I really enjoyed reading you website and agreed
with a lot of what you said. I am a 19 year old
girl with Asperger Syndrome trying to find out
the experiences and thoughts of others with AS.
Thank you for this site.
Name: teacup E-mail: teacups582@aol.com City: new Jersey Country: USA Homepage: Date: 19-Oct-2001 21:52:36 Message: I thought of a good job possibility for you. How about someone who does de-coding of information. You appear to have a natural instinct for classifying information and seeing the
commonalities in things - not everyone can do
Name: Niamh McKeown E-mail: Nia65@hotmail.com City: Belfast Country: N Ireland Homepage: Date: 26-Sep-2001 08:57:43 Message: Hi!
Name: lynnette E-mail: Lutzshopper@AOL.com City: lutz florida Country: usa Homepage: Date: 13-Sep-2001 11:31:45 Message: My son Dana (11) has Aspergers and has begun a
public school with 5 boys within this spectrum.
IT'S called a verying exceptionality class. The
first one. We hope others with A.S children
will demand specialized programs in all schools.
Name:Dolores Pinard E-mail: dpinard@aol.com City: Hudson NH Country: USA Homepage:none Date: 31-Aug-2001 18:41:37 Message: Thank you for sharing your personal insite to
this disorder. My son Matthew age 16 also has
Aspergers as well as ADHD. This summer I was
able to get him a part time job where I work.
He struggled daily to hold it together but
succeeded. He still has outburst of rage that I
still try to see them coming but haven't been
successful. Your personal story recaps his so
closely. The lining up of the cars, the
sensitivity to certain noises, his passion is
for rock collecting and he has amazed me with
his knowledge on the topic but he still has
problems dressing (inside out and backwards)
every day. Again thank you.
Name: Valerie E-mail: Aspieneutron@aol.com City: Country: United States of America Homepage: Date: 28-Aug-2001 21:11:23 Message: I am a 19 year old who was diagnosed with
Aspergers Syndrome in October 2000.
Name: Jim E-mail: Jim.thorne@virgin.net City: London Country: UK Homepage: Date: 25-Aug-2001 13:28:20 Message: Enjoyed your site
Name: Paula E-mail: mercedes817@aol.com City: Fort Worth Country: USA Homepage: Date: 15-Aug-2001 18:00:59 Message: 10 year old son has Asperger's was diagnosed in
Name: Luke McDonnell E-mail: mcdonnellluke@hotmail.com City: Liverpool Country: UK Homepage: none Date: 7-Jul-2001 14:58:49 Message: I have AS, I am studying a degree in Physics an
I am doing very well. It is nice to see your
website, it is very good. I do have some
intrests including aeroplanes and old TV. I was
diagnosed with AS about 10 years ago, I have
done well at school but found social skills
difficult and found it difficult to make friends.
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