Trinity ~ God The Father, The Son & The Holy Spirit / {Holy Ghost}.  I Think So.

Yahweh Is Always Worshipped As The One True God, Creator Of Heaven And Earth, (Genesis 1:1; Job 38:4-41; Jonah 1:9; Psalm 8:3-4; Psalm 19:1; Psalm 102:25; Isaiah 40:12; Isaiah 42:5; Acts 17:24;
Romans 1:19-20,25; Colossians 1:16-17; Hebrews 11:3

I Am Yahweh Who Is Your God.  I Praise You ‘Yahweh’~‘Elohiym’ That You Are My God.  You Promised That You Would Be Our God And That We Would Be Your People, (Psalm 100:3).  I Am So Pleased And Honored To Have You As My God, (Genesis 1:26; Psalm 8:5).

We Have Been Created In The Image Of Yahweh.  Psalm 8:4-5 Says,
What Is Man That You Are Mindful Of Him, And The Son Of Man That You Visit Him?
For You Have Made Him A Little Lower Than God
*, (The Creator), And You Have Crowned Him With Glory And Honor”. (See Also Romans 8:28-30).

*{“Elohiym” In The Original Hebrew-Chaldee - Strong’s Concordance # 0430 ~
The King James Version Incorrectly Translated This Word At Psalm 8:5 As “Angels”}

See Also:
For A More Extensive Study, I Have Put Together, {With A Look-Up Feature}, Most All Of The Titles Of Yahweh At https://www.angelfire.com/al4/zoe/yahweh.htm.

Elohiym, Yahweh


Yahweh ~ Yasha

(Strong’s # H3068, 3467)

I Am Yahweh Who Is Your Savior ~ I Thank You Yahweh ~ Yasha That You Are My Savior, (Similar To Yahoshua ~ Yahweh ~ Saved).  You Save Me From My Past, My Presence And My Future.

Isaiah 49:26


El Shaddai,
{Not A Name, But A Strong Attribute Of Yahweh}

(Shad-dah’-ee) (Strong’s # 410, 7706), Yahweh Almighty / The All Sufficient Yahweh ~ Yahweh El Shaddai, (Yahweh Our Supplier).  El Shaddai Means The God Of Might, Nourishment, Bounty, And Blessings.  Yahweh Revealed Himself To Abraham As El Shaddai When He Promised Him A Son In Seemingly Impossible Situation To Show To Abraham That He Could Get This To Come About As He Was God Almighty, All Powerful, That Is The Provider, That He Could Provide A Way When There Was No Way.  El Shaddai Is Usually Translated In English Bibles As “God Almighty”, “The Almighty” or “Almighty God”.  Hold That Thought For A Moment.

Let’s Look At The Part Where Yahweh Said That He Is The All-Sufficient One. The Hebrew Word “Dai”, (Meaning “Sheds Forth”, “Pours Out”, or “To Heap Benefits”), Suggests Provision, Sustenance, And Blessing. Thus, Yahweh Is The All-Sufficient, All-Bountiful El, (Genesis 42:24-25).  The Hebrew Word “Shad” or “Shadayim” (Meaning “Breast” or “Breasts); And Occurs 24 Times As “Shaddai”; And Signifies One Who Nourishes, Supplies, And Satisfies, (Isaiah 60:16; Isaiah 66:10-13).  Combined With The Word For God, “El”, It Then Becomes “The One Mighty To Nourish, Satisfy, And Supply”.  More Than Any Other Quality, Yahweh Is My Source, And For The Levites He Was Their Portion, (The Levites Did Not Get A Portion Of The Land For Yahweh Was Their Portion).  Yahweh Will Supply All Your Needs, (Not Just Financially, But Emotionally, Spiritually, Physically ~ Whatever You NEED~!)

Yahweh Is Our Supplier” ~ Philippians 4:19 ~And My God WILL SUPPLY ALL Your Needs According To His Riches In Glory In Christ Jesus, {Yahoshua Ha Mashiach”}.  (See Also 2 Corinthians 9:8-11; Philippians 4:19;
Deuteronomy 2:7; Deuteronomy 8:18; 1 Samuel 2:8; 1 Chronicles 29:12; Psalm 68:9; Psalm 147:8;
Matthew 6:26;31-33; Acts 14:17; 2 Peter 1:3
).  {Enter Here To Read More}.

Yahweh Is Able To Make All Grace Abound Toward You~!   Always Having All Sufficiency In All Things, Yahweh Will Supply All Your Needs And Then Some.  He Is El Shaddai ~ Like A Dog or Cat With A Liter That Has More Than Enough Teats, Yahweh Is More Than Enough As The Multi-Breasted One, {The Female Was Created Also In Yahweh’s Image, So Yahweh Has Breast, (Genesis 1:27; Genesis 5:2; Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6)}.

Okay, Now Let’s Come Back To The Almighty Part Of This Aspect Of Yahweh~!

I Appeared To Abraham, To Isaac, And To Jacob As God Almighty [El-Shaddai], But By My Name [Yahweh —The Redemptive Name Of God], I Did Not Make Myself Known To Them, [In Acts And Great Miracles], (Exodus 6:3).

The Hebrew Root Word, “Shadad”, (Meaning “To Overpower” or “To Destroy”), Suggests Absolute Power.  While Elohiym Is The God Who Creates, In The Title, “Shaddai”, Yahweh Reveals Himself As The God Who Compels Nature To Do What Is Contrary To Itself.  He Is Able To Triumph Over Every Obstacle And All Opposition; He Is Able To Subdue All Things To Himself.

An Akkadian Word “Šadu”, (Meaning “Mountain”), Suggests Great Strength.

Abram, (As He Was Then Known), Was Ninety-Nine Years Old When El Shaddai, “The Almighty Yahweh”, Made A Covenant With Him To, “Multiply Thee Exceedingly”, (Genesis 17:1-2), And Changed His Name From Abram To Abraham, And Abram’s Wife Name From Sarai To Sarah, And Extended That Covenant To Isaac, (Genesis 17:19,Genesis 17:21).

El Shaddai Means The Many Breasted One, The God That Is More Than Enough. This Is Another One Of Those Titles Where Yahweh Called Himself This, And Was Not Named This By Humans.  I Think This Was Yahweh’s Way Of Saying That I Am Yahweh Of The Impossible.  Thank You El Shaddai That You Are Yahweh That Is More Than EnoughGenesis 17:1; Ephesians 3:20; 2 Corinthians 3:5

(Jeremiah 32:17,27;
Matthew 19:26;
Mark 9:23; Mark 10:27;
Luke 1:37; Luke 18:27

Genesis 28:3 — “May El Shaddai Bless You, Make You Fruitful And Increase Your Descendants,
Until They Become A Whole Assembly Of Peoples”, (CJB).
Genesis 35:11 — “And Elohiym Said To Him, ‘I Am El Shaddai, {Like Saying, “I Am The Supplier”}.  Bear Fruit And Increase,
A Nation And A Company Of Nations Shall Be From You, And Sovereigns Come From Your Body’”, (TS98).
Exodus 6:3 — (Yahweh Spoke To Moses…) ~ “‘I Appeared To Abraham, Yitz’Chak (Isaac) And Ya’Akov (Jacob) As El Shaddai, Although I Did Not Make Myself Known To Them By My Name, Yahweh, {Yud-He-Vav-Heh}.

(See Also Matthew 10:32-33;
Mark 8:38;
Luke 12:8-9;
Luke 9:26
[Adonai].’” (CJB)

As Nathan Stone Wrote: “…The Idea Of One Who Is All-Powerful And All-Mighty Is Implied . . . For Only An All-Powerful One Could Be All-Sufficient And All-Bountiful.  He Is Almighty Because He Is Able To Carry Out His Purposes And Plans To Their Fullest And Most Glorious And Triumphant Completion. . . So He Is Able To Save To The Uttermost.  And Yahweh Is Able To Do Exceedingly Abundantly Above All That We Can Ask or Think, (Hebrews 7:25; Ephesians 3:20).

See Also (Genesis 28:3; Genesis 35:11; Genesis 43:14;48:3; Exodus 6:3; Numbers 24:4;16; Ruth 1:20;21;
Job 5:17; 6:14; 8:3; 5; 11:7; 13:3; 15:25; 21:15; 20; 22:3; 17; 23-26; 23:16; 24:1; 27:2; 10-13; 29:5; 31:2, 35;
32:8; 33:4; 34:12; 35:13; 37:23; 40:2;
Psalm 68:14; Isaiah 13:6;60:15;16;66:10-13; Ezekiel 1:24;10:5; Joel 1:15

Another Author, (Linda Smallwood); Wrote A Whole Lot Better Than What I Have Put Into Words.  Tremendously Better.  I Have Copied Parts Of This From Her Website.  Please Read Her Website At This URL Address:

See Also:

El, Shaddai



Old Testament: (Shad-dah’-ee, Strong’s # 7706)

New Testament: (Pantokrator, Strong’s# 3841)

Supreme, Utmost  shad-dah’-ee Pantokrator

I Am The Alpha And The Omega, (The Beginning And The End ~ Revelation 21:6).

A Mighty Fortress, A Bulwark Never Failing.  Impenetrable To Temptation, Undefeated, Unconquered, Unmatched, Highest, Ultimate, Absolute, Greatest, Untouchable, Best, Unbeatable, Triumphant, Champion, Successful, Conquering, The Author And Also The Finisher, The Completer, Magnificent, Wonderful, Splendid, Superb, Celebratory, Splendid, Victorious Yahweh.  Yahweh To Whom Nothing Is Impossible, (Jeremiah 32:17; Jeremiah 32:27).

See Also:

El Shaddai; Adonay Yahweh; Kew~EL~!; King; Draw Near To Yahweh; Genesis 17:1; Psalm 46:1-4; 2 Corinthians 6:18


Yahweh ~ T’Sebaah

Yahweh ~ T’Saba (Tsaw-baw’), or (Feminine Tseba’ah or Ts’baa’owt); Also: (Tseb-aw-aw’); From (Strong’s # H3068, H6633), Yahweh ~ T’Sebaah, (Sabaoth: Strong’s# H3069, H6635).  T’Sebaah, Is Pronounced Much Like We Would Say Tsunami, With The T Being Silent.

The Captain Of The Armies”.  Yahweh Who Goes Before You Into Battle.  Yahweh (Of The Hosts), Is His Name.  The Word, ‘Hosts’ In The Scriptures Meant, “Army”, (Luke 2:13).  The Avenger”, (See Also Elyown El Gaal).  I Tell You That He Will, “Avenge” Them Speedily.

Luke 18:8~
“Nevertheless, When The Son Of Man Comes, Will He Really Find Faith On The Earth?”

Yahweh Of Host, My Favorite Title For Yahweh, And How He Addressed Himself A Lot~!
It’s Like Saying Are You Sure You Want To Come Against That Corporate Giant, And All Their Slew Of Limitless Lawyers?

