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Pet Sitting Pricing

Our standard visit price includes one visit of approximately 30 to 45 minutes.  For doggies and many kitties, more than one daily visit is needed to ensure their happiness.  Our pricing will depend on the number of visits per day and the number of visit days; we will give you a quote upfront, once you tell us about your needs. Again, our focus is on quality, not quantity.  Therefore, we spend as much time as we can with each pet, during each visit.  

  Please contact us for more info! 


Overnight Stay Pricing

Overnight pricing is based on a stay until approx. 6 am to 8 am the next day.  If your pets need continuous attention beyond our overnight visit, please discuss your needs with us - we will try to accommodate your pets and you as best as we can.   


Standard Chores - No Extra Charge!

While visiting pets, we will water up to five indoor plants, bring in mail and newspaper, and even take the trash can out to the curb on garbage collection day - all at no extra charge.


Other Chores and Errands - Pricing

For activities such as shopping for pet food, watering outside plants, spending time at your home during a plumber's visit, pricing will depend on the amount of our time invested and other expenses as such those related to driving.  Our goal is to be fair to both, you and us, in pricing these items. 


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