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In light of the sad events of the past few days, I would like to provide you with a direct way to donate to the red cross.
Remember, $10 dollars can make a difference.

I have a brief note to everyone. Don't let your anger at the terrorists find someone else. MUSLIMS DID NOT DO THIS, TERRORISTS DID THIS. The difference is staggering, don't let innocent people get the brunt of your rage, after all, thats exactly what the terrorists did. They thought anger at the American government's policys meant anger at the Americans. Don't be like them, Direct your anger at those who diserve it. Thankyou.

>^_^< Updates >^_^<

Ok, heres what I've decided to do, for all of you who find it a BITCH to find inu-yasha stuff, I will (for FREE)help you find good prices, and/or find it at all (like inu-Yasha key chains- I have all 5) so email me, and I'll see what I can do.(checking ebay every day and the like)so send me a note at TokyoCat2000@aol.com

>^_^< thankyou >^_^<

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