And Yahweh Will Respond, Yes, I’m Sure, And One Day Yahweh Will Even Come Against Gog & MaGog, And You Better Be Sure, He’s Packing And Coming With All Of The Warring Avenging Heavenly Hosts Of Angels Following On His Coat Tail~!

Satan, You Should Be Afraid Today, Be Very Afraid~!
Oh Yeah.  Yahweh ~ T’Saba Is On His Way~!

{Host Means Armies As In The Heavenly Host Of Angels.
The ‘Of Hosts’ Is Not His Name, But An Identifier Like
Jesus Of Nazareth, Paul Of Tarsus, Joseph Of Arimathea, Or James The Elder.
Yahweh’ Of Hosts

Host / Armies: A Mass Of Persons (or Figuratively, Things), Especially Reg. Organized For War (An Army); By Implication, A Campaign, Literally or Figuratively (Specifically, Hardship, Worship): KJV-Appointed Time, (+) Army, (+) Battle, Company, Host, Service, Soldiers, Waiting Upon, War (-fare) ~  “A Great Number Of Personnel Ready For War, Hence Any Great Number or Multitude”, (From The Dictionary)This Link Will Provide A Most Exhaustive Explanation Of The Word “Host”.

I Praise You Yahweh ~ T’Saba, That You Are Captain Of The Armies, Yahweh; (Of Hosts), Is His Name.  I Praise YouYahweh ~ T’Sebaah’, Yahweh That Goes Before Me Into Battle, That Fights For Me, For The Battle Is Yahweh’s, The Proper Name Of The One True Yahweh, {Click On This Link,  [‘Yahweh Of Armies’ or ‘Yahweh Of Hosts’].

It Was A Little Difficult To Search Through Many Translations At The Same Time As One Translation Interprets Tsâbâ’ or Tsebâ’Âh, (Strong’s Concordance #: H6635) As Hosts, And Another Translates This As Armies, *{Hosts = Armies}.  So, Listed Below Are The Searches Of Some Translations.

Yahweh’s Name And Title As “Yahweh Of Host”; Is Found In The Lexham English Bible, (LEB), 245 Times And
249 Times In Joseph Bryant Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible, (REB).

Yahweh’s Name And Title As “Yahweh Of Armies”; Is Found In The World English Bible 248 Times.

As The Word “Armies” Is Often Interchanged For “Hosts”, It Is Apparent That The Angels Are The Hosts That Actually Engage In Battle, Enter Here For Proof That The Word “Armies” Is Interchanged For “Host”; But That’s Not Our Part.  Our Part Is To Voice The Word Of Yahweh That The Angels Respond To, (Psalm 103:20-21, Daniel 10:12, Luke 12:8); And To Fight The Good Fight Of Faith And Hold Fast To Our Confession, (1 Timothy 6:12).  To See More On Our Warfare, Enter Here.

2 Chronicles 20:13-20

13 All Judah Stood Before Yahweh, With Their Little Ones, Their Wives, And Their Children.
14 Then On Jahaziel The Son Of Zechariah, The Son Of Benaiah, The Son Of Jeiel, The Son Of Mattaniah, The Levite, Of The Sons Of Asaph, Came The Spirit Of Yahweh In The Midst Of The Assembly;
15 And He Said, Listen You, ALL Judah, And You Inhabitants Of Jerusalem, And You King Jehoshaphat: Thus Says Yahweh To You, Don’t Be Afraid You, Neither Be Dismayed By Reason Of This Great Multitude; For The Battle Is Not Yours, But Yahweh’s~!
16 Tomorrow Go You Down Against Them: Behold, They Come Up By The Ascent Of Ziz; And You Shall Find Them At The End Of The Valley, Before The Wilderness Of Jeruel.
17 You Shall Not Need To Fight In This [Battle]
: Set Yourselves, Stand You Still, And See The Salvation Of Yahweh With You, O Judah And Jerusalem; Don’t Be Afraid, Nor Be Dismayed: Tomorrow Go Out Against Them: For Yahweh Is With You.

Our Part Is To Voice The Word Of Yahweh That Angels Respond To, (Psalm 103:20-21).

1 Samuel 1:3; 1 Samuel 17:45; Psalm 24:10; Isaiah 22:14; Isaiah 47:4; Isaiah 48:2; Isaiah 51:15; Isaiah 54:5; Jeremiah 2:19;
Jeremiah 10:16; Jeremiah 31:35; Jeremiah 46:18; Jeremiah 48:15; Jeremiah 50:25, 34; Jeremiah 51:19, 57; Amos 4:13;
Haggai 2:9; Zechariah 8:6; Malachi 2:16.

So David Went On And Became Great, And Yahweh, The God Of Hosts Was With Him, (2 Samuel 5:10; John 14:16; Acts 10:38; Hebrews 13:6).

For Out Of Jerusalem Shall Go A Remnant, And Those Who Escape From Mount Zion.  The Zeal Of Yahweh Of Hosts Will Do This, (2 Kings 19:31).

The Old Testament Hebrew Words Yahweh ~ T’Saba, (Host), Are Translated In The Greek, (New Testament), As: Kurios Sabaoth’, (Koo’-ree-os Sab-A-owth’):

Lord Sabaoth, (Strong’s # 2962, G4519) ~ Click On These Links:  Romans 9:29; James 5:4.

If I Didn’t Know That One Of The Titles Of Yahweh, Like Yahweh ~ T’Sebaah, (Pronounced, “Sa-ba-oth”), Then I Probably Would Not Have Called Upon, “The Name Of Yahweh” Associating His Name With This Attributes.  Whosoever Shall Call Upon, “The Name Of Yahweh” Shall Be Saved~! ~ (Acts 2:21).  I Mean Yahweh Is Yahweh Of Hosts’, (Or Heavenly Armies, So Devil, I’d Leave Like A Scalded Dog).  The Word Heavenly Is Sometimes Associated With Hosts, Further Proving That Host Is Referring To Angels.

It’s Not Just Something That He Does, But Does It So Well That Now It’s Part Of His Character.  Don’t Mess With A Woman’s Children, (And Woman Were Made In His Image ~ Genesis 1:27), So Yahweh Has This Same Quality Built Into Him As Well.  (Right-Click On ‘Yahweh Yowm Amas’ And Select, “Open In A New Tab’ To See More Information About A Mother’s Womb, & Her ‘Connection To Protection’ And How That Relates To Yahweh’s Love For Us).

But Unless You Know That Yahweh Of Host Means Yahweh, The Captain Of The Armies, Of The Warring Angels And That It Means The Avenger, or The Avenging One, The Commander In Chief, Then This Title Might Just Fly Right Over Your Heads.  Yahweh Did Say That ‘Vengeance Is Mine, I Will Repay, And Yahweh Would Be Prepared Say This, And Not Have An Army Behind Him To Back Up His Words,
(Deuteronomy 32:35; Romans 12:19).

At One Time, I Had To Go To A Store and Pickup Supplies For A Church.  There Was A Line Of Folks Waiting To Get To The Counter.  When It Was My Time, He Asked, “Name?” And I Responded, “Charlie Of Southside Baptist”;.  “Southside Baptist Is Not Part Of My Name, Yet For Identification Purposes, It Was”.  In The Same Manner, Of Host Is Not Yahweh’s’ Name, But Part Of A More Expounded Look At Who He Is~!  I Could Say, Just Yahweh, But To Emphasize That You Have A Heavenly Army Also Fighting On Your Side, I Might Say Yahweh and All Of His Heavenly Host Each Time, But A More Abbreviated Way Of Saying This Is Yahweh Of Hosts.

But, If You Will Take The Time To Look Up ALL The Scriptures References By Entering Here; Yahweh Of Hosts Is His Name; With This New Insight About Yahweh Being The Head Top Gun Final Authority Leader Of The Retaliating Forces, I Believe This Will Really Open Up Your Spiritual Eyes To See Just What It Means To Say, “Yahweh Is His Name, And That Yahweh Is The ‘God Of Hosts’”, And You Will See Into The Character Of Yahweh, and You Will Not Have Anything Robbed From You Any More.

Take A Look At James 5:4 Indeed The Wages Of The Laborers Who Mowed Your Fields, Which You Kept Back By Fraud, Cry Out; And The Cries Of The Reapers Have Reached The Ears Of Yahweh Of Sabaoth, [Sabaoth, (KJV, ASV, NAS); Hosts, (KJV2000, ESV); Armies Of Heaven, (WeyMouth); Heavenly Armies, (NIV, ISV); Armies, (BBE, WEB)].

Through Yahweh We Shall Do Valiantly, For He It Is Who Shall Tread Down Our Adversaries(Psalm 60:12; Psalm 108:13).



Once Some Money Got Stolen From My Family In A Scam And Yahweh Brought His Word To Me That Says In Malachi 3:10-11(In The Septuagint, {The Earliest Version Of The Old Testament Scriptures, Translated By Sir Lancelot CL Brenton; Abbreviated As LXX}; Yahweh Of Host Is Interpreted As ~ Yahweh Almighty)

Bring ALL The Tithes Into The Storehouse, That There May Be Food In My House, And Try Me Now In This”, Says Yahweh, (Of Hosts), “If I Will Not Open For You The Windows Of Heaven And Pour Out For You Such Blessing That There Will Not Be Room Enough To Receive It”.

You See This Money Had Been Tithed On.  This Was No Longer Just Our Money Alone, But We Got Yahweh Involved In Our Financial Affairs By Tithing On It.  Yahweh Now Has A Legal Covenant Right To Bless Me.  I Am In Covenant With Yahweh.  So, They Stole From Both My Family And From Yahweh When They Stole From Us.  But, There Was More.  This Same Passage Goes On To Say“

And I Will Rebuke The Devourer For Your Sakes, So That He Will Not Destroy The Fruit Of Your Ground, Nor Shall The Vine Fail To Bear Fruit For You In The Field”, Says Yahweh; (Of Hosts), Is His Name;

Well The Last Part Of This, Where It Says, “Yahweh; (Of Hosts), Is His Name”, This Is Another Way For Saying Yahweh Is The “Captain Of The Armies”.  It Means, “An Avenger”.  Part Of The Definition For The Word, “Host” Means, “War, Warfare, Service, Go Out To War”.  In Other Words, This Signifies That Yahweh Is In Charge Of The Most Ultimate Retaliation Force Ever~!  This Is Part Of His Responsibility, And My Inheritance.

So, It Would Be Dumb For Us To Call These Folks Up On The Phone That Stole From Us, And Argue With Our Own Carnal Warfare, When We Have Available To Us The Most Ultimate Force In RetrievalThe Weapons Of Our Warfare Are NOT Carnal, (or What Man Can Contrive), Whereas The Only Devices That The d—Evil One Has Are ONLY Carnal, (2 Corinthians 10:4).

