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Episode 75 (cont)

His stance in the end, towering over the fallen Capitan, tells us he never had a doubt as to who would win in the end. OH be still my beating heart! Another great favorite is this episode.

Submitted by Sue P

I always thought that it was interesting that after the death of the capitan at Zorro's feet, Garcia and Reyes enter the scene, causing Zorro to grab his cape and make a quick, his back to the camera, retreat into the house.

Submitted by Julia, 9/01/02

Before Zorro, I have no shame
To others it seems insane
But Guy Williams is to blame
Once I saw him I was never the same
He really stokes my flame
Guy Williams is his name!

By Gail Manfre, 05/05/03

I don't need a fireplace nor central heating when it's cold. Just this smile.

Janis W., 05/04/03

Oh, my, you are right. That smile would light up a city.

Sue K., 05/04/03

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