The Lyrics Collection | Chapter 5: Bug-A-Boo
::Chapter 5: Bug-A-Boo::

Xander and I went on several other dates and I started to fall more and more for him. It seemed like he did to, but wasn't sure. Justin, of course, didn't approve with him, but I guess he was just trying to be the protective brother. Mom did like Xander and couldn't stop talking about him. How sweet and charming he was and so on.

I was glad Mom liked him and wanted him to meet Dad to. I decided to finally give him my number, so he could call me, instead of me calling him.

That's when it started. The phone ringing every five minutes, dozens of e-mails a day. And it got worse everyday.

The guys said that it was Xander and I think Dani thought it too, but didn't want me to be mad at her.

I didn't want to admit that it might be Xander and kept saying to everyone that it was probably some kind of fan of Justin's, trying to get to meet him through me.

You make me wanna throw my pager out the window

Tell MCI to cut the phone calls

Break my lease so I can move

Cause you a bug a boo, A bug a boo

I still went on dates with Xander, even though Justin and the rest of the guys didn't want me to. I didn't care what they thought and just did what I wanted to do. They couldn't tell me what to do. I'm an adult, i can make my own decisions and they didn't need to protect me. I wasn't a teenager and I could protect myself.

I had a great time with Xander, but the phone calls and e-mails started to bug me.. a lot.

I wanna put your number on the call block

Have AOL make my emails stop

Cause you a bug a boo

You buggin' what? You buggin' who? You buggin' me!

And don't you see it ain't cool?

Justin got sick of it and tried to track the number down. He found out that it was indeed Xander and told me that.

"I don't believe you!" I yelled at him, while I throwed a pillow at him. "You're lying, because I spend more time with him then I do with you. You're just jealous your sister found someone!"

"Jaclyn," said Justin calm. "I'm not lying, I swear. I tracked the number down and it's the same number as the one you have from Xander."

"So, what? You go to my stuff now too?" I asked, almost in tears. I didn't want ot believe it. It couldn't be Xander, it just couldn't. Xander wouldn't do something like that. He was sweet, caring, charming and.. I was in love with him.

It's not hot that you be callin' me,

Stressin' me, pagin' my beeper

You're just non-stop and it's not hot

"Fine, if you don't want to believe me, suit yourself, but I warned you," said Justin, now starting to get angry himself. "The guy is a psycho."

"Go away!" I yelled at him and throwed another pillow. Justin closed my bedroom door before the pillow hit him and it bounced of the door. I felt a tear sliding over my cheek. This was the first real fight Justin and I had. I hated it. I hated to fight with him, but if he couldn't see that Xander was the perfect guy for her it had to be this way.

I ignored Justin for almost a week and still went on dates with Xander. I wanted to tell him that I loved him, but was scared of his reaction. What if he didn't feel the same?

One night when I came home there was a small package waiting for me. The address was written in Xander's handwriting and I smiled while I opened it. I was surprised that Justin didn't open it and throwed it away.

In the box was a picture of me, ripped to pieces and black marker all over it, writings like 'Your mine' and 'You Can't Hide or Run'. I got scared and went to Justin to ask who brought the box.

"Xander did," he said simply. "He was here just a minute ago."

I didn't believe him and yelled at him not to lie. I dropped the box in front of him, with the picture on top of it. "You did this did you? You send me this, so that it would look like Xander's the stalker."

Justin calmly shook his head and looked at the pictures in shock. "You now I would never do anything like this."

"That's what I thought, but I guess I was wrong. You're sick you now that?" I yelled and ran out of the room to call Xander and tell him what Justin did.

He laughed at what I told him and i asked him why. He told me that he indeed brought the box over and it wasn't from Justin.

"Your mine, Good Girl," he said in an icy voice. "You always will. You can't hide or run." I shivered and hung up the phone. I just couldn't believe that Xander would do something like this. The man I loved was my stalker.

That you be leavin' me messages every 10 minutes

And then you stop by

When I first met you, you were cool

But it was game, you had me fooled

Cause 20 minutes after I gave you my number

You already had my mailbox full

I still ignored Justin and when anyone asked me how Xander was I just simply said he was fine. I didn't want to admit I was wrong. I pretended to still date Xander and kept blaming Justin for everything. I used the fame as an excuse.

The phone calls and e-mails kept coming and Xander somehow found out the number of my pager. The boxes came more and more often and eventually I didn't even care to open them. I throwed them away the moment I saw them and didn't tell Justin or anyone else about them.