Hebrews 10:30-36
30 For We Know Him Who Said, “Vengeance Belongs To Me. I Will Repay”, Says Yahweh.
31 It Is A Fearful Thing To Fall Into The Hands Of The Living God.
32 But Remember The Former Days, In Which, After You Were Enlightened, You Endured A Great Struggle With Sufferings; Again, “Yahweh Will Judge His People”.
33 Partly, Being Exposed To Both Reproaches And Oppressions; And Partly, Becoming Partakers With Those Who Were Treated So.
34 For You Both Had Compassion On Me In My Chains, And Joyfully Accepted The Plundering Of Your Possessions, Knowing That You Have For Yourselves A Better Possession And An Enduring One In The Heavens.
35 Therefore Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence, {and Boldness In Your Confession}, Which Has A Great Reward.
36 For You Need Endurance So That, Having Done The Will Of God, You May Receive The Promise.

Anyhow, I Prayed Something Like This..  Yahweh I See In Your Word Where You Will Rebuke The Devourer For Our Sakes, Because This Was Money That We Had Tithed On, And I Trust And Believe Your Word.  I Turn This Matter Over To You, And I Will Not Do Anything On My Own Because You Said That You Would Do This, And I Expect That This Next Time I Regard This Matter I Will Have Already Have Seen Where You Have Gone After These Folks That Have Tried To Devour Our Money And Prosperity. 

And Then To Put An Exclamation Point On The End Of The Sentence And To Really Settle The Matter Our Hearts, I Added, “I Pity The Soul That Has Decided To Take On Yahweh For An Enemy.  I’d Run And Hide If I Were Them, And I’d Try To Get This Money Back To Us As Soon As Possible To Get Yahweh’s Warring Host From Running Them Down, (Psalm 35:1-9).  Go Get ’Em Yahweh~!  I Release You Yahweh, As The Captain Of The Armies Of Avenging Angels To Go On My Behalf And Bring Back To Us Sevenfold What The d—Evil One Has Stolen”.

The Following Day, We Got Our Back Our Money~!  You Don’t Mess Around With Slim And You Don’t Mess Around With Yahweh Tsebaah, Yahweh; (Of The Hosts), Is His Name~!  Jeremiah 51:19, (In The Septuagint, {The Koine Greek Version Of The Hebrew Bible; Abbreviated As LXX}; ~ It Reads Yahweh Is His Name).


Yahweh ~ Tsidkenu

(Pronounced Sid-Canoe): (Strong’s # H3068, H3072 / H6666).

Jeremiah 23:6 ~
5 Behold, The Days Are Coming, Says Yahweh, “That I Will Raise To David A Branch Of Righteousness;
A King Shall Reign And Prosper, And Execute Judgment And Righteousness In The Earth”.
6 “In His Days Judah Will Be Saved, And Israel Will Dwell Safely.
This Is His Name By Which He Will Be Called: Yahweh Our Righteousness”.

 In This Revelation We Are Told That Yahoshua Is Our Righteousness And That Only Through Him Can We Live Righteously Before Yahweh.  Thank You Yahweh ~ Tsidkenu That You Are My Righteousness, And That ALL My Sins, (Past, Present, & Future), Are ALL Forgiven, And That Your Love For Me Is Not Based On My Performance.

2 Corinthians 5:17-21 ~
17 Therefore, If Anyone Is In Christ, He Is A New Creation; Old Things Have Passed Away; Behold, All Things Have Become New.
18 Now All Things Are Of God, Who Has Reconciled Us To Himself Through Jesus Christ, And Has Given Us The Ministry Of Reconciliation,
19 That Yahweh Was Reconciling The World To Himself In Christ, Not Counting People’s Sins Against Them. And He Has Committed To Us The Message Of Reconciliation.
20 We Are Therefore Christ’s Ambassadors, As Though Yahweh Were Making His Appeal Through Us.  We Implore You On Christ’s Behalf: Be Reconciled To Yahweh.
21 Yahweh Made Him Who Had No Sin To Be Sin For Us, So That We Might Become The Righteousness Of Yahweh In Him.

Ephesians 6:14 ~
Stand Therefore, Having Girded Your Waist With Truth, Having Put On The Breastplate Of Righteousness.

Jeremiah 33:16 (UnConditional Love, Romans 5:8).

Romans 10:1-4
Sisters And Brothers, My Heart’s Desire And Prayer To Yahweh For Israel* Is That They May Be Saved.  For I Bear Them Witness That They Have A Zeal For Yahweh, But Not According To Knowledge.  For They Being Ignorant Of Yahweh’s Righteousness, And Seeking To Establish Their Own Righteousness, Have Not Submitted To ‘The Righteousness Of Yahweh’.  ‘For Christ Is The End Of The Law For Righteousness To Everyone Who Believes.

Romans 10:9-10
“But What Does It Say?, ‘The Word Is Near You, In Your Mouth And In Your Heart’  (That Is, The Word Of Faith Which We Preach): That If You Confess With Your ‘Mouth’ The Lord Yahoshua And Believe In Your Heart That Yahweh Has Raised Him From The Dead, You Will Be Saved.  For With The Heart One Believes Unto Righteousness’, And With The Mouth Confession Is Made Unto Salvation~!”

Sins Forgiven:
(Isaiah 43,25-26; Jeremiah 23:6; 1 John 1:9); See Also:


Yahweh ~ Shammah

(Sha-ma): (Strong’s # H3068 ~ 3074 / 8033)

Yahweh Is There {Ever Present}, The Abiding Presence”.  The Ever Present One; The Book Of Ezekiel Concludes With These Words:, “And The Name Of The City From That Day Shall Be, Yahweh Is There”. (Ezekiel 48:35)

The Hebrew Translation Is Yahweh~Shammah, (Which Is Speaking Of Yahweh’s Abiding Presence).  Yahweh Desires That We Walk With Him Daily.  The Word Abide Means To Stay, To Reside, Not Just For A Visit.

I Am Yahweh Who Is Always There, [Immanuel, {(Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23)}, Yahweh Is With Us,

Entry Here To See How Many Times Yahweh Has Said, “I Am With You” or, “Yahweh Is With You”, or, “Yahweh Was With A Certain Person”.

Yahweh~Shammah Are The Words Used To Describe The Name Of Yahweh’s City In Ezekiel 48:35.  If Yahweh Said That The Name Of The City Is, “Yahweh Is There”, And Yahweh Never Lies, And If I Wanted To Draw Near To Yahweh, I Would Be Looking For That City~!

Psalm 48:1-2; Hebrews 11:10; Hebrews 11:16; Hebrews 12:22;
Hebrews 13:14; Isaiah 62:10-12; Revelation 21:10-23

The Promise Of A Holy Yahweh Dwelling In The Midst Of His People.  His Glory Will Be Seen Upon Us~! (Isaiah 60:2).

Thank You, Yahweh~Shammah That The Presence Of Yahweh Himself Is Constantly And Continually In Me, (And In My Walk, And In My Talk).  I Praise You, Yahweh~Shammah That Because My Sins Are Forgiven.  I Am Filled With The Holy Ghost.  I Thank You Yahweh~Shammah That You Promised Me That You Would Never Leave Me Nor Forsake Me, And That You Are Always Here For Me~!

Romans 8:11; 1 Corinthians 3:9; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 1 Corinthians 6:19; 2 Corinthians 4:7;
2 Corinthians 6:16; Revelation 21:3; Luke 11:13; John 7:38; Isaiah 60:1-3

See Also:

Our Authority Over The Earth


Yahweh ~ M’Kaddish or Yahweh M’Kadesh or Yahweh M’Kaddesh

Yahweh M’Kaddesh
(Ma-ked-dish) or Yahweh ~ Qadash, (Kaw Dash’)

(Strong’s # H3068~H6942).

Yahweh Declared He Would Be The Sanctifier Of Israel, If They Would “Keep My Sabbaths”, (Exodus 31:13).  The Name Yahweh M’Kaddesh Occurs Only Twice In The Bible. The Word ‘Ka’dash’ Is Used Many Times, But As A Name, Only Twice.  The Word MKadesh, Our Sanctifier, Was Also Connected To Being Set Apart For Service And Belonging Wholly To Yahweh.  A Lot Of The Other Titles For Yahweh Were Attributed To Him By Others Who Saw Him Do Some Deed.  But, This Attribute Was Described By Yahweh Of Himself As It Is Something That We Would Not Have Seen Or Known Unless He Had Told Us; Plus We May Have Felt Unworthy To Know That Yahweh Sanctifies Us.  Yahweh Is Still Our Sanctifier For Us Today~!

Exodus 31:13
‘But As For You, Speak To The Sons Of Israel, Saying, “You Shall Surely Observe My Sabbaths; For This Is A Sign Between Me And You Throughout Your Generations, That You May Know That I Am Yahweh Who Sanctifies You.’

Leviticus 20:8
“You Shall Keep My Statutes And Practice Them; I Am Yahweh Who Sanctifies You”.

John 17:17
Sanctify Them By Your Truth. Your Word Is Truth.

To Set Apart or Separate For Purposes Of Making Holy. Yahweh Who Sanctifies, (Yahweh My Sanctifier), I Am Yahweh Who Sanctifies You.  Thank You Yahweh M’Kaddesh For Sanctifying And Setting Me Apart And EmPowering Me To Live A Holy Life And To Be Spiritually And Morally Pure.  Praise You That The Blood Of Yahoshua Not Only Takes Away Sin, But It Breaks The Power Of Sin Over Me.  Thank You Yahweh That The God I Serve Is You & That You Are Yahweh M’Kaddesh.

Leviticus 20:7-8; Leviticus 20:26; Exodus 20:8; 1 Peter 1:15-16; 1 Thessalonians 4:7; Ephesians 1:4;

1 John 3:3; Leviticus 11:44-45; Leviticus 19:2; Psalm 86:2; Psalm 99:3; Psalm 99:5; Psalm 99:9;

Psalm 101:3; 2 Corinthians 6:17; 2 Corinthians 7:1; Ephesians 5:26; Colossians 1:19; Job 31:1

See This Website, {Not Mine} But Explains It More Thoroughly.


Yahweh ~ Shalom

Shalom or Shaloam (Shal-lom): (Strong’s # H3068 ~ H7965 / H3073).

When Yahweh Helped Gideon Bring Peace To The Land, So Naturally What Does Gideon Name Yahweh, Yahweh~Shalom Meaning, Yahweh Is Our Peace, (Judges 6:24).

Yahweh’ Is Our Peace.  This Is The Title That Gideon Called Yahweh, In Judges 6:23-24, (H3073), When Yahweh Told Gideon That He Would Not Die When There Were People At War With His Country, And He Would Have Peace, Even Though Gideon Had To Go To War To Obtain It, (With A Minimum Amount Of Men And No Physical Contact Showing That Yahweh Shared The Victory With Gideon, But The Battle Was Yahweh’s).

