Pics from Senior Year: #1

my surprise 17th birthday party (front: aaron back: cory, me, paul, ben, kohl & caro)

We just have WAY too much fun (sorry for the blurriness but the pic needed some editing)

Lisa, Tricia, and me at Chrysalis #15 - the best Chrysalis EVER!!!

Cory, Leslea, Me, (Aaron, Eric), Tim and Jason (...Wait! hehe) @ Saturday night dinner

LOL!!! Caro's favorite picture!

Kohl and Timmer and Chrysalis closing! Don't they look adorable?! ;)

Same night! AWWW!! hehehe

Friendly's in January(Left to Right: Tim, Me, Aaron, Caroline, Cory & Leslea)

Christmas vacation 1999-2000!!! (bottom: caro, brandon & liz. middle: mike & cory. top: me)

Playing in my yard is SO much better than any crappy Winter Wonder Weekend! hehehe

Scott and Lauren, at their wedding in Long Island

Dinner at Friendly's before the Newsboys LLD concert!! (caro, ben, paul, me, tim & aaron)

This pic was taken at Brandon's house...he's wearing a 5yr old's t-shirt...can you tell?

Chillin at my house after a fun night of movie watching with caro (Brandon, me & Rachel)

This pic was taken in May at the Punchbug/Miracle concert (me, caro & loreni)

Later that night Outside of Friendly's in Endicott...they're just being themselves ;)

Senior Year Pics - #2