The Lyrics Collection | Chapter 3: Keep on Movin’
::Chapter 3: Keep On Movin’::

I woke up today with this feeling

Better things are coming my way

I know the sunshine has a meaning

And nothing left can get in my way

"I can't believe we're here." I sighed and fell back on the soft king size bed in my hotel room.

"Well, better believe it. I didn't bring you here for nothing, you know?" I smiled at Justin, who was pulling my bags into the room. "God, what did you put in these suitcases? We're only staying here for a week."

I grinned. "Well, at least I don't need a separate bag for my hair supplies," I retorted.

"Ouch," said Justin, holding his hand over his heart dramatically. "I'm gonna check on the rest of the guys and Mom. We're having dinner at the restaurant downstairs at 7, kay?"

I nodded and fell back again. I heard the door close and sighed. This was almost to good to be true. I needed a break. I really did. I had to get away from all the attention and Justin came up with the perfect plan.

He thought it was a good idea to take everyone on a trip to Hawaii. And when he says everyone, he means everyone. Mom, Dad, Paul, Lisa, JC, Lance, Joey, Chris, Dani, Jonathon, Steven, Trace; everyone. We just arrived at the hotel, after a long, long flight.

Everyone needed a break. We were all tired and the guys were working on a new album and so they all agreed to go for a week. On the plane everyone was already making plans. From the plans I heard it's gonna be great.

When the rainy days are dying,

Gotta keep on, keep on trying

All the bees and birds are flying


Never let go gotta hold on and

Non stop 'til the break of dawn and

Keep on moving, don't stop rocking Ahhhh...

At 7 I went downstairs and saw that Lance and Chris and Dani, his girlfriend, were already there. "You're lucky today, Jac, Joey and Justin aren't here yet," joked Chris.

I chuckled and sat down next to him. "Yeah, well, I'm Justin's sister, remember? I can eat just as much."

"I remember, alright," said Chris, slyly. "That's why you collapsed right?"

"Yeah, see you have a perfect brain. All the other guys keep saying you have a lack of brain cells. I never knew what they were talking about."

Chris' face had a played shock expression and he turned to Lance. "You said that about me?" he asked, looking hurt. "I thought your momma thought you better then that, Lansten."

Lance just chuckled and didn't say anything. Dani smiled. Dani and I had become quit good friends, even though we had a big age difference. We shared a lot of same interests in things and hit it of great.

She was also the one that helped me get through the celebrity-status thing, when I decided to stay and gave me a lot of advice on how to handle the press. I think I could easily say that we are best friends. Well, my best female friend. Justin was my best male friend.

Get on up, when you're down, baby

Take a good look around

I know it's not much, but it's okay

We'll keep on movin' on anyway

Not shortly after the rest began to arrive one by one. We all ate and decided to go to bed early and discuss tomorrow's schedule at breakfast. I fell asleep almost the moment my head hit the pillow and had a peaceful sleep.

The next morning I called Sam and Denise to tell them I arrived safely in Hawaii. They told me all my friends back in LA missed me and they did to. I knew they did, but wasn't sure about my friends. I never really had friends back in LA, but when they heard about me and Justin they all, suddenly, were my friends.

I knew it went with the celebrity-status; people wanting to be your friend just so that they would be known for knowing someone famous. I hated that about some people.

Feels like I have should be screaming

Trying get through to my friends

Sometimes it feels that life has no meaning

But all things will be alright in the end

We ate breakfast all together and discussed the plans. We were going to the beach in the morning and Mom, Lisa, Dani and I would go shopping in the afternoon. The guys were gonna go surfing, or something like that.

The beach was fun and we played volleyball. JC, Lance, Chris and Dani against me, Justin, Joey and Trace. We lost track of count after a few minutes and decided that it was a tie.

The shopping was even more fun and I bought several souvenirs, clothing articles and some new stuff for my room at my home in Orlando. It now felt like my home and I called it that too. It had took me a while to get used to the house, but I couldn't imagine not living there anymore, now.

When the rainy days are dying

Gotta keep on, keep on trying

All the bees and birds are flying


Never let go gotta hold on and

Non stop 'til the break of dawn and

Keep on moving, don't stop rocking Ahhhh...

The trip was absolutely great and every day we had more and more fun. I played with Jonathon and Steven, whom had excepted me, more then gratefully, as their half-sister, and buried Joey in the sand together with Dani and Chris.

Get on up, when you're down, baby

Take a good look around

I know it's not much, but it's okay

We'll keep on movin' on anyway

I had a great time and was a bit sad that we had to leave after a week already. I had gotten closer to all the guys and my Dad. My Dad and I had a lot in common.

I really didn't want to leave, but knew we had to. Justin promised me we would go back as soon as we got the change.

When the rainy days are dying,

Gotta keep on, keep on trying

All the bees and birds are flying


Never let go gotta hold on and

Non stop 'til the break of dawn and

Keep on moving, don't stop rocking Ahhhh...

We got back in Orlando and the guys almost locked themselves in the studio. They were there day and night, working on new songs and just having fun.

Sometimes I would join them and even help them with some things. Justin appreciated my criticism and advices and used them whenever he could. I found out that I had quit a bit of talent, for music, myself. It was fun to mix different instruments together in the studio and help the guys out.

I still appeared at parties with the guys and Dani and for the first time I enjoyed the celebrity-status and had more fun then ever. I danced with all the guys and started to love them like my brothers. It was great. I didn't only find my biological parents, but got a whole new family with it. I even changed my last name into Timberlake.

Get on up, when you're down, baby

Take a good look around

I know it's not much, but it's okay

We'll keep on movin' on anyway

Lyrics: "Keep On Movin’”- 5ive

Chapter 4

get this gear!