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Sims skins by Shejzh

Father Ted skins

That money was just resting in my account...Drink!

Oh, right, then, Ted.Ah, will you look at him there with his hairy hands?

Ted, Jack, Dougal and Mrs. Doyle.

Another Father Dougal skin can be downloaded from Simsbox.

These figures are posed using different head meshes.

Download Father Ted skins

Welsh rugby kit skins

Sospan fach, yn berwi ar y tan...Paid a siarad lol!

Dacw Sali Mali gyda'i deryn fach Jac-Do...You and I know it's all over the front page, you give me road rage, racin' through the back stage...

For all the family (light skins only at present).

Modelled here using SimPose and SimShow.

Also includes children's versions.

Download Welsh rugby kit skins

Blackadder II skin

Percy, you look like a bird who's swallowed a plate...

No ruff as yet, but I haven't got round to altering meshes yet. If anyone does come up with a better Blackadder skin (with ruff), please send me an email. Look out for Baldrick, Percy, Queenie and Melchett - coming soon...

Download Blackadder skin

I need some help with this skin - click here to find out how you could help... cute picture, too...

Anne Robinson skin

Look, love, I wasn't rude about your book or your botox, so just lay off, alright?

The head has come from The Sims Zone's Sim Brother competition and is not my work. The body is, however.

Download Anne Robinson skin