Only Upon Reliance Upon His Word Of Yahweh Can We Know His Peace Which Will Bring About Triumph Over ALL Our Enemies (Jeremiah 29:11; Isaiah 26:3; John 14:27; John 16:23; Luke 2:14; Acts 10:36;
Romans 5:1; Romans 14:17; Romans 15:33; Romans 16:20; 1 Corinthians 14:33;
2 Corinthians 13:11; Colossians 3:15; Ephesians 2:14; & 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Peace Is A Covenant Word, That At It’s Hebrew Core Means Nothing Broken, Nothing Missing.

You Might Hear Hebrew Folks Saying “Shabbat Shalom” On Saturday or Friday Evening, As Sunday Is The 1st Day Of The Week, But Saturday Is The Sabbath.  “Shabbat Shalom” Means I Hope All Is Well For You On The Sabbath.  The Hebrew Word “Sabbath” Is Actually Closer To The English Word “Seven”, And “Shabbat” Means A “Day Of Rest” … “Shabbat” – שבת (Sha-bat) “This Is The Hebrew Word שבת.  Shabbat Literally Meaning A Ceasing or Stopping.’  This Word Is Always Used In The Hebrew Bible For The Seventh Day, The Shabbat, The Day Work Ceases For The Purpose Of Rest, (Leviticus 23:3) ~ “Six Days Work Is Done, But The Seventh Day Is A Sabbath Of Rest, A Set-Apart Gathering.  You Do No Work, It Is A Sabbath To יהוה In All Your Dwellings”.

{Enter Here To See More On The Word Shalom}


Yahweh ~ Rohi

( Row-He or Raah ), (Strong’s # H3068, H7462)

Yahweh My Shepherd

I Am Yahweh Who Is Your Shepherd.

David Who Was A Shepherd Called Yahweh, Yahweh~Rohi, (Which Means Leader or The Great Shepherd At Psalm 23:1 ~Yahweh Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want”, {SubTitle Of Psalm 23}.  The Title Rohi Speaks Of Both Leadership And Close Intimacy.  Once We Know Yahweh As Our Rohi ~ Shepherd, {To Feed, or Be Led To Pasture, Companionship, & Friend & Leader}, All The Promises Of Psalm 23 Will Become Reality In Our Daily Walk.

Thank You Yahweh~Rohi That You Lead Me, And That Even Though I Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death, I Will Fear No Evil, For You Are With Me, The Nudging Of Your Rod, & Your Staff, Comfort Me, Knowing That You Are Leading Me & I Am Not Being Led By Myself Nor Left Alone Nor Am I Being Led By Strange Gods, (Deuteronomy 32:12).

You Lead Me As A Mountain Goat’s Hind Feet Track His Front Up Through Rough Terrain Even In A Fog Where I Am Over The Edge Of A Tall Cliff.  You Are My Yahweh And I Am The Sheep Of Your Pasture.  Thank You Yahweh That It Is You, Yahweh My Rohi, That Is Guiding Me And I Will Be Led Into The House Of Yahweh Where I Will Forever Dwell With You, My God & My King~!  My Name Is Written In The Lamb’s Book Of Life, (Revelation 21:27).

I Was Taught By Hearing The Prayers Of Others Around Me To Ask Yahweh To, “Lead, Guide And Direct Us”. Sounds Like A Good Thing, But It’s Not.  In Addition To The Redundancy Of The Plead, There’s No Faith Involved In This..  The Truth Of The Matter Is That Yahweh Has Already Promised To Lead, Guide And Direct Us”.  It’s Our Part To Trust That Yahweh Is Leading.  Here’s Some Verses, (Might Still Be More); Showing Yahweh’s Promises To Lead, or Guide, or Direct Us; (Just Pick One, “Lead” or “Guide” or “Direct”); :

(Deuteronomy 32:9-12; Deuteronomy 32:12;
Revelation 7:17; 2 Corinthians 2:10, 14;
Jeremiah 31:9; Revelation 7:17;
Psalm 23:4; Psalm 31:3; Psalm 32:8;
Psalm 48:14; Psalm 73:24; Psalm 107:30;
Psalm 139:7-10; Proverbs 3:6;
Proverbs 6:20-21; Proverbs 16:9;
Isaiah 28:26, 29; Isaiah 45:13;
Isaiah 42:16; Isaiah 49:10;
Isaiah 57:18; Isaiah 58:11, 14; Isaiah 63:14;
John 16:13-15; 1 John 2:27;
Galatians 5:13, 25; Hebrews 13:20

Click On The Verses Above, Then Start Thanking Yahweh That He Has Already Been And Is Actively Guiding Your Steps And Setting Your Life In Order, (Proverbs 16:9).

Anytime You’re Asking Yahweh For Something, You’re Probably Begging And That Should Send Off A Red Flag Right There.  Next Time You’re Asking, Stop And Check To See If This Something That Yahweh Already Promised That He Would Do.

P.S.  You Can Also Stop Asking Yahweh To “Be With” Such-n-Such, As Yahweh’s Word Tell Us That Yahweh Will Never Leave Us Nor Forsake Us, (Joshua 1:5; Deuteronomy 31:8; Hebrews 13:5).

Bonus: Yahweh Will Not Only Never Leave You Nor Forsake You, But Will Help You Along The Way, (Psalm 34:7; Isaiah 54:14; Hebrews 13:5-6; 2 Corinthians 4:7-11; Romans 8:31-39;
1 Corinthians 10:13; 2 Thessalonians 3:3; 2 Timothy 2:11-13


Yahweh ~ Yireh
{You May Have Heard Of This Incorrectly Stated As ‘Jehovah Jireh’}

(Year-re): (Strong’s # H3068 ~ H3070 / H7200)

Yahweh Is Our Provider / Supplier

When Abraham Was About To Offer Isaac Upon The Altar, And God Provided A Ram, Abraham Called Yahweh, Yahweh~Yireh, {Yahweh Provides or Yahweh Is Our Provider ~ Genesis 22:14}.  All Throughout The Scriptures, It Is Always Yahweh Who Provides Seed To The Sower

 (2 Corinthians 9:10; Ecclesiastes 11:6;
Philippians 4:19

 Or as In Deuteronomy 8:18 ~ Remember Yahweh Your God, For It Is He Who Gives You Power To Get Wealth.

Yahweh Is The Supplier, (The Father Is Always The Supplier)
Yahoshua Is The Savior, (The Son Was The Sacrifice, Recall Abraham Offering His Son) ,
The Holy Ghost Is The Whisperer Who Tells You Of Things To Come

I Am Yahweh Who Provides For You.  Yahweh’s Provision Shall Be Seen.  Yahweh Sees Our Needs Before Hand & Provides For Them.

This Title Was Revealed In Genesis 22:14 When Abraham Was About To Offer Up Isaac And Yahweh Stopped Him And Provided A Lamb As The Substitute For Isaac.  This Powerful Story Reveals Yahoshua And The Work Of The Cross.  The Name-Title Yahweh ~ Yireh Speaks Of Yahweh Providing His Son For Our Redemption And Being Our Provider For ALL That We Need.  Thank You Yahweh ~ Yireh For Providing For Me, And That I Am Free From The Curse Of The Law Of Sin & Death And I Don’t Have To Live Under Poverty Any More.

Galatians 3:13-14, 16, 18, 22, 29; Deuteronomy 8:4, 18; Deuteronomy 28:1-14;
Deuteronomy 29:9, 12-13, 15, 29; Deuteronomy 30:2, 6, 8-10, 14-16, 19-20;
Romans 15:8-9; Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8; 3 John 2; 2 Corinthians 9:6-12;
Matthew 6:33; Luke 6:38; Mark 10:29-30; Malachi 3:10-11; Proverbs 3:9-10; Psalm 23:1;
Psalm 25:12-13; Psalm 34:9-10; Psalm 35:27; Psalm 68:6, 10; Psalm 68:19;
Psalm 84:11; Psalm 102:27; Psalm 103:1-6; Psalm 105:8-10; Psalm 107:33-38, 41-42;
Psalm 112:1-3; Psalm 115:12-16; Psalm 144:9-15; Philippians 4:6; Philippians 4:19

Deuteronomy 8:18; 2 Chronicles 26:5;
Psalm 112:3; Psalm 35:27; Psalm 84:11;
Psalm 118:25; Isaiah 45:3;
2 Corinthians 8:9; 2 Corinthians 9:8

(Philippians 4:19; Psalm 35:27:
Psalm 37:4; Psalm 118:25;
Deuteronomy 8:18; Isaiah 1:19:
Isaiah 45:3; Malachi 3:10-11

See Also: El Ro’iy, El Shaddai


Yahweh ~ Rapha

(Raw-fa or Yahweh ~ Rophe (Row-fee), or (Yahweh ~ Raooha)

Yahweh My Healer (Strong’s # H3068 ~ H7495)

Exodus 15:22-26, When The Children Of Israel Came To Marah In The Wilderness And Could Not Drink The Water Because It Was Bitter, Discloses The Name Yahweh ~ Rophe.

Yahweh Made A Covenant Of Healing With His People And Said That If They Would Keep ALL His Commandments, He Would Be Their Health And Healer Continually.

Who Heals You, (Exodus 15:26).  Yahweh Heals & Restores, (Physical, Spiritual, Emotionally & Moral).  Thank You, Yahweh ~ Rophe That By The Stripes That Yahoshua Bore, I Am Healed, (Past, Present, & Future ~ Physical, Spiritual, Emotionally & Moral).

Thank You Yahweh ~ Rapha For The Health & Healing That Are Already Mine Through Yahoshua, (The Messiah) Our Lord In Our Covenant Relationship Under The New Covenant.

Exodus 23:25-26; Hebrews 8:6-9; Hebrews 12:24;
Psalm 68:20; Psalm 107:20;
Psalm 103:1-5; Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24; Galatians 3:13-14

To See More About Yahweh’s Healing Enter On These Links Below:
Healing ~ Health


Yahweh ~ Nissi

(Pronounced Nissy): (Strong’s # H3068 ~ H3071 / H5251)

Yahweh ~ Nissi Was Given To Yahweh When Moses Lifted Up The Rod Of Victory For An Entire Day, Like A Banner And They Defeated The Amalekites By Moses, (Yahweh Our ‘Banner ~ Exodus 17:15).  The Hebrew Word, Nissi Means My Banner, or My Covering, My Protection And, Also, My Victory.  (Corresponds With The Greek Word Niki).

A Signal For His People To Rally To Him~!  Banner Is Also Called A Standard And Was Used Like Our Flag Is Used Today In Battle To Rally Around. (Isaiah 62:10; Jeremiah 50:2; Numbers 1:52). But A Standard Can Also Be A Yardstick To Measure By or To Compare With. A More Practical Yardstick Is A 12-Inch Ruler.  Yahoshua Is Our Ruler~!’

So Shall They Fear The Name Of Yahweh From The West, And His Glory From The Rising Of The Sun.  When d—Evil One Shall Come In … Like A Flood, The Spirit Of ‘Yahweh’ Shall Lift Up A ‘Standard’ Against Him. [And Put To Flight {For He Will Come Like A Rushing Stream Which The Breath Of Yahweh Drives} ~ Amplified Bible Classic Edition], (Isaiah 59:19), {See Also (Romans 5:20)}.

