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A Peek At The Chest

Fixated. yes that's what it is. . . .fixation. focus. fixated.

Chest hair, warm, soft,. . . .oh dear ICE BUCKETS!!!

Yo ladies, what is it about chests and chest fur?
You would think we were fixated. . . .LOL

Isn't it amazing, though, that a man who never showed anything, even as harmless as some chest fur,
could turn on and give hot flashes to such a legion of women as we are.
Sue, who did raid the ice bucket??
There is a brief flash of chest fur when Diego is buttoning up his shirt to honor AM's letter in "Rendezvous At Sundown"

OK Girls, you asked for a bare chest and some chest fur, SO......
Here's a picture that will really make your heart go WILD!

This guy is just waiting for you run your fingers through his fur!!!! And he's really CUTE TOO!!!

Nancy Smith, 07/14/03

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