Pics From Senior Year - #2

MENTOS: The Freshmaker! (me, aaron & caro at our last chorus concert in May)

Senior Trip to Six Flags, New Jersey!! (John, Cory, Gina, Aaron, Caro & me)

The dinner cruise (left to right: aaron, caro, kohl, me, cory & gina)

Cory's end of the school-year bash...the pic was taken after mike and cory chucked kyle across the pool

Last day on the senior benches at school

Last day of Chorus *sniff sniff* (Cory, Caro, Nicole & me)

Last day of lunch in the cafeteria (Mike, Aaron & Josh)


No more high-school!!! (me, caro, aaron, kohl, john & cory)

Me and Caro after graduation!!...the main reason why i like this pic so much is cuz of the face Duane is making in the background! LOL

Kohl, me, Aaron, and Caro after graduation

Cory in his jeep after graduation!

Nicole's end of the school-year bash...the pic was taken in the "fort" that Brandon and Chad made

Caro, Aaron, Liz, me, and Rachel at caro's graduation party the next day

Awwwww, how sad! This pic was taken on the last night me & my closest friends were all together before college started (left to right: me, paul, cory, kohl, aaron & caro)

Pauli and me @ my house

Me and my girlfriends ;)

Senior Year Pics - #1