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About us!
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Adoption, etc.

Pet Sitting

We are committed to providing quality care and attention to every pet we visit.  Since our focus is on quality and not quantity, we serve a limited number of pets in any one day.   Our standard care includes petting, playing, feeding, walking, giving oral medication, and cleaning the litter box and the messy surprises.

Please click here for pricing information.


Overnight Stays

For pets that get too lonely or scared on a spooky night, we offer overnight company.   Overnight stays typically last from 8 pm to 7 am the next day, and include our dedicated attention to all pet inhabitants.   

Please click here for overnight stay pricing.


Standard Chores

We know that humans have other needs as well while away from home.  While visiting pets, at no additional charge, we water plants, bring in mail and newspaper, and even take the trash can out to the curb on garbage collection day.  


Other Chores and Errands

If your pets or you have special needs, we will do our best to satisfy them. We can do such things as shop for pet food, water outside plants, and even be present during a plumber's visit.  Let us know what your needs are while you're away, and we will try to help! 


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