The Lyrics Collection | Chapter 6: Señorita
::Chapter 6: Señorita::

On that sunny day

Didn't know I'd meet

Such a beautiful girl

Walking down the street

"So, you wanna go to a movie or something?" asked Joey, who sat next to me at the kitchen table.

I had my head lying on the kitchen table and looked up. "Why?" I asked confused.

He shrugged. "I don't know. You have to get out of this house," he said "Seriously, it's not gonna hurt do go somewhere."

I let my head fall back on the table and sighed. "Joey, you know why I don't go out of the house."

"Yeah, I know, but Xander isn't in the country anymore, so he can't do you anything. It's been 2 months since he disappeared. I’m sure he’s not coming back." He put a hand on my shoulder. "Besides, you'll be with me today, that means your safe."

I sighed again. "I know, Joey, but I don't want to go. Go ask someone else to go with you."

"Jac, you can't lock yourself here forever. You have to go outside sometime. This is killing you."

I looked up again and glared at him. "Well, then, let it kill me. I don't care."

"But I do," said Joey, a concerned look in his eyes. "We all do. We hate to see you like this, Jac."

"Look," I started, "Would you guys just all leave me alone. I have to deal with this on my own. It isn't gonna help if you all keep bugging about getting out of the house. I get out the house, I go to the pool now and then."

"That isn't the same, Jac," sighed Joey. "You know that. You have to get over this. Xander is a jerk and not worth your tears."

"But I love him," I said, a tear falling down my cheek. "I love him Joey." I let my head fall back on the table and felt both Joey's hands on my shoulders.

Seen those bright brown eyes

With tears coming down

She deserves a crown

But where is it now

Mamma listen

"I know you do, Jac," said Joey, softly massaging my shoulders. "But he's not worth your love or your tears. The guy was crazy. He followed you everywhere and stalked you, that isn't the thing you do to people you love."

I looked up again and turned to Joey. "I know," I said, sadly. "I just loved him so much." More tears streamed down my cheek and Joey pulled me to him.

"Don't cry, Jac," he hushed. "Don't cry."

We sat there for about ten minutes when my crying stopped. Joey pulled back and looked at me. He wiped the tears then were on my cheek away and brushed a a strained of hair from my face. "Don't cry anymore, okay? Promise me you won't cry anymore?" asked Joey. "You look much more beautiful when you don't cry."

I smiled at him. He thought I was beautiful? I nodded. "I promise."

"Okay," said Joey, satisfied, "Now you are going to a movie with me." He pulled me of the chair I was sitting on and into the hall. My shoulders hung low. "Now, you're gonna smile and have a good time tonight, okay?"

I nodded and smiled to show him I meant it. He smiled back at me and opened the door. We walked to his car and he opened and closed the door for me, before making his way over to the driver's side.

Senorita, I feel for you

You deal with things, that you don't have to

He doesn't love ya, I can tell by his charm

But you could feel this real love

If you just lay in my...

"You pick," Joey told me. We were at the movie theatre and about to buy tickets.

"I don't know," I told him. "It doesn't matter. I wasn't the one who wanted to go."

Joey sighed and looked at the movie posters. "What about 'On The Line'?" he asked with a grin on his face.

I grinned back again. "Nah, that's a stupid movie," I joked. "The actors suck."

"Hey," said Joey offended. "They're not that bad." He wasn't really mad. He smiled and I did to. "Ah, there's that beautiful smile again."

Did he just call me beautiful again? "You really want to watch yourself?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Yeah, it's funny to watch yourself act stupid." I smiled again. "And I totaly want to go if you keep smiling throughout the movie."

I blushed and nodded. "Okay, we'll go watch 'On The Line'."

"Cool," said Joey and he bought the tickets. I smiled while he had to sign an autograph for the lady selling the tickets.

Running fast in my mind

Girl don't you slow it down

If we carry on this way

This thing might leave the ground

"So?" asked Joey, when we were walking on the sidewalk, after the movie. "What did you think of my excellent acting skills?" he joked.

I shrugged. "They were alright, I guess," I said to him and seeing his disappointed face I smiled. "Lance was better, though," I added, smiling evilly.

"You thought so? Why?" asked Joey, taking my joke personally.

"I don't know, he's cute," I answered him.

"And what? You don't think I'm cute?" asked Joey.

"Well, no," I said, looking at his reaction from the corner of my eyes.

"Okay," said Joey, really calm. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear you." And he walked a few feet ahead of me.

I ran to catch up with him and hooked my arm through his. "Ah, c'mon Joey, I was joking. You know that," I apologized to him.

Joey smiled at me. "So you do think I'm cute?" he asked slyly.

I chuckled, "I didn't say that."

"But you were thinking it," stated Joey.

"No, I wasn't," I said ,while hitting him playfully on the arm. He laughed and I joined him.

How would you like to fly?

That's how my queen should arrive

But you still deserve the crown

or hasn't it been found?

Mamma listen

Joey and I got back to the house and sat on the living room couch, sipping on some hot chocolate. We were laughing and joking around about stupid little things, but I had fun and I hadn't had that in a long time.

Joey looked at his watch and back up at me. "I should be going, Jac. The guys wanna start recoding early tomorrow morning."

I nodded and walked with him to the door. "So, I'll probably see you hanging around tomorrow," I said.

