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Denis LaCrosse RD2 Photos

Tom Cummings RD2 Crow and Pillsbury Shoulder Patch

USS Pillsbury DE/DER-133

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Denis LaCrosse's Photos
Electromic Equipment Photos
Jerry Vancleave's Photos
Robert L Turocy's Photos
Ed Quinn's Photos
2002 Pillsbury Reunion
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Miscelleanous Photos
James E. McCullum's Photos

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Denis Retiring
RDC Denis LaCrosse
Denis LaCrosse
Denis LaCrosse
Denis LaCrosse's Pillsbury Photo
Compliments of Denis LaCrosse
Denis LaCrosse 2002
Once a Swabbie
Denis LaCrosse
Always a Swabbie
 Jerry Vancleave & Dinis LaCrosse 2004
Jerry Vancleave & Denis LaCrosse 2004

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This website developed and operated by ETC USN Retired Michael Lambert of Smyrna, Georgia.
It is hosted on server space donated in perpetuity by ANGELFIRE.COM  as a gesture of respect to
the gallant men of the DE/DER's and their sacrifice for our nation during WW II and Cold War. 

Copyright: None. The included history belongs to the ages.