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The Teachers

Name: Mr Cogo

Experience: This is mr Cogo. He's like "Da Boss". Must think of something to write about him....

Name: Ms Holmes

Experience: Stuff

Year 9's

Name: Belal

Experience: Stuff

Name: Josh

Experience: His uncle has Indian start tortises.

Name: Muragan

Experience: Stuff

Name: Nathan

Experience: Stuff

Name: Ronald

Experience: Stuff

Name: Jacques

Experience: Stuff

Name: Thomas

Experience: Stuff

Name: Justin

Experience: Stuff

Name: Andrew

Experience: Stuff

Name: Alexander

Experience: Stuff

Name: Nick

Experience: Stuff

Name: Steve

Experience: Stuff

Name: Marko

Experience: Stuff

Year 10's

Name: Luc

Experience: This is Luc he keeps blue tongue lizards at home. He is kind of like our reptile expert.

Name: Guann

Experience: Guann likes danios and is an active member of the group.

Year 11's

Name: David

Experience: This is our only year 11. The rest ran away from us!! He just couldn't run quick enough.

Year 12's

Name: Sam

Experience: This is Sam. He been keeping fish/reptiles for ages and he can write something here....

Name: Owen

Experience: This is Owen. Hes like our science/fish guru. He knows lots!!

Name: Andrew

Experience: Andrew doesnt actually know anything about fish he just likes doing pH testing.

Name: Keng Yih

Experience: I got invovled in year 10, getting my first tank through the school since then I have grown to enjoy the hobby.

Name: Graeme

Experience: He's got a broken nose!!!....and now theres a picture of it.

Name: Andrew

Experience: Stuff

Name: Sid

Experience: This is Sid. We steal his food for the lizard.

Name: Rob

Experience: He came to S4 once.

This site was created by Sam Forster and Keng yih Chew June 2003
© Copyright 2003 Melbourne High School. All rights reserved.
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