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Group Exercise
Resistance Training

Personal Training 


Spa Parties
Contact Us

The Royal Spa

2101 Bloomfield Highway
Farmington, NM 87401
(505) 326-211

Monday - Friday
5:00 am -10:00 pm

Saturday and Sunday
8:00 am - 7:00 pm



Why Should You Try Results Personal Training?

  • Personal training allows you to reach your fitness goals by maximizing your workout time.
  • Our nationally certified personal trainers will design an exercise program tailored to meet your specific needs and goals.
  • Our RESULTS personal training staff is required to hold current national personal training and CPR certifications.
  • Instructing and motivating you, your personal trainer will be right beside you every step of the way in your pursuit of excellence.
  • In addition to their qualifications, they are experienced in working with a variety of fitness levels, nutritional counseling, cardiovascular and strength training.

What Personal Training Can Do For You

    • Motivate You
    • Individualize Your Exercise Program
    • Nutrition Counseling
    • Help Set & Reach Realistic Goals
    • Weight Loss Counseling
    • Improve Self Image
    • Help Relieve Stress
    • Sport Specific Training
    • Injury Rehabilitation


Types of Training Available

  • Cardiovascular Fitness
  • Muscular Strength & Endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Nutrition & Weight Loss Counseling
  • Injury Rehabilitation
  • Sports Conditioning
  • Core Stability & Balance


Option Cost Sessions
Individual Training $45 One (1) one-hour session
Couple Training $35 per person One one-hour session
Group Training Our rates for group training depend on the number of participants and the the number of sessions. Please call the Spa for a Group Training quote.
Body Composition Analysis $10  
Nutrex System Nutrition Evaluation and Program: $90  
Fitness Evaluations $35 Microfit Evaluation

Why put off Results?
See a personal trainer today!

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