Thank You, Yahweh ~ Nissi That Yahoshua Our Banner Has Abolished Death And Has Brought Life & Immortality To Light.  Thank You For Bringing Us To Victory. The Battle Is Yahweh’s. Lift High His Banner. The Banner Of The Empty Tomb.  The Banner Of Our Risen Lord~! HalleluYah~!’

Exodus 15:1-21; Isaiah 49:22, Isaiah 59:19, Jeremiah 51:27,
Song Of Solomon 2:4; Song Of Solomon 6:4; Song Of Solomon 6:10; Psalm 106:47; 2 Corinthians 2:14

Moses Was Holding Up A Rod Over His Head, And This Would Look Like A Banner, (Even The Droopy Sides, Would Resemble Moses Arms Being Upheld By His Arm Bearers).

Like When A Person Is Running For Office Over The Back Of The Stage Would Be A Banner.
Here’s A Website That Would Show A Banner, 911.

This Might Make The Song, “His Banner Over Me Is Love” Have More Meaning.

1 Corinthians 15:57-58
57 But, Thanks Be To God, Who Gives Us The Victory Through Our Lord Jesus Christ.
58 Therefore, My Beloved Sisters And Brothers, Be Steadfast, Unmovable, Always Abounding In The Work Of Yahweh, Forasmuch As You Know That Your Labor Is Not In Vain In Yahweh~!

2 Corinthians 2:14-15
14 But, Thanks Be To God, Who Always Leads Us In Triumph In Christ, And Reveals Through Us The Sweet Aroma Of His KnowledgeIn Every Place’.
15 For We Are A Sweet Aroma Of Christ To God, In Those Who Are Saved And In Those Who Perish:

Isaiah 41:2 ~ Who Has Roused Up One [Cyrus] From The East, Whom He Calls In Righteousness To His Service And Whom Victory Meets At Every Step?  Yahweh Subdues Nations Before Him And Makes Him Ruler Over Kings.  He Turns Them To Dust With The Sword [Of Cyrus], And To Driven Straw And Chaff With His Bow.

Isaiah 41:2 ~
2Whom Victory Meets At Every Step ~!”

Psalm 41:11 ~
11 By This I Know That You Delight In Me, Because My Enemy Doesn’t Triumph Over Me.

< NT:G2962 > ~ The NT Greek Equivalent, {Kyrios}, For The OT Hebrew Yahweh <OT:H3068 >.
(From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament © 1992 By AMG International, Inc. Revised Edition, 1993).

Yahweh Our Nissi, You Reign In Victory~!


Yahweh ~ Ab

(Strong’s # H3068, 1)

I Am Yahweh Who Is Your Father.  I Praise You For Being Such A Good Example To Me As My Father.  Abba, Thank You For Your Tender-Mercies Towards Me And Showing Me How To Be A Good Parent.

Isaiah 63:16

See Also:

Father Ab ~ Abba, (Strong’s # 1, 5), ~ Pneuma Humon Pater


Yahweh ~ Ahab

(Saw Kawr) (Strong’s #H3068, 157).  (Sakar ~ 750, 7939, 430)

I Am Yahweh Who Loves You.

Deuteronomy 23:5

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Yahweh ~ Padahei

or Padah (Paw Daw’ el) (Strong’s # H3068, 2617)

I Am Yahweh Who Does Not Forsake Tender Mercy, Loving-Kindness (Fail or Forget To Be Merciful)

Ruth 2:20

(See Also 6299, 430 , 5800)


Yahweh ~ El De AH

(Day Aw’) (Strong’s # H3068, H410, H1844, H1777, H5337, H6403, H7378, H5062, H5221, H3289, H2391, H6697, H 5533, H4686)

I Am Yahweh Your Rock.

2 Samuel 22:2; Psalm 18:2


Yahweh ~ Melech or Melek

(Strong’s # 4428).  “Yahweh Who Is Your King”, (H0430, H4428). 

For “Yahweh Is The King Of All The Earth”: Sing You Praises With Understanding, (Psalm 47:2; 7).

For “Yahweh Is My King” Of Old, Working Salvation In The Midst Of The Earth, (Psalm 74:12).

For “Yahweh Is A Great God, And A Great King Above All Gods”,(Psalm 95:3)

And “Yahweh Shall Be King Over All The Earth”.  In That Day It Shall Be—“Yahweh Is One”,* And His Name One, (Zechariah 14:9).

I Put This Title In Here As You Would Be Most Likely To Hear This Said On TV When They Are Showing Something Jewish, Like A Funeral or A Bar Mitzvah, or If You Attend A Sedar Feast.

Barukh Ata Yah’weh Eloheinu, Melekh ha`olam …”, Translation: “Blessed Are You, Yah’weh Our God, King Of The Universe”.

Barukh Ata Adonai Eloheinu, Melekh ha`olam …”, Translation: “Blessed Are You, LORD Our God, King Of The Universe”.

Notice The Hebrews To This Day Do Not Say The Name Of Yahweh, But Rather Obscure It By Putting In The Word LORD In ALL Caps… (For Adonai).


Yahweh ~ Matsuwd

Matsuwd (Maw-tsood’) or (fem.) m^etsuwdah (Mets-oo-daw’) or m^etsudah (Mets-oo-daw’), (Strong’s # H3068, 4686) 

I Am Yahweh Your Fortress, (2 Samuel 22:2; Psalm 18:2)


Yahweh ~ Magen

(Maw Gane) (Strong’s # H3068, H4043)

I Am Yahweh Who Is Your Shield; (Protector, Buckler, Shock Absorber, Like At A Circus’s Tight Rope Walker Safety Net)

Psalm 18:2; Psalm 28:7; Genesis 15:1

See Also: Yahweh ~ Cocherah


Yahweh ~ Cocherah

(So-khay-raw’) or (Soh’-‘ghe- Rah’), (Strong’s # H3068, H5507) So-khay-raw’soh’-‘ghe- Rah’ 

I Am Yahweh Who Is Your Shield, (Protector, Buckler, Shock Absorber, Like At A Circus’s Tight Rope Walker Safety Net).

Genesis 15:1; 2 Samuel 22:3, 31, 36; Psalm 3:3; Psalm 5:12; Psalm 18:2; 30; Psalm 91:4; Proverbs 2:7

See Also: Yahweh ~ Magen


Yahweh ~ Misgab

(Mis-gawb’) (Strong’s # H3068, 4869)

I Am Yahweh Who Is Your High Tower.  2 Samuel 22:3; Psalm 18:2


Yahweh ~ Mish En

(Mish Ane’ or Awn’) (Strong’s # H3068, H4937)

I Am Yahweh Who Is Your Support, Staff, (Who You Can Lean On, or Trust In)Psalm 18:18


Yahweh ~ Oze

(Awz) (Strong’s # H3068, H5797)

I Am Yahweh Who Is Your Strength (Power/Might)

Psalm 28:7-8


Yahweh ~ Towb

(Tobe) (Strong’s # H3068, H2896)

I Am Yahweh Who Is Good.

Psalm 54:6; Psalm 100:5


Yahweh ~ Yowm Amas

(Yome Aw Mas’) (Strong’s # H3068, 3117, 6006, 8085, 4268, 3477, 6213, 7349), “Compassion On The Child Of Her Womb”.

In Isaiah 49:15, Yahweh Talks About A Woman’s Love For Her Child That Has Just Been Born, “Can A Woman Forget Her Sucking Child, That She Should Not Have Compassion On The Child Of Her Womb”.  The Word Used For Compassion In This Verse, (Strong’s # 7356 7355 Racham {raw-kham’}), Is The Same Hebrew-Chaldee Word Used In Isaiah 49:13 Above For Mercy, And The Definition For This Word Is Also Used To Define Compassion, And Oddly Enough A Womb.

Why Would Yahweh Use The Word Womb To Describe His Compassion For Us?  Women Act Differently To A Child, And Especially Their Children, Once A Child Has Been Formed In Their Womb.  I Surmise That Some Sort Of A Chemical or Psychological Change Happens To Women At This Point.  Women Seem To Transform, Never To Go Back To Just Being Female.  I’ll Show You What I Mean.

While A Young Woman Is Pregnant With Her First Child She Will Probably Refer To The Child As An, “It”, When The Baby Is Starting To Grow Inside Of Her.  But, About One-Fourth Of The Way Along The Term, She Will Start To Address The Child As, “The Baby”, or, “He”, or, “She”.  If The Woman Gets Pregnant Again, She Will Call The Infant, A, “Child”, Right From The Start, And She Will Refer To Other UnSeen Children In Other Wombs As, “The Baby”.  It’s Only Us Men That Still Mistakenly Call The Child An, “It”.  The Mistake Is Even Worse If You Call The Child An, “It”, In Front Of These Mothers.  I Don’t See Childless Women Reacting The Way I Have Seen Mothers React.

Suppose You Were To Walk Up To A Small Child While Their Mother Is Present And Grab That Child By The Hair And Raise Your Hand Back In A Clutched Fist Poised As If You Were Going To Strike The Child?  What Do Think Will Happen?  If This Mother Is Watching You, She Is Going To Knock You Over The Head With ALL Her Might~!  She’ll Probably Claw You, And Come Away With A Good Chunk Of Your Hair~!  You’ll Most Likely Pick Yourself Off The Ground, Wondering What Happened.

It Doesn’t Matter About Her Social Status, (She Could Be The President’s Wife or An Unemployed Barely Educated Unwed Mother), And She Could Be Small In Stature or Timid And Shy, And You Could Be 6’5” And Weigh 240 Pounds.  My Money Is On The Woman~!

You See, When You Have Done It To The Child, It Was Just As If You Had Done It Unto The Mother.  That’s Why Women Are So Offended When The Father Is Rough On Their Children.  The Mother Takes The Abuse Of Her Children Personally.  When The Father Slaps The Child, The Mother Feels Slapped Also~!  If I Tell A Mother That Her Two-Year-Old Daughter Has Done Something That Would Be Embarrassing, The Mother Will Get Embarrassed As If She Herself Had Done The Wrong.

Yahweh’s Love Is Just Like That.  If An Ordinary Mother Can Turn Into A ‘Mean Tiger ’ Over Her Child, Think What Yahweh Will Do Over You.  You Are Yahweh’s Child.  One Of Yahweh’s Titles Is Yahweh ~ Rachuwm .  Yahweh Describes His Compassion For You With The Word Womb.  Yahweh Is Always Watching Over You, (Proverbs 15:3; Proverbs 5:21).  His Eyes Don’t Miss A Thing d—Evil One Tries.

Can A Woman Forget Her Sucking Child?  Yes, There Have Been Times That The Most Trusted Woman Failed To Be Watchful And Turned Her Back On Her Small Infant As Her Attention Was Distracted or Preoccupied, And Someone Stole Her Child At A Store or A Mall.  There Have Been Other Times Where A Mother ALL Out Abandoned Her Child On A Roadside Park, or Left The Child At Someone’s Doorstep, or Died Herself.  It Has Happened.

