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So, you decided to come? That's so good! well this page is under construction but very soon you'll find info about girl role models because remember... It's all about girls!!

I havent done much subpages coz I'm fixing some things, I put some music, but it's ok, it will only play once, i know how anoying that is =p.

I wanna thank to Chesky for the pic in the main page, Carrina for the banner, and Leanne for the button.

OK, thx to all the ppl who has given me support, and PLEASE take one minute of your time to fill my survey, it's quick and it encourages me to keep updating the site

OK, i added something to my page: an award!!, So click here to win it.

Katie Holmes
Christina Aguilera
Anna Kournikova
Julia Stiles
Mariah Carey
Shannen Doherty
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Leslie Bibb
Britney Spears

© I'm so damn divalicious ©

Its a [Girl] thing

So Divalicious - Win it too!

So, you think somebody deserves to be posted? Why dont you email me with a little paragraph (you have to write it, dont copy one of an existing page) about her and a pic so I can post it here, you'll get all the credit. Remeber anyone can be posted here, politicians, athlets, singers....

Why dont you link me?
What a girl Wants
Cut and paste the code below

<a href="" target="new window">
<img src="thenameofthebutton.jpg" border="0" alt="What a girl Wants"></a>
Or do you rather put a button?
What a girl Wants
Cut and paste the code below<a href="" target="new window">
<img src="thenameofthebutton.gif" border="0" alt="What a girl Wants"></a>
And remember to change the name of the button/banner and to download the image into your own server!!

Take a minute of your time to answer my survey please:

What's your name and your age?:

Any email to contact you?:

Who do you think is the best girl role model?:

Who do you think doesnt deserve to be posted as a role model?:

What does it takes to be a role model?:

Do you think a women can be USA president?:

Do you like my site?:
