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Zorro's Injuries

In the Anthology "El Bandito", towards the end, El Cuchillo asks Diego about the cut on his face.
Cuchillo knew where Diego really got the cut because he put it there!

Nancy Brewer 1/06/05

The conversation goes:

Cuchillo: "All the rancheros were at the fight, but I didn't see you. Where were you?"

Diego: "I was hiding in the bushes."

Cuchillo: "You have a little cut on you cheek there. . ."

Diego: "Oh, it was a rose bush and one of the thorns cut me, now isn't that silly?"

Cuchillo: "Yeah, very silly!"

Hello all of you ladywriters,
I've been busy, making up an inventory of the injuries Zorro suffered in the fanfiction.

He has:
been flogged twice,
shot in different parts of the body (I lost count...),
been hit over the head with guns, a bag of money and sticks,
has been kicked around and cut up
been slashed all over,
had a severe flu attack
been stabbed with a poisoned knife...

You all must be wicked ladies, having the poor man suffering like that!!
BUT if I would ever write a story, it would have the very same ingredients!!!!

You forgot, he was also caught in an earthquake/avalanche, kidnapped by aliens, trapped by a fallen tree and cornered by a dog, sprained ankle, bitten by a poisonous snake, overcome by poisonous smoke, amnesia, held captive by the Fates, almost drowned.
Yeah, we're wicked all right.
Sue (bookscape)


It just goes to show you how wonderful Zorro can be... he can beat any odds. It's part of the excitement that is part of his myth.
Alize (trying to think if I put Zorro in any harm....besides in the arms of a woman...)

Gail Manfre wrote:
"More importantly, our man comes out all right, eh?" gm

"No Gail....Sadly, he gets lost in space!"

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