But, Yahweh Says, “Yet I Will Not Forget You.  See, I Have Inscribed You On The Palms Of My Hands”, (Isaiah 49:16).  Every Time Yahoshua Looks At The Palms Of His Hands, There Are The Nail Holes That Remind Him Of His Great Love For Us.

A Lot Of Insight Into Yahweh’s Compassion For Us And His Knowledge Of The Covenant Between Yahweh And Abraham Is Seen In Yahoshua As He Was Often Moved With Compassion Before He Laid Hands, (Luke 13:12-13), On Folks To Heal Them As Faith Works By Love, (Galatians 5:6).

Yahweh Is Merciful And Gracious, Slow To Anger, And Plenteous In Mercy, (Psalm 103:8).

See Also:

Holy Spirit, Yahweh, Titles Of, Titles Of Yahweh, Grace


Yahweh ~ Channum

(Khan Noon) (Strong’s # H3068, H 2587)

I Am Yahweh Who Is Gracious

Psalm 103:8


Yahweh ~ Shamar

(Strong’s # H3068, H8104)

I Am Yahweh Who Is Your Keeper, (Hedge Of Protection, Who Preserves You, Body Guard).

Psalm 121:5

See Also: Yahweh ~ Tsale


Yahweh ~ Tsale

(Strong’s # H3068, 6738)

I Am Yahweh Who Is Your Shade / Protection

Psalm 121:5

See Also: Yahweh ~ Shamar


El Shaphat

(Shaw Fat’) (Strong’s # 430, 8199)

Yahweh Who Judges

(See Also 2710, 4428, 539, 7999, 341, 1576, 6206, 1368)

I Am Yahweh Who Is The Almighty Awesome One, (Terrible In Power)

Jeremiah 20:11


Yahweh ~ El Gemuwlah

(Strong’s # H3068, 410, 1578, 5769)

The Everlasting Yahweh

Genesis 21:33

(Strong’s # 5331, H3478) Strength Of Israel, (Yahweh Who Prevails Forever).  (4634, H3478)

Yahweh Of The Armies Of Israel ~ (


El Tseh Dek

(Strong’s # 430, 6664)

Yahweh Who Is My Righteousness, (Psalm 4:1)


El Nathan

(Naw Than’) (Strong’s # 410, 5414)

Yahweh Who Avenges, Recompenses, Gives

Psalm 18:47


El Kabowd

(Kaw-Bode’) (Strong’s # 410, 3519)

Yahweh Of Glory, or Glorious Yahweh Who Is Your Glory / Honor (Just The Sound Of This Is Kew~El~! ~ Reminds Me Of The Cartoon Where The Animated Cartoon Horse, (Quick Draw McGraw), Would Change Into “El Kabong”, And Swing By A Rope And Bang A Guitar On The Bad Guy’s Head And Say, “El Kabong~!” {Psalm 3:7}).  Enter Here To See A Short Video Clip Of Quick Draw McGraw.

Kabowd Really Has To Do With The Glory Of Yahweh, But It Was The Glory That Raised Yahoshua From The Dead, Into Death, So That Now We Should Walk In The Newness Of Life, {By This Same Glory}; (Romans 6:4; Romans 8:11).

We Give Yahweh Glory When We Praise Him, [Publicly ~ In Front Of Others, (Psalm 50:23; Psalm 115:1; Matthew 10:32-33; Mark 8:38; Luke 9:26)], So I Suspect That Yahoshua Was Down In Hell Praising Yahweh With ALL He Was Worth, And Surprised d—Evil One And The Glory Of Yahweh Raised Him Up From The Dead.

Mouths Of Babes And Nursing Infants, You Have Ordained Strength, Because Of Your Enemies, That You May Silence d—Evil One And The Avenger.

El Kabowd Is Found In The Following Verses:

Psalm 29:3; Psalm 62:7; Ephesians 5:11; Ephesians 5:13; Colossians 1:12-14

Kaw-Bode’ ~ By This Same Glory Publicly ~ In Front Of Others

See Also:

Praise Is Becoming To The Upright



El Chay

(Strong’s # 410, 2416)

Yahweh Of My Life / Yahweh Who Gives Me Life

Psalm 42:8


El Simchah Giyl

(Sim Khaw Gheel) (Strong’s # 410, 8057, 1524).

Yahweh Who Is Your Exceeding Joy(Exultant Rejoicing)

Psalm 43:4


El Maachaceh

Encampment; (4264)

Yahweh Your Refuge, (H0430, 5826).  Yahweh Who Is Your Helper (410, 1584).  Yahweh Who Performs (Completes ALL Things), (410, 1368) Mighty Yahweh, (H0430, 4869).  Yahweh Who Is Your Defense, (H0430, 2617).  Yahweh Who Is Merciful, (H0430, 3468).  Yahweh Who Is Your Salvation / Safety Horn Of Our Salvation, (H0430, 8605) Yahweh Who Hears Prayer, (410, 4428).  Yahweh Who Is Your King, (H0430, 4428).  Yahweh Of Truth, (410, 6213, 6382).  Yahweh Who Works Wonders (Miracles).

Psalm 77:14

Yahweh Your Refuge, (Completes ALL Things).


Elyown El Gaal

(El Yone El Gaw Al’) (Strong’s # 5945, 410, 1350)

Most High Yahweh Your Redeemer ~ Avenger (Like Abram In 410, 5375) Yahweh Who Forgives, (H0430, 6918) Yahweh Who Is Holy, (H0430, 7138) Yahweh Who Is Near / At Hand / Of Personal Relationship, (410, 7210) Yahweh Who Sees, (Then She Called The Name Of Yahweh Who Spoke To Her, You-Are-the-Yahweh~Who-Sees; For She Said, “Him Who Sees Me” { Ra’ah ~ 7200).  Therefore The Well Was Called Beer- Lahai-Roi; 883, Well Of A Living (One) My Seer; Beer-Lachai-Roi, A Place In The Desert: ~ NKJV}, Observe, It Is Between Kadesh And Bered.  Genesis 16:13- 14

See Also:

Yahweh ~ Yireh; Yahweh ~ Rohi


El Yasha

(El Yaw Shah’) (Strong’s # 410, 3467)

Yahweh Your Savior
(Psalm 106:21)


Ruwach Elohiym

(Strong’s # 7306, 430)

Spirit Of Yahweh, Genesis 1:2



(Strong’s # 7306)

My Spirit / The Spirit, (7307, 2451) Spirit Of Wisdom, (7307, H3068), The Spirit Of Yahweh, (2896, 7307) Your Good Spirit, (5397, 7706) The Breath Of The, (5081, 7307) Generous Spirit, (6944, 7307) Holy Spirit, (7307, 998) Spirit Of Understanding, (7307, 6098) Spirit Of Counsel, (7307, 1369) Spirit Of Might, (7307, 1847) The Spirit Of Knowledge, (7307, 3374, H3068) Spirit Of The Fear Of Yahweh, Isaiah 11:2


Ruwach Adonay Yahweh

(Strong’s # 7307, 136, 3069)

The Spirit Of Yahweh, (7308, 6922, 426).  Spirit Of The Holy Yahweh

Daniel 5:11


Ruwach Chen

(Strong’s # 7307, 2580).

Spirit Of Grace Zechariah 12:10


Ruwach Tachanuwn

(Strong’s # 7307, 8469).

Spirit Of Supplication Zechariah 12:10


Holy Ghost, ( or Holy Spirit) ~ Hagios Pneuma

(Hagios Pneuma, Strong’s # 40, 4151).

Holy Spirit Matthew 1:18

The Word, “Comforter” Is Best Translated In The Amplified Bible Classic Edition As, “Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby”, (John 14:16, 26; John 15:26; John 16:7).

In Fact The Greek Word Used Is Parakletos As In Para-Legal ~ Paralegal Is A Term That Is Used In Most Jurisdictions To Describe A Non-Lawyer Who Assists Lawyers In Their Legal Work.  “Para” In This Case Refers To Someone That Comes Along ‘Side’… Parallel, (Running Alongside).  Sort Of Like The Trial Consulting / Scientist Of “Dr. Jason Bull” On The TV Series.

The World Is Watching Us, To See If They Want To Accept Yahoshua.  To See If We Are Real, And Do We Have The Love, (By This Shall ALL People Experientially KNOW That You Are My Disciples ~ John 13:35), And The Holy Ghost Helps, And Advises Us As We Go.  The Holy Ghost Is Most Like A Standby, or We Are Partners In This Endeavor To Seek First The Kingdom Of Yahweh.  Joint Partners.  The Holy Ghost Is Not A Silent Partner, But An Advisor Often Coming To Our Aid As We Go About Doing The Will Of Yahweh.

A Standby Is Like Having A Four-Barrel Carburetor.  You Have Two Extra Barrels Standing-By Ready To Help When Necessary.  During Normal Driving On The Flat Plains, You Won’t Notice Any Difference Between A Four-Barrel Carburetor And A Two-Barrel Carburetor.  But, Go Up A Long Hill Carrying A Travel Trailer, And Then The Standby Barrels Kick In And Without The Extra Two Barrels, You’d Just Poke Across, If You Could Make It At ALL.

Bonus: Hagios Pneuma, (Holy Ghost In The New Testament).  “Holy” Is Not A First Name, But Rather A Quality.  ‘Holy’ Means To Be Separated, (Set Apart), To Be Uncontaminated, To Be Pure.  When I Make A Cake, I Set Aside The Flour And Other Ingredients In A Separate Bowl, Until It Is Time To Incorporate Them Into The Cake Mix.  They Remain Flour, But They Are Not Part Of The Flour Bag Anymore.  This Portion Of Flour Has Been Set Aside, Set Apart For Their Special Purpose, (ALL-Purpose Flour Is No Longer Applicable To This Set Apart Flour, As This Flour Now Has A Specific Purpose).

Extra Bonus: The Old Testament Word From The Hebrew Is Transliterated, “Ruwach”.

To Learn How To Hear From The Holy Ghost Yourself, Please Go To This Link:
(I Want To Hear From Yahweh)


Pneuma Theos

(Strong’s # 4151, 2316).  Spirit Of Yahweh ~ Matthew 3:16

See Pneuma, Theos



Strong’s 4151 ~ The Word For ‘Ghost or Spirit Which Could Be Translated, ‘Breath.
It Comes From The Greek Word ‘Pneuma.  You Can Go Visit The Train Depot In Huntsville, AL, (I Recommend Doing So), And See Some ‘Pneumatically Operated Mannequins That Appear To Be Talking Using Air As The Driving Force In Making Them Move.

‘Pneumonia’ Also Comes To My Mind, Having To Do With ‘Breath, or ‘Breathing.

You Might Find This Interesting.  The Word ‘Aloha Also Has A Breathy Sound In The Hawaiian Tongue, And It Means About The Same Thing As ‘Shalom Does In Hebrew, (Jeremiah 29:11).  If You Really Want To Know What Shalom Means, Research What Aloha Means, or Click This Link, (Where The Work Has Been Completed For You ~ Shalom).

