The Lyrics Collection | Chapter 4: Free
::Chapter 4: Free::

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, just a second. I'll be right there."

"What are you doing anyways?" asked Dani, while she came into my room. "It's only a club, Jac."

"I know that, but I'm not going to have fun, you know that," I said, while I made the finishing touch to my make-up. I didn't wear a lot of make-up, just a little mascara and lip gloss.

"Are you really sure you wanna go to a club for this?" asked Dani. "With all the guys there too?"

"Yeah, Dani, I'm sure," I said to her, while both making our way downstairs. "We talked about hits before, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah, just wanted to make sure."

"Ooh," cooed Joey. "Looking hot tonight, ain't we?"

I blushed and ignored his comment. I wasn't used to getting compliments. I didn't know how to react to those sort of things.

"Thank you, Joey," said Dani, who did seemed to be used to it. "But as you know, I'm already taken." She walked over to Chris and Chris enveloped her in a teddy bear hug. She kissed him sweetly on his lips and they stared into each others eyes.

I sighed heavily. I want that to and that's exactly what I'm gonna find tonight at the club. A boyfriend.

Everybody knows that yeah I'm kinda shy

And I'm not the kinda girl who could ever approach a guy

But I wanna find a way to get you to notice me

I got a four wheel drive, 5' 5", brown eyes,

Then maybe you can handle these

Because I'm free

We rode to the club in two cars. Justin's and mine. When we entered the club we were immediately escorted to the VIP-section by the boss himself. He wanted to make sure we got the perfect table and service. They did that at every club and I didn't mind anymore.

Dani and I immediately made our way over to the dance floor to spot guys.

Free... single, sexy and sweet

Makin' my own money

Lookin' for the right party

And if you're free... spit your best game at me

If you like what you see

Maybe I'll let you share my fantasy

"What do you think of him?" asked Dani, pointing to a blond, tall guy, kind of looking like Ashley from O-Town.

"Nah," I practically yelled in her ear. "Looks like a player."

Dani grinned and scanned the crowd for other candidates.

Now, I don't need a man in my life tryin' to tie me down

And I don't wanna playa who got kids all over town

"Care to dance?" asked JC, while he and the rest of the guys also made their way over to the dance floor. Chris was immediately dancing with Dani and Joey had found himself a pretty redhead.

"Yeah, sure," I said and we started dancing together to the up tempo song. I looked around now and then to see if there were any cute guys.

I danced with JC and then with Lance. After that Dani and I got a drink and sat on the VIP-balcony, from which you could easily see the dance floor.

"How 'bout that guy?" joked Dani, pointing to a Marilyn Manson look-o-like.

We giggled. "No, thanks, he needs to get a tan."

Don't want his curl juice drippin' all over my Mercedes seat

I can't stand a man who thinks he looks better than me

I'm lookin' for a brother who like to have fun

A fly gentleman who knows how to please a woman

The last thing I need is a man that's soft

"And that one?"

I looked in the direction Dani pointed and saw a guy about my age, glasses and black spiked hair, trying desperately to dance. He wasn't doing a very good job at that. "Aw, look at him," I said, feeling sorry for him. "He needs some dance lessons from Justin or JC."

We giggled again.

He betta get it on up and break me off

Some a that fly high rise, 6' 5", ain't shy

And that's the kinda man I need

Because I'm free

I searched the crowd again and suddenly I saw a guy at the bar at the other end of the club. He was about 6'5" and had dirty blond spiked hair. He didn't look extremely handsome, but he looked cute and somehow I managed to notice him from all the way here.

"I'll be right back," I said to Dani and winked at her to let her know I found a guy. "I'm gonna get something to drink. Do you want something too?" I had to make up an excuse, 'cause Lance and Chris decided to join us at the table. They were both, already, sipping their drinks.

"No, thanks," said Dani. I quickly made my way over to the other end of the club. The guys was still there.

Free... single, sexy and sweet

Makin' my own money

Lookin' for the right party

And if you're free... spit your best game at me

If you like what you see

Maybe I'll let you share my fantasy

"A Coke," I told the bartender. I was standing next to the guy and he looked even cuter close up. The bartender set the Coke in front of me an I turned around, sipping it. I watched the guy from the corner of my eye.