So what you bought a pair of shoes

What now I guess you think I owe you

You don't have to call as much as you do

I'd give em back to be through with you

And so what my momma likes you

What now I guess you think I will too

Even if the pope he said he likes you too

I don't really care cause you're a bug a boo

Justin gave up with trying to tell me that it wasn’t his fault and that it was indeed Xander. I knew it was Xander, but I was to foolish to admit that I had been wrong all this time.

Everyone kept saying that I should go to the police, but I told them that that wasn't necessary.

You make me wanna throw my pager out the window

Tell MCI to cut the phone calls

Break my lease so I can move

Cause you a bug a boo, A bug a boo

I wanna put your number on the call block

Have AOL make my emails stop

Cause you a bug a boo

You buggin' what? You buggin' who? You buggin' me!

And don't you see it ain't cool?

I tried to ignore the phone calls I got at home and blocked Xander's number. It didn't help at all. He somehow found a way to still call me and the boxes kept coming.

Dani still agreed with me, even though I knew she secretly thought that Justin and the guys were right. I didn't mind, I was happy she still talked to me. The guys didn't anymore. They all thought I was stupid, thinking it wasn't Xander.

Dani and I still went to clubs and had as much fun as we could, but most of the time I saw him. I saw him looking at us from he corner of the club. He was always there, wherever we went.

Dani didn't seem to notice, but I did and it started to get on my nerves.

Its not hot that when in blockin' your phone number

You call me from over your best friends house

And its not hot that I can't even go out with my girlfriends

Without you trackin' me down

I started to get paranoid and glanced around me whenever I went somewhere. I alwasy found him, walking behind me a few feet. I didn't react to it, though, because Dani was most of the time with me.

You need to chill out with that mess

'Cause you cant keep havin' me stressed

'Cause every time my phone rings it seems to be you

And I'm prayin' that it is someone else

Finally I got so sick of it that I threw my phone out of the window. I put my computer in a box and sat it at the garbage. Joey saw this all and asked why.

"You guys were right," I said, swallowing my pride. "It was Xander, Joey. I found out right after the first box came. I didn't want to tell you guys, because I didn't want to admit I was wrong. I'm sorry, Joey.. He follows me around everywhere. Every time I look around; he's there. He's crazy." I cried by the time I was finished and Joey held me into his arms.

"It's okay, Jac," he hushed me. "It's all gonna be okay."

So what you bought a pair of shoes

What now I guess you think I owe you

You don't have to call as much as you do

I'd give em back to be through with you

And so what my momma likes you

What now I guess you think I will too

Even if the pope he said he likes you too

I don't really care cause you're a bug a boo

Joey brought me to my room and promised me it would all be okay. He waited till I was asleep and told Justin and the guys about Xander.

"I knew it," muttered Justin. "I just knew it. I'm gonna call the police." He did and the next day I had to go to the police office to explain everything. They asked me all sorts of questions about Xander. Where he lived, what his job was, and so on.

I answered them all, with Justin by my side.

You make me wanna throw my pager out the window

Tell MCI to cut the phone calls

Break my lease so I can move

Cause you a bug a boo, A bug a boo

I wanna put your number on the call block

Have AOL make my emails stop

Cause you a bug a boo

You buggin' what? You buggin' who? You buggin' me!

And don't you see it ain't cool?

The police said they'd do everything they could and we were finally allowed to leave. I didn't sleep or eat for days and Justin got concerned again, afraid that I would collapse again, but I couldn't eat or sleep until I knew that I was safe from Xander.

When you call me on the phone you're buggin' me

When you follow me around you're buggin' me

Everything you do be buggin' me

You're buggin' me, you're buggin' me

When you show up at my door you're buggin' me

When you open up your mouth you're buggin' me

Every time I see your face you're buggin' me

You're buggin' me you're buggin me

After a week the police called and told us that Xander ran of to another country. I was a bit relieved, but was still scared. Xander was still out there, free to do what he wanted.

The police also told that whenever he entered the country again he would be brought to the police directly and locked up in prison for stalking me. They couldn't do anything to him if he wasn't in the country.

I didn't feel completely safe, but it a sure thing that he could never come near me again.

You make me wanna throw my pager out the window

Tell MCI to cut the phone calls

Break my lease so I can move

Cause you a bug a boo, A bug a boo

I wanna put your number on the call block

Have AOL make my emails stop

Cause you a bug a boo

You buggin' what? You buggin' who? You buggin' me!

And don't you see it ain't cool?

Lyrics: "Bug-A-Boo”- Destiny’s Child

Chapter 6

get this gear!