The Spirit, (4151, 5216, 3962)
Spirit Of Your Father, (Matthew 10:20)

See Also:

Abba, (Strong’s # 5, 1), 3962, 3450, 4151)
My Spirit, (4151, 2962)

The Spirit Of Yahweh, (4151, 225)
Spirit Of Truth, (4151
, 42)
Spirit Of Holiness, (4151, 2222)
Spirit Of Life, (4151, 5547
Spirit Of Christ, (4151, 5206
Spirit Of Adoption, (4151, 2257, 2316)
Spirit Of Our Yahweh, (1 Corinthians 6:11)


Pneuma Zao Theos

(Strong’s # 4151, 2198, 2316).

Spirit Of The Living Yahweh, (4151, 4102, 2316)
Spirit Of Faith 4151, 848, 5207)
Spirit Of His Son Galatians 4:6


Hagios Pneuma Epaggelia

(Strong’s # 40, 4151, 1860)

Holy Spirit Of Promise, (40, 4151, 2316)
Holy Spirit Of Yahweh Ephesians 4:30, Yahweh, Theos


Pneuma Iesous Christos

The Spirit Of Yahoshua, (The Messiah) (Strong’s # 4151, 5547, 2424 5547)
Spirit Of 166, 4151
Eternal Spirit 4151, 5485
Spirit Of (4151, 1391)
Spirit Of (40, 4151)

See Also:

Yahweh ~ Tsidkenu


The Spirit Of Truth

He Communicates And Imparts Truth.

John 14:17, John 15:26, John 16:13, 1 John 2:27.

See Pneuma Aletheia, El Amen


The Spirit Of Wisdom And Understanding

The Holy Spirit Imparts Wisdom And Understanding.  Isaiah 11:2; 2 Timothy 1:7.

 See Ruwach Chokmah, Ruwach Biynah, Wisdom


The Spirit Of Counsel And Might

He Gives Us Counsel In ALL Our Plans And Strength To Carry Them Out.

Isaiah 11:2; Acts 1:8; Acts 8:29; Acts 16:6-7.

See Ruwach Etsah, Ruwach Gatbuwrah


The Spirit Of Knowledge And Of The Fear Of Yahweh

It Is The Work Of The Holy Ghost To Impart Knowledge To Us And To Form In Us A Reverence For Yahweh.  A Reverence That Reveals Itself Above ALL In Obedience To His Commandments.

Isaiah 11:2-3; Luke 6:46.

See Ruwach Da Ath, Ruwach Yir’ah Yahweh


The Spirit Of Life

He Imparts Spiritual Life And Consequent Victory Over Sin To Those Who Receive Him.

Romans 8:2; John 6:63; Ezekiel 37:1-10.

 See Pneuma Zoe, (Strong’s # 2222)

The Oil Of Gladness:  Joy Comes By The Holy Ghost, Which Is Our Strength.  Isaiah 63:16 The Oil Of Gladness:

See Also:

Abba; (New Testament Strong’s # 5, 1), Pater, (New Testament Strong’s # 3962, H7462)

(4166) I Am The Good Shepherd, 7462 (John 10:11)

See Also:

Abba, Yahweh_Rohi



 (Also Spelled Elah).

Strong’s # OT426.  Generic Name or Title For A Deity or 433 Yahweh; Singular Word From Which Elohiym Is The Plural.  Yahoshua When On The Cross Called Out To Eli, (or Eloi), Which Has It’s Roots In Elowahh.  It Wouldn’t Make Sense For Yahoshua To Cry Out The Plural Of Yahweh, If He Was What Made Yahweh Plural.  (My Yahweh, Personal Yahweh)Psalm 18:31; Psalm 145:1.

An Aramaic Masculine Noun Meaning Deity, Divinity. This Word Can Be Used In A General Sense To Indicate A God, (Daniel 3:15), or gods, (Daniel 2:11; 3:12,18,25). In A Specific Sense, It Signifies The God Of Israel, Namely, Yahweh, (Ezra 5:1,2,8; 6:14; 7:15; Daniel 2:20,28; 3:17).  *(From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament Copyright © 2003 By AMG Publishers. All Rights Reserved.)

See Also:

El Shaddai, El, Elahh



Strong’s # 2241, 1682

Yahweh, Mark 15:34, Psalm 22:1

See Also:

Elahh; Elowahh, El, Eli



Strong’s # 410

Generic Name For The Almighty, (7706)

The Title Of God, {Yahweh} - El

The Word El Comes From A Root Word Meaning, “Might, Strength, Power And Probably Derives From The Ugaritic Term For Yahweh.

In Scripture, The Primary Meanings Of This Root Are, “god”, (Pagan or False God’s), “God(The True God, {Yahweh} Of Israel), And Sometimes, “The Mighty”, (Referring To People or Angels).

When Used Of The One True God, (Yahweh) Of Israel, El Is Almost Always Qualified By Additional Words That Further Define The Meaning That Distinguish Him From False Gods.  These Other Titles For Yahweh Are Sometimes Called, “construct Forms”, Such As:

El Shaddai, El Kabowd, Elohiym


(To See More Info On This Subject, See This Web Site Below)




(or Elohiym), ~ (Strong’s # 430)

Yahweh Our Creator Elohiym Is The Name That Introduces Yahweh In, “Let Us Make Man In Our Image, According To Our Likeness”.  It Is Yahweh That Has Made Us, And Not We Ourselves, (Psalm 100:3).

Interesting Note About This Word.  It Is The Same Word Used Both In Genesis 1:26 Where Yahweh (Elohiym) Said, “Let Us Make Man In Our Image”, And Also In Psalm 8:5 Where The Scripture Reads, “What Is Man That Thou Are Mindful Of Him, Yet You Have Made Him But A Little Lower Than Yahweh.

{See This Reference ~ http://www.yaim.org/web/literatureside/yahshua/108-the-pre-existence-of-yahshua}.

See Also:

Yahweh ~ Elohiym, I Am, Elowahh



(El Yown); (El Yone) (Strong’s # 5945),

Yahweh Most High, or The Most High Yahweh . (410, 5945).

Yahweh Most Highest Of The Most High Yahweh.  This Is Like Saying Yahweh You’re The Most, The Best.  You Are King, Lord, Ruler, OverSeer; One Who Governs Psalm 10:16; Psalm 45:6; Psalm 47:2-9; Psalm 48:1-2;
Deuteronomy 10:17; 1 Timothy 1:17; Zechariah 14:9

See Also:

I Am; El Melek; Yahweh ~ Melech (or Melek), Elyown, El, El-Elyown, Yahweh ~ Elyown, Most High, & Melek, (#4428)



Strong’s # 3074 /8033

Always There, Ever Present, Never Forsaking

See Also:

I Am; Yahweh Shammah; Glory, Immanuel


Most High

(Hebrew: ‘elyon, (Elevated); Greek: Hupsistos)

Strong’s # 5945

Mighty And Powerful Supreme Yahweh. 3050 Equals Yahweh In Meaning.  Yahweh In Hebrew Is Yahweh anden Down, But Added When The Word Is Spoken. ‘elyonelevatedhupsistos ‘elyonelevated hupsistos

See Also: I AM, YAHWEH, HalleluYah, Hosanna


Yah, or Jah

Shortened Form Yahweh Of Strong’s # H3050, (Yahh)



Elohiym, Theos Strong’s # 2316

Supreme Yahweh Scriptural References To Some Of The Attributes Of Our Heavenly Father. 

See Also:

I Am, Yahweh, Yahweh, Yah, Lord



Strong’s 2316

See New Testament Word For Yahweh.  Lord: 2962



Strong’s #’s Old Testament: (Adown or Adon),

(136, 113 ~ Psalm 8:1; Deuteronomy 10:17).

New Testament: (Kurios); 2962 ~

2962 ku/rio kúrios; Gen. kuríou, Masc. Noun From kúros (n.f.), The New Testament Greek Equivalent For The Old Testament Hebrew Word ‘Yahweh’.


I Am
{Isaiah 61}

To Be; To Exist, The Existing One.  Moses Asked, “Who Shall I Tell Them Sent Me, When They Ask Me Your Name?” Before Yahweh Told Moses His Name, Yahweh Said That, I Am”.  This Hebrew Word Used Here Was “Hayah”, (1961), A Primary Root Meaning, “To Exist”, “To Be” or, “To Become” And Is Always Emphatic, From Which Is Derived Our Definition “Am” or I Am

Christ, Yahoshua Replied “I Am”, {Mark 14:61-62}, And Again, Yahoshua Identifies Himself With The Same Words Used By Yahweh To Answer Moses, {Exodus 3:13-14}, Saying Before Abraham Was, “I Am”, (John 8:58).

When Asked If He Was The Yahoshua Described Himself As Saying:

Declarations About Ourselves

That The Communication Of Your Faith May Become Effectual By The Acknowledging Of Every Good Thing Which Is In You In Christ Yahoshua, (Philemon 1:6).

Other Things Concerning I Am, (I Exist; I Have Come Into Being ~ Strong’s # 1961), That Are Interesting.

When Yahweh Told Moses To Tell Them That, “I Am”, Sent You, “I Am”, Means…

  • I Am, As In… {I AM Whatever You Need}

  • I Am Your Healer
  • I Am Your Provider
  • I Am Your Joy
  • Or I Am What I Am, Meaning To Be, To Exist, or
  • I Am There

This Is Much More Than Just Yahweh Saying, I Am There, (See Yahweh ~ Shammah), But The All Sufficient Yahweh, Saying, “I Was What You Needed, And Wanted Before You Knew That You Needed or Wanted It”.  I’m Not Just The One That Gives You Joy, But Rather I Am Your Joy, “I Am” Sums It ALL Up.

When Yahoshua Was Baptized, Yahweh Spoke And Said That This Is My Son Is Whom I AM Well Pleased, (Matthew 3:17). 
Yahoshua Said That Where Two or Three Are Gathered Together, I AM There, (Matthew 18:20; See Also Yahweh Shammah). 
I Go An Prepare A Place For You That Where I Am There You May Be Also, (John 14:3; John 17:24). 
Yahoshua Came In His Father’s Name, (John 5:43).

