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Image by I'd like to thank all of the sites that help make this possible.

First and formost I would like to thank the wonderful website of home of the best free banners for your website or papers on the net. They made every cool graphic and banner on this page so if I have wowed you in some small way thank them (ps they didn't make the book covers, and the home banner)

Also I'd like to thank my dear friends Taylor and Eric. Taylor for teaching me the basics of HTML code. And Eric just 'cause he's cool and he plays the Cello.

Another good friend and serogate sister is Noriko Adachi. An exchange student who lived with us for only a few weeks. She is a good friend and I would like to thank her for teaching me some of the better things in life. Another person I'd like to thank is my Dear friend Sparkie, she has fueled our (my friends and mine) lives with the power of crazy for lack of a better term. Thank you Sparkie, and Vive le Broccoli

Oh and there is one more person I'd like to thank, Maurice the baker (bolonge en francais)at Lac du Bois. You're My HERO Maurice!!!!!! (Ps. Maurice if you ever visit this site, PLEEAASE send me a tape of your songs, You ROCK!) okay, time to calm down a little.


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