Over a decade has passed since the release of our favourite game. It was released in Japan, as Tenchi Souzou, on the 20th October 1995. It wasn't translated and released to the PAL version (Europe, Australia), until over a year later, on the 19th December 1996. Just in time for Christmas. I think I bought my family's copy Early in '97, not long after it came out in Australia. Ah, the memories...
About Terranigma: The Tribute Site
This site is home to the complete soundtrack in all its original SNES glory (not MIDI's like the one on the navbar)! And you can learn how to convert them to .MP3's also.
Here you will also find my own CD cover design for the soundtrack.
When I originally created this site, it was called The Terranigma Soundtrack Project - A simple page with the same constellation background, where I posted the screenshots for the soundtrack CD cover that I mocked up. Soon after, I added the music soundtrack download itself, as well as the booklet scans.
Gradually, over a couple-year period I just added a couple of pics here and there, and eventually enough extra pages to make it worth chucking a nav bar on the side.
It still remains a fairly small and quaint site, but it remains one of a bunch of enduring sites out there holding the beacon for Terranigma.
Gee, I wish I had a copy of the game. I wonder where I may find one?
Maybe you're a newcomer to the Awesomeness that is Terranigma, or maybe you got yourself a copy of the game some time ago... Perhaps you were lucky enough to get the game brand new off the shelf! (Raises hand) - We are all part of a continuing community of fans of this still relatively obscure game.
With the game now in its 20th anniversary, it's been great to see the game get some recognition on popular gaming blogs such as Kotaku. It's a deserving homage to the game, not to mention a great way of introducing it to people who were unaware of its existance previously. (There's also another article on Kinja, a great 3-part piece on 7 Reasons why Terranigma is the Best SNES RPG Most Gamers Never Played.
As for this site - I've often long-neglected it, but it's going to be around for a long time to come (And yeah, it needs a lot of housekeeping!). Despite making little time in life to update the site, Terranigma itself is never too far away from my thoughts. Once in a while it even comes up in retro gaming conversations with friends who are into RPGS but had never heard of it, even though it was a PAL release here in Australia late in 1996.
While you're dropping by, here's the Guestbook if you'd like to leave a message about the site or the game itself.
Thanks for visiting!
The Terranigma Soundtrack
Below, and on the nav bar are links to download the soundtrack ZIP file. It is a complete compilation of every single tune that occurs throughout the game, and they have been sequenced to roughly coincide with the game's story (I say roughly because many songs occur in multiple locations and events throughout the game).
They are in SPC fomat, which is a direct dump of the music data straight from the game itself, usually with an emulator such as ZSNES.
To listen to the songs, you need to have Winamp 2.91 (You can use newer versions to play them but may not be able to write to disk in .MP3 or .WAV format if you wish to), and the SNESAmp plugin to play the soundtrack.
Click here to read the guide on how to play and convert the songs.
*Download the Terranigma Soundtrack Here*
Below is some official Terraigma art by Kamui Fujiwara. As you may notice, I used a lot of this art for the CD cover project, but here they are in their original form. Enjoy.
Instruction booklet for Terranigma (PAL version)
Wish you had the Instruction book for Terranigma? Here you go:Instruction Manual Scans Small text is barely legible, but I hope this is of some interest or use to you.