See Also:

Lord; Messiah; Emmanuel; Immanuel; Christ; Yahoshua, (The Messiah), HalleluYah, Hosanna, El Yasha,
Yahweh_Yasha, El Yesha; Savior, Redeemer, Deliverer, YHVH; Yahweh; Yahweh, Yahweh, Yah, Lord, Yahweh

Isaiah 60:1-5 ; Matthew 1:21;
Acts 10:38; Luke 4:17-18; Isaiah 61:1-3;
Philippians 2:6-11

Website References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_And_Titles_Of_Jesus


{Commonly Called Jesus}

Yahoshua, Yahshua, Yeshua, Yahshuah, Yhshwh, Y’hoshua, Jesus, Iesous, {Greek Transliteration}

Strong’s 2424 Literally Means Yahweh ~ Saved Ephesians 3:14-15; John 5:36.  Folks Were Looking For Yahweh’s Salvation, [Which Means Being Delivered or Protected (Literally or Figuratively): Healed, Cured, Preserved, Saved (or Saving), Do Well, To Make Well, Be {Made} Whole, Complete, Healed, Restore To Health, To Preserve One Who Is In Danger or Destruction, To Rescue or Bring To Safety (Physically or Morally): Deliver, Health, To Save A Suffering One (From Perishing), Suffering From Disease, {See Sozo, (Strong’s # 4982, 2424, Joshua, Joshua, Yahweh, Saved, Yahweh, Salvation, {4991}).

Yahoshua; (Strong’s 2424), Is The Greek Equivalent Of The Hebrew, “Joshua”, (Yahoshua’), Strong’s 3091. Yahoshua Ha Mashiach In The Hebrew Language, The Christ, The Anointed One.  The Name Through Which Every Family In Heaven And On Earth Is Named, (John 1:3; Ephesians 3:14-15; John 5:36), Literally or Figuratively, or Saving Made Physically or Morally From Perishing, 4982, 4991, Matthew 11:2-5, Isaiah 61; Messiah, Christ, or Whatever Yahoshua Is… The Door, The Passage Way Of Life, John 5:39-40 Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty Yahweh, Everlasting Father [From This Day Forward], Prince Of Peace Isaiah 9:6-7.

The Name Yahoshua Means, “Yahweh ~ Saved” or, “Yahweh Is Salvation”.


Yahoshua Ha Mashiach ~ {Yahoshua The Messiah}
{Commonly Called ‘Jesus Christ’}

Iesous, (2424); Christos, (5547)

(Yahoshua Masih’a or Yeshoshua Mashi’ach or Yahousha Ha Mashiach); Immanuel, (Yahweh With Us).  Yehowshuwa‘ (Ye-ho-shoo’-ah); or Yehowshu’A (Ye-ho-shoo’-ah), Savior, Sent From The Father, (John 7:29; John 8:16; John 8:18) ~ Yahoshua The Messiah.

The Name Yahoshua Means Yahweh ~ Saved or Yahweh Is Salvation; Christ Means’ The Anointed One’ ~ The Name Through Which Every Family In Heaven And On Earth Is Named, (John 1:3; Ephesians 3:14-15).  When Yahoshua Talked About Himself And Who He Was, He Said That The Works, Which He Did Bear Witness Of Him, (John 5:36), {See Sozo,Strong’s #4982, or, John 5:39-40).

Yahave-o-shua Means:

  • Yahweh Saves
  • Yahweh (Is) Salvation
  • Yahweh (Is) A Saving-Cry
  • Yahweh (Is) A Cry-For-Saving
  • Yahweh (Is) A Cry-For-Help
  • Yahweh (Is) My Help

The Works That Yahoshua Spoke Of Included That The Blind ’s Eyes Were Being Opened And They Could See, The Deaf And Dumb Could Hear And Talk, The Lame Were Walking, (Matthew 11:2-5).  All The Things That Isaiah 61 Said That The Messiah Would Do.  Yahoshua Wasn’t Doing These Things Just To Prove That He Was The Christ.

 Yahoshua Was Not The One Who Just Brings Life, (or Whatever), Yahoshua Is The Passage Way Of Life, (John 5:39-40), And Naturally Yahoshua Would Be The Deliver And People Around Him Would Have Salvation, (Strong’s #4991), And Redemption. Matthew 11:2-5, Isaiah 61, Messiah Christ, or Yahoshua Is…(Being The Present Tense Of I Am).  Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty Yahweh, Everlasting Father, [Starting Right Now], Prince Of Peace Isaiah 9:6-7.  See I AM.

John 17:3

See Also:

Messiah, I AM; Emmanuel; Immanuel; Christ, Yahoshua; El Yesha, Hosanna


Christ, Ha Mashiach ~ {The Messiah}

{Christos}; Strong’s #5547

Anointed One
4990, Ephesians 5:23, Philippians 3:20

See Also:

Hosanna, Redeemer, Deliverer; Draw Near To Yahweh, Yahoshua



{‘Immanuw’el}; [Yahweh With Us];

Old Testament Hebrew Word ~  Immanuel (Strong’s # 6005)
New Testament Greek Word ~ Emmanuel (Strong’s # 1694

Memory Jog ~ In Man You Dwell

Matthew 1:23

See Also:

Messiah, I Am, Immanuel, Christ, Yahoshua




Old Testament Hebrew Word ~  Immanuel (Strong’s # 4899)

New Testament Greek Word ~ Emmanuel (Strong’s # 3323

Anointed, A Consecrated Person (As A King, Priest).  The Old Testament Word For The Coming Christ, A King, Royal Priest.

Daniel 9:25-26; John 1:41; John 4:25

See Also:

Messiah, Immanuel; Emmanuel; Christ; Yahoshua, I Am



{ad-o-noy’ ~ Strong’s # 136}

Lord, Master

Adonai Was Spoken By Abraham In Genesis 15:2, Lord, (Adonai), Yahweh What Will You Give Me“

Psalm 68:17; Isaiah 40:10

See Also:

Lord, Adonay Yahweh, Adown, Adon, Adonai



(or Adown ~ Strong’s # 113}

Lord, Master Genesis 32:18

Adonay Yahweh, Adonay, (Adonai)



(Shekanyah, ~ Also Spelled Shekinah or Shecaniah), (Kabowd ~ Strong’s# 7935, 3519), (Doxa ~ Strong’s # 1391).

The Word, “Shekinah Is Not Found In The KJV Of The Scriptures, {Perhaps Inferred To In Genesis 5:24}.  Shekinah Is Found In The Amplified Bible Classic Edition.  The Word Means, “That Which Dwells And The Jews Used It To Refer To The Manifest Presence Of Yahweh As In When He Dwelt In The Temple or Tabernacle, As Compared To The Omni-Presence Of Yahweh.

(A Presence That Can Be Felt, Seen, Touched, Heard or Smelled With Our Five Physical Senses).

A Related Word Is Found In 1 Chronicles 24:11 Where The Name, “Shecaniah Is Mentioned.  The Name Means, “Dweller With Yahweh” or, “Yah Has Dwelt.  The Later Definition Implies That It Is Not Just That We Are Dwelling With Yahweh, But That Yahweh Is Dwelling With Us~!  That Yahweh Came Close.  Where Yahweh Abides, (Remains) With Us Forever, Because Of His Choice, And Sets Us Free From Sin, And The World Will Be Drawn To Yahweh Because Of His Glory And Presence In Our Lives.  (See Yahweh ~ Shammah or I AM).

Exodus 16:7; Psalm 104:31; Psalm 36:9-11; 1 Peter 4:14; Isaiah 60:1-7; 1 Peter 4:12 Thru 1 Peter 5:12;
2 Corinthians 3:7-18 Thru 2 Corinthians 4:4; 2 Corinthians 4:6; 2 Corinthians 4:7

Exodus 29:43; Exodus 40:34; Leviticus 9:23; Ezekiel 9:3; Ezekiel 10:3; Ezekiel 10:18-19;
Ezekiel 11:22; & Romans 9:4

Yahweh Is Dwelling With Us And The World Will Be Drawn To Yahweh Because Of His Glory And Presence In Our Lives, (Genesis 5:24, 1 Chronicles 24:11).

Shekanyah, ~ Also Spelled Shekinah or Shecaniah or Shekanyah.

And Blessed Be His Glorious Name Forever~!  And Let The Whole Earth Be Filled With His Glory.  Amen And Amen, (Psalm 72:19).

We Bring Glory To Yahweh When We Praise Him, [Publicly ~ In Front Of Others, (See Also Matthew 10:32-33; Mark 8:38; Luke 12:8-9; Luke 9:26).

; And His Glory, (See El Kabowd), Brings Triumph In Our Lives, {2 Chronicles 5:11-14,
2 Chronicles 6:41
Thru 2 Chronicles 7:2}

Psalm 8:2 Out Of The Mouths Of Babes And Nursing Infants You Have Ordained Strength, Because Of Your Enemies, That You May Silence d—Evil One And The Avenger.

See Also:

Yahweh ~ Shammah, I Am

Our Authority Over The Earth; Praise Is Becoming To The Upright



(Hallel u Yah)

(Strong’s H1984, H3050 According To The Babylonian Talmud Pesahim, 117a, The HalleluYah Refers To Psalm 113-118.  It Literally Means, “To Shine” or, “Praise Yahweh With Many Praises~!

It Is The Supreme Word For Praise.  It Includes The Divine Name (Yah) And Praise Together.  The Israelites Would Sing The Hallel, (Psalm 113-118), Every Time They Would Go Up To Jerusalem For The Feasts.  Particularly As They Went Up For Passover.

They Used To Say Constantly, (By Singing Which Really Puts It Into Your Heart), “Send Now Prosperity”, (Psalm 118:25), Which Is Like Us Saying, “Money Cometh Now”.  Is It Any Wonder That The Jewish Folks Are Known For Being Prosperous.

See Also:

Hosanna, Alleluia, I AM, Declarations ~ “Why We Declare Things Out Loud With Our Have What You SayMouth, Praise



(Strong’s #G5614), {To Yahweh ~ {Implied} Save Us),

(Psalm 118:25, Matthew 21:9, Matthew 21:15, Mark 11:9-10, Luke 19:38, John 2:13 ~ {Implied})

See Also:

HalleluYah, Hallel, Yah, El Yasha, Yahweh ~ Yasha, El Yesha; Savior, Redeemer, Deliverer



Strong’s H1984, H3050

“Praise Yahweh”, (Psalm 113:1, Revelation 19:1, 3-4, 6)


Also: HalleluYah, Yah, Hallel, Hosanna


Redeemer (Ga’al),

Strong’s # H1350 (Kinsman Redeemer ~ H1353, ~ Ruth 4:7)


Other OnLine References About Yahweh’s Name

This Website Below Gives A More Scholarly Approach To The Correct Name Of Yahweh:


Exodus 3:14-16; Exodus 6:3; Exodus 15:3; Isaiah 42:8; Jeremiah 51:19;
Jeremiah 16:21; 2 Samuel 6:2; 2 Samuel 7:26; 1 Kings 8:33; 1 Chronicles 17:24;
1 Samuel 17:45; Psalm 91:14; Psalm 124:8; Isaiah 52:6; Isaiah 64:2

Also See Yah, Lord, Yahweh, I AM, Psalm 68:4, Isaiah 12:2, Isaiah 26:4, Isaiah 38:11

Here Is A Great Place To Get Specific Information About The Pronunciation Of The Name Yahweh:


This Is Website To Get Good Information About The Spelling Of ‘Yahweh’:

These Are Web Sites To Get Insights Concerning ‘I AM’~!


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