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You can't tell someone has Asperger's Syndrome merely by looking at them and you can't tell that someone is a Psychopath merely by looking at them. Symptoms of both only appear later. Neither a Psychopath or someone with Asperger's Syndrome is out of touch with reality. Neither are delusional, believing that they are some great or important person or have special powers. Neither hears voices urging them to do terrible things or sees strange things in the middle of the night and neither believe that MI5 is watching them or that the Government is spying on them. I personally don't. I think they have more important things to do myself. I would hope so anyway!

Both a Psychopath and someone with Asperger's Syndrome have been known to make comments which upset other people, though with a Psychopath it is often calculated to be upsetting and hurtful, or made because they may not care one way or the other that they have upset someone else's feelings. Someone with Autism or Asperger's Syndrome will say such things because they don't understand the invisible but complex rules governing social interaction that NT's take for granted and which are intrinsic within themselves.

No-one knows what genuinely causes either condition. Both someone with Asperger's Syndrome and a Psychopath have brains that are wired differently to NT's. Those with AS have difficulties with communication, interaction, sensory issues and information processing.

People with Asperger's Syndrome know the difference from right and wrong and so do psychopaths. The latter just don't care. They are as rational and sane as any psychiatrist or psychologist who is examining them, if not more so. They are certainly not paranoid in the sense of being delusional or experiencing feelings of persecution.

Both Psychopaths and people with Asperger's Syndrome can get along in life by mimicking the behaviour, communication methods, emotional responses to situations and interaction of NT's, although the Psychopath is much more adept at it. In the Psychopaths case, emotions they exhibit are often the results of watching and mimicking NT's. That is why and how Psychopaths are often so good, and so successful, at presenting to the world the face or persona that is required.

In the case of someone with Asperger's Syndrome, any social interaction and communication skills can also be obtained by watching and studying how NT's communicate, or due to social skills training, or as a result of learning lessons after months or years of being condemned, punished and ridiculed by society for their social and interaction problems, particularly when their condition goes undiagnosed or unrecognised.

Both being a Psychopath and having Asperger's Syndrome is part of the personality but those who have either condition still have their own personalities, likes and dislikes. Both conditions are untreatable and incurable. You can't pump either full of drugs to change or cure them. Both are in-between conditions, as someone with Asperger's Syndrome often falls between the gaps in society with regards to services that exist for people with mental health problems on one hand, and "General" Learning Difficulties, as I term then, on the other, whereas many Psychopaths are too dangerous to be out in public but are too sane and rational to be in a psychiatric or secure Hospital. A psychopath will not admit or realise that he has a problem, while some people with AS, once they learn they could have the condition, with seek help and a diagnosis.

Which is the real Personality of the Psychopath? Is it Dr Jekyll or Mr Hyde? The Dr Jekyll is the act the Psychopath puts on. Their mask. The Mr Hyde is the real them. The "Mr Nice Guy" isn't.

Any facade usually gets exposed quicker in someone with AS but as skilled and manipulative as they are, even the Psychopath also can't keep their disguises going forever either, and they also usually get shown up for what they are and who they are - despite being very convincing for long periods.

To read about the differences between the two conditions CLICK ME