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Microsoft puts price on virus writers' head.

Microsoft will announce, in a joint press-conference with the FBI, U.S. Secret Service and Interpol, the reward for the people behind the MSBlast and SoBig viruses. These two viruses targeted machines that had MS Windows installed and have caused serious damages in both individuals and businesses.

It is the first time that cyber-criminals are targeted in such manner. The $250,000 reward, which applies to the writers of each worm, is meant to shake the foundations of trustworthiness between members of the hacking community. Officials claim that the intention is to prevent future attempts in writing such viruses rather than actually discovering the viruses' writers.

However, there are questions whether this counter-measure against hackers is either ethical, i.e. should a private company interfere with law by taking such actions, or efficient, hackers may be more tempted rather than discouraged…

Source: Robert Lemos
November 05, 2003, 08:35 GMT,39020375,39117616,00.htm