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Episode 11 (cont)


(When Zorro reaches the balcony, he climbs over the railing, turns, flashes that brilliant Zorro smile and waves his thanks to Sergeant Garcia for his help. Also, I'm sure, getting a chuckle out of the fact that Garcia was not aware that he just helped the real Zorro. A cute scene to watch.)

(And then, of course, we have the bumbling Sergeant Garcia. He comes in the gate in the rear of the tavern, and sees who he thinks is the fake Zorro climbing the ladder. Not realizing it is the real Zorro, he holds the ladder exclaiming: "I thought you were already inside".)

(Once inside, Zorro finds Capitan Monastario upstairs "chasing" after the fake Zorro. Monastario tells the real Zorro: "Fight me, and make it look real." To which, Zorro flashes that huge smile, and takes up his stance, again having fun with the fact that Monastario also thinks he's the fake Zorro.)

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