The Lyrics Collection | Chapter 7: Could I Have This Kiss Forever
::Chapter 7: Could I Have This Kiss Forever::

A new single came out and the guys were now preparing for their new tour. I went with them everywhere they went and it was fun. Well, not of the guys, because they had to practise and work hard, but for me it was. In the mornings I would sleep in late and got to the dance studio's ate noon to go out for lunch with the guys and then the guys went back to practising and I watched them and sometime joined them. I knew all the steps by heart just by watching them from the side.

Joey still had the no-eye-contact thing going one, but I ignored it and tried to have normal conversations with him, which wasn't working very good. I didn't get why he was acting this way. He went from cheery, lighting my mood guy to quiet, boring my mood guy. He was acting strange to my opinion. Very strange.

The tour started and they kicked of with a great first show in our hometown Orlando. After the show there was a party at our place.

"So, euhm, what did you think?" asked Joey, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

I was shocked for a moment that he just started a conversation with me for no reason. He hadn't done that in quit a while.

"That bad?" he asked, when I didn't answer him.

"What, oh no. You guys were great," I told him and for the first time in weeks we made eye contact. Not the normal kind of eye contact we had before, but something different. It felt like suddenly we were the only ones in the room and no one else was there. I didn't know what happened at first, but when I did I looked away from his eyes and tried to concentrate on something else then him.

"Euhm, yeah," started Joey. "Thanks." He was offended by me suddenly braking eye contact, I could see it and he walked away. Of to some skinny model and started flirting with her.

I watched them and felt a strange kind of feeling take over me. What just happened? Why did I look away? And why am I feeling... jealous of the skinny model right now? What's going on?

Over and over I look in your eyes

You are all I desire

You have captured me

I could here the song play softly in the background and listened to the words. Somehow they explained how I was feeling and I got the answers to my questions. I'm falling for Joey.

I was falling for one of my best friends. Why?

I now why.. Because of his sense of humour, because of his charm, because of his looks, because of his.. Everything. Because of everything about him.

I want to hold you I want to be close to you I never want to let go I wish that this night would never end I need to know

I looked at Joey and the skinny model again and saw them laughing. It killed me to know that Joey was flirting with her. Flirting with some skinny model he just met. I hate her for it. For being this skinny model.

Wait, stop, what am I thinking? Joey has the right to flirt with anyone he wants and unfortunately that isn't me. I'll have to live with that.

I sighed and got another drink from the kitchen. I plopped down on the couch and sighed, seeing Joey dancing with the skinny model. I wished I was the one dancing in his arms right now. I wish I would've noticed earlier what I really felt for Joey. Maybe Joey saw it. Maybe he saw it and didn't want me to act on these feelings and therefore preventing eye contact with me. He neglected me so I wouldn't act on my feelings or fall even more for him. Yes, that's it.

I sighed again and sipped the drink I had in my hand. I had no idea what I was drinking but it tasted good.

Could I hold you for a lifetime

Could I look into your eyes

Could I have this night to share this night together

Could I hold you close beside me

Could I hold you for all time

Could I could I have this kiss forever

Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever

I had a couple of more drinks and suddenly felt like dancing. I had to much energy to sit on a couch the whole night.

I pulled JC onto the dance floor and started grinding into him. JC was shocked, for a few second, by me pulling him out on the dance floor without even asking, but then he grinned and started grinding to. We danced close to each other and I watched Joey now and then, making sure he saw us dance like this.

I had the silly idea I could make Joey jealous this way, but of course it was hopeless. Joey danced with the skinny model the whole evening and left with her when the party ended.

I said bye to everyone politely and then went up to my room, stepping over the already packed bags and falling backwards on my bed. Tomorrow we would leave for Miami, Tampa or the other way around, I didn't know right then and there. My mind was blurry. I had way to much to drink. We would go in the tour bus and I had to put up with the guys 24/7. That meant Joey too.