"Coke, huh?" asked the guy. "A good girl?"

I turned to him, glad that he started a conversation and I didn't. "What do you think?" I asked him slyly.

He shrugged and took a sip of his Bacardi. "Don't know," he said, while putting the empty glass on the bar, "but I'm willing to find out."

"Oh, are you?" I asked him, taking another sip from my Coke. "And how are you gonna do that?"

He didn't say anything and took my hand. I put the still half full glass of Coke on the bar and followed the guy out onto the dance floor. We found an open spot in the mass op people and started grinding, closely to each other.

Free... single, sexy and sweet

Makin' my own money

Lookin' for the right party

And if you're free... spit your best game at me

If you like what you see

Maybe I'll let you share my fantasy

"What's your name?" I whispered to the guy. The guys started to dance behind me, me with my back against his chest.

"Xander, and you are?" he whispered back, from behind me.

"Does that really matter?" I asked him. I didn't want to tell immediately that I was Jaclyn Timberlake. I wanted him to for once like me for who I was, not only because I was Justin Timberlake's twin sister.

The guy was probably satisfied with the answer, 'cause he didn't ask or say anything. We danced and danced and dance for hours.

Mmm... If you're having a good time, just let go and don't be shy

Come on yeah... oh yeah

If you're down to do whatever

Then let's sing this song together

I'm free, oh come on and be free with me

At the end of the evening Xander gave me his phone number and I promised to call him the day after. "Bye, Good Girl," said Xander, when I told him I really had to leave. He didn't know my name so decided to call me 'Good Girl'. He leant forward and softly pressed his lips against mine.

After a few seconds I heard someone calling my name and Xander pulled back. "Bye," I said. "And my name is Jaclyn." I turned around and walked out of the club together with the guys and Dani.

Free... single, sexy and sweet

Makin' my own money

Lookin' for the right party

And if you're free... spit your best game at me

If you like what you see

Maybe I'll let you share my fantasy

"So, are you gonna call him?" asked Dani. It was the day after I met Xander at the club and Dani and I were sitting at the pool, sunbathing, while the guys were playing basketball on the court next to the house.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Do you think I should?"

Dani nodded. "I think you should, yeah, but it's up to you, of course. You are the one that has to call, not me."

Last Chance

Ooh boy, you look so good to me,

You might get lucky '

Cause I feel free tonight,

That evening after dinner I went up to my room, for some privacy, and called Xander. "Hello."

"Euhm, hey, is this Xander?"

"Yep, who's this?"

"It's me, Jaclyn. From the club yesterday."

"Good Girl?" asked Xander.

I chuckled, "Yeah, Good Girl."

"Hey, what's up? I didn't think you would call."

"Well, I did and I was wondering," I started, "if you would like to see me again."

"Are you serious? Do you even have to ask that? Who wouldn't want to see a pretty lady like yourself again?"

I blushed and was happy Xander couldn't see that through the phone.

Are you available

Did you come here alone,

Won't you hang out with me

I'll freak you on the dance floor

"So, what did you have in mind?" asked Xander.

"Maybe we can go out for dinner or something like that," I suggested.

"Dinner sound great."

"Okay, so euhm.." I was interrupted by Xander.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7, I know the perfect place. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

Everybody in the house... high rise

All the brothers up in here... 6' 5"

Gotta get in on up... High rise

You know you lookin' good tonight

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

"Bye, Good Girl."

"Bye Xander."

All the ladies in the house... 5' 5"

Gotta show 'm whatcha got... thick thighs

Freak 'em on the floor... Ain't shy

You know you lookin' good tonight

I had a good time with Xander. He took me to a little restaurant, which a friend of his owned and bought me a single red rose. At the end of the night he brought me home and we shared a small, but sweet kiss and I promised to call him soon. I didn't give him my number and he understood that.

I told him about me being Jaclyn Timberlake and he was shocked at first, but told me he didn't mind as long as Justin wasn't the protective type.

"So, how was your date?" asked Dani, who stayed at Justin's till I got home.

"The date was great," I said as I dreamed of the date that took place moments earlier and sighed. "I think I might be falling, Dani."

She looked at me and then we started giggling.

Lyrics: "Free”- Mya

Chapter 5

get this gear!