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**** 8/29/05 ****

So Katie mentioned something about wanting an updated website for Hall House, which is a really good idea. To be perfectly honest, I had pretty much forgotten that this site existed. I'm going to look into getting a decent site together this year if possible. In the meantime, check out   for pictures from past years. We have about 50 posted so far, and more will follow. And yes, I realize that the address there should be a click-able link. I forgot the html syntax for links and I'm too lazy to look it up. Good old copy and paste works just fine though.


Pictures from the 80's Meeting are now up.  After the meeting, about 20 of us walked to Durham, and got many strange looks along the way.


We just got back from the dorm trip to Franky Cabin.  It was fantastic.  We had about 33 residents go on this trip.  Some hiked the Ridge Loop, hitting Lafayette, Lincoln, and Little Haystack.  Others went up to Lonesome Lake.  A few brave people went and did a 6 pitch climb over at Cannon.  There was swimming (ask Kyle for his swimming story), food, and of course a campfire at night.  Pictures will be posted very soon.

Welcome to the Hall House webpage! This site is intended to give people a better idea of who we are and what we do. A more extensive picture gallery should soon be available, as well as a better description of past and future trips.


We are an outdoor organization, separate from NHOC (New Hampshire Outing Club - UNH's Outing Club), but similar in ways. Hall House is part of the themed housing here at the University of New Hampshire, designed to provide a community in which those who enjoy the outdoors can live together and learn from each other. Our official listed theme is "Outdoor Experiential Living," which describes the environment we strive to create.


Hall Council is the collection of leaders within the dorm. Currently, it consists of two co-presidents, ambassador, student senator, treasurer, secretary, sports representative, and recycling coordinator. All are elected positions, for which, each resident has equal say.


Hall House is one of the mini-dorms, and houses approximately 50 people. Residents plan two types of trips - socials and experientials. Socials are on-campus events based on nearly anything, while experientials are off-campus evens usually involving the outdoors. During each semester, the dorm sponsors one trip.