I sighed and fell asleep to be woken by Justin very, very early the next morning. I groaned a few times, but Justin got me out of bed eventually and I took a shower before Justin drove us to the compound and we all loaded into the bus. I avoided Joey and laid in my bunk the whole way. I had a terrible headache and decided to not watch the concert.

We checked into the hotel and the guys left for sound check. I stayed in my hotel room, mostly sleeping, eating chips, drinking Coke and watching some TV.

I could hear the guys coming back from the concert, but didn't bother to show my face. I continued to watch some kind of talk show on TV until someone knocked on my hotel room door. I ignored the knock and continued to watch.

The person knocked again. "C'mon Jaclyn, I know you're in there. I can here the TV." It was Joey.

Groaning I got myself to my feet and opened the door, immediately walking back and getting under the covers. Joey walked in and closed the door behind him. He slowly made his way into the room.

"Are you okay?" he asked, seeing empty bags of chips and cans of Coke spread here and there.

I nodded. "Uh-huh, I'm fine," I answered and I looked at him, trying not to look at his eyes to much. "Was that everything you wanted to ask, because I'm trying to follow this?" I gestured to the TV.

Joey looked strangely at me and then at the TV. "Jenny Jones?" he asked. "Since when do you watch that?"

"Since now," I said, grabbing another bag of chips and tearing it open. "You gonna stay and watch with me?" I hoped he would say yes. Even though I knew we would never be more then friends, I wanted him to stay. I felt comfortable with him. Well, not really but I wanted him to stay anyway.

He shrugged. "I guess," he said and he sat down on the bed next to me. "So, what's it about this time?"

"Lie detector tests."

“Ooh,” cooed Joey and reached for the bag of chips. I slapped his hand away before he could. "Hey, get your own one," I ordered him and he chuckled.

Over and over I've dreamed of this night

Now you're here by my side

You are next to me

I want to hold you and touch you and taste you

And make you want no one but me

We watched Jenny Jones and then some kind of old drama movie. It was fun, just like old times, but still a little different. I didn't show it, but I seriously wanted to kiss and hold Joey so bad. And every time we touched by accident it felt like an electricity jolt going through me.

Joey looked at me from the corner of his eyes and saw me fiddling with the covers. "So, Jac," he started. "Is there any reason for you locking yourself up in this room the whole afternoon?"

I shrugged. "Not really."

"Okaay," said Joey. "Wanna talk about it?" He didn't believe me.

"Joey, I told you, there's nothing wrong, okay?"

"Uh-huh," said Joey and he kept looking at me from the corner of his eyes. I glanced at Joey and saw that he was. Our eyes met and I didn't look away like the first time. Instead of that I leaned towards Joey and my lips met his.

I wish that this kiss could never end

Oh baby please

Could I hold you for a lifetime

Could I look into your eyes

Could I have this night to share this night together

Could I hold you close beside me

Could I hold you for all time

Could I could I have this kiss forever

Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever

I don't want any night to go by

Without you by my side

I just want all my days

Spend being next to you

Lived for just loving you

And baby, oh by the way

When I realized what I was doing I pulled back quickly and searched Joey's face for any reaction. Joey looked shocked first, but then smiled. I didn't know what to think of that smile. Was it because he liked the kiss? Or because he was laughing at me from the inside? Why?

We were quiet for a long time and I knew I had to say something. "I.. Euhm, I'm sorry. I shouldn’t have..."

Joey interrupted me by leaning in and kissing me. He kissed me long and hard and soon I returned the kiss. The electricity jolts flowed through my body and Joey deepened the kiss.

"I've waited so long to do this," he said when he pulled back for a second. We looked into each other's eyes and kissed again.

Could I hold you for a lifetime

Could I look into your eyes

Could I have this night to share this night together

Could I hold you close beside me

Could I hold you for all time

Could I could I have this kiss forever

Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever

Lyrics: "Could I Have This Kiss Forever”- Whitney Houston and Enrique Iglesias

Chapter 8

get this gear!