Joey nodded and smiled at me. He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on my cheek before turning around and walking to his car.

"Joey?" I called after him.

He turned around again. "Yeah?"

"I'm really glad I went with you today. I needed it."

Joey didn't say anything and just smiled. He walked further to his car and I watched the car back out of the driveway and disappearing out of sight.

Senorita, I feel for you

(Feel for you)

You deal with things, that you don't have to

(No, no)

He doesn't love ya, I can tell by his charm

(He don't love ya baby)

But you could feel this real love

(Feel it)

If you just lay in my...

It continued like that for a couple of weeks. Joey came up with the silliest things to entertain me and make me happy. Movies, road trips, musical plays, songs he wrote. He did everything to cheer me up and it helped. Of course Justin, the other guys, Trace, Dani, Mom and Dad helped too.

"Hey, Jaclyn, listen to this," said Joey and he pushed me down on a stool. We were in Justin's recording studio and Joey had written another one of his silly songs.

I smiled and waited for him to adjust his guitar. "What's it this time, Joey? A song about a grasshopper and a bee again?" Last time Joey wrote a song about a grasshopper and a bee. How they became friends and took care of each other and eventually fell in love and lived happily ever after.

Joey grinned. "No, but your close." He cleared his throat and started singing, leading the song with his guitar.

"Jaclyn, paints me pictures about how it's gonna be.. By now I should know better, her dreams are always 'bout me.. So tell me all about that little adventure by the see.. 'Cause Jaclyn, you can always, share every dream with me.."

I giggled, while listening to his words. He sang it once more and I applauded. "Bravo," I cheered. "As always, very touching. How do you do it?" I joked, while wiping away fake tears.

"I got a sudden inspiration burst by looking at a beautiful woman," answered Joey simply.

"And who might that be?"

"You," said Joey. I thought he was playing the game along with me and giggled in return.

"Well, of course," I said. "Why didn't I think of that?"

I didn't see the disappointment in Joey's eyes. He wanted me to see what he felt like, what he felt for me, but I didn't see it. I just joked around, like we usually did and Joey did too eventually, figuring that there probably wasn't any way of making it clear to me, without telling me straight forward.

Ah, ah, arms...

(Won't you lay in my)

Ah, ah, arms...

(Mama lay in my)

Ah, ah, arms...

(Baby won't you lay in my)

Ah, ah, arms...

"Stop, Joey, you were one step behind again!" Yelled Wade, frustrated. Wade was the guys choreographer and they were practising the steps to their new single, that would be coming out next month. I sat at the side watching them and time after time Joey messed up the steps or was one step behind.

"Sorry, man," apologized Joey.

"Yeah, yeah," said Wade. "Take ten, guys. And Joey.. After the break I want you to do the steps correct, all of them."

The guys walked towards me and all sat down, drinking water form their bottles and wiping the sweat of off their foreheads with towels.

"Joey, man, what's wrong with you?" asked Justin. "You're doing everything wrong. Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing, J," said Joey, avoiding eye contact with me, for some strange reason. "I'm just tired. That's all."

Justin eyed him curiously, not satisfied with the answer, but let it go and started a conversation with the person next to him, whom happened to be Lance.

I studied Joey and tried to get eye contact with him, but he kept looking the other way, whenever he saw me looking at him. What was wrong with him? Why was he acting this way?

When I look into your eyes

I see something that money can't buy

And I know if you give us a try

I'll work hard for you girl

And no longer will you ever have to cry

Senorita, I feel for you

You deal with things, that you don't have to

(Deal with things you don't have to)

He doesn't love ya, I can tell by his charm

(No, no)

But you could feel this real love

(Feel it)

If you just lay in my...

Joey eventually got the steps down right and the guys were allowed to go home. I rode home with Justin and the other guys followed in their own cars. They decided to eat at our place.

We ate pizza and talked and joked around like always, but Joey was quiet and didn't say much. I tried several times to start a conversation with him, but he answered my questions with only a yes or no and was quiet again. Eventually I gave up trying and told the guys I was going to bed. We said our goodnights and I walked up the stairs, to step into bed only minutes later and fall asleep soon after.

Justin eyed Joey again, who had suddenly become cheerful and talkative again and then looked at the doorway, where I just disappeared through.

"Hey Joey, did you and Jaclyn have a fight or something?" he asked Joey.

Joey turned to Justin. "No, why?"

"I don't know. You seemed kinda off today and I noticed you hardly ever talked to Jaclyn," said Justin. "Is everything okay between you two?"

Joey nodded. "Yeah, everything is fine," he assured him.

Ah, ah, arms...


Ah, ah, arms...

(My baby)

Ah, ah, arms...

(Oooh, yea)

Ah, ah, arms...

Justin, again, wasn't satisfied with the answer, but, again, let it rest and didn't bother Joey or Jaclyn about it. The next month came and the new single came out, reaching the top of every chart within a week and the guys got busy again. Travelling from one part of the country to the other.

I went with them everywhere they went, but Joey still didn't talk to me like he used to. Only when he needed to and he never made eye contact.

When I look into your eyes

I see something that money can't buy

And I know if you give us a try

I'll work hard for you girl

You won't ever cry

Lyrics: "Señorita”- Justin Timberlake

Chapter 7

get this gear!