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Sentro Ng Alternatibong Lingap Panligal ( Alternative Legal Assistance Center )
H O M E | P R O F I L E | P R I N C I P L E S | P R O G R A M S | I M P A C T

Guiding Principles and Objectives

Genuine base participation and legal self-reliance

     SALIGAN seeks genuine base participation and legal self-reliance through programs that educate the women, basic sectors, and local communities on laws and procedures affecting their rights and interests. These strengthen their capacity to decide on the remedies to take, whether legal or meta-legal, and the time and manner of their pursuance. SALIGAN believes that participation by the community or organization in the whole process is necessary in order to institute desired changes. Hence, legal decisions are made, and legal actions are taken, through the initiative of the organizations or communities.

Advocacy through legal resources

     SALIGAN aims to promote the interests of women, the basic sectors, and local communities by enabling them to understand the law, use the law, and participate in legal processes collectively, and in coordination with other groups.

Deprofessionalization of the law and its administration

     SALIGAN aims to break the monopoly by traditional legal profession over legal knowledge, skills, and practice through legal literacy campaigns, and formation of paralegals.

Organizational/internal sustainability

     Espousing self-reliance, SALIGAN adheres to a code of ethics, holds regular strategic sessions and periodic assessment and planning workshops, encourages its partners to allocate substantial and increasing financial counterparts for the conduct of activities, and adopts and implements policies and systems on administration and operations.

Main Office
Ground Floor, Cardinal Hoffner Training Center
Social Development Complex
Ateneo de Manila University
Loyola Heights, Quezon City
Bicol Branch
3rd Floor Karlenians Building
Panganiban Drive
Naga City
Tel.: (054)4731295(telefax)
Mindanao Branch
Door 1, 422 Champaca Street,
Juna Subd., Matina, Davao
Tel.: (082)2984161 (telefax)
Tel.: (054)4731295(telefax)
Designed and developed by Nelson T. Ragandap