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Unfortunate Consequences

Every Action You Take Has A Price. The Question Is, Are You Willing To Pay It?


It was a small ball that glowed faintly in the dimly lit room. "That's it?!" Yusuke demanded incredulously. "That's what we went through all this trouble for?"

Kurama nodded. "This is it," he affirmed. He cast a sideways glance at Yusuke as the boy reached for the glowing ball. "You still have the case Koenma gave you, right? You know we aren't supposed to touch it."

"When you retrieve this artifact," Koenma had told them as he handed Yusuke the sack of some strange material. "You must at all costs avoid touching it. If you do, even we of the Reikai might not be able to save you from the terrible fate awaiting the person who lays a finger on it."

Needless to say, Yusuke had not been impressed. "Ch', Kurama, you worry to much. What could this little thing possibly do to me?" He snorted, hand hovering mere inches away from the thing.

"Ah! Urameshi!" Kuwabara screeched, laughing shrilly. "Touch it! You'll probably turn into a toad!"

"Hn." Hiei growled. "Fools."

Kurama grabbed Yusuke's wrist. "Don't, Yusuke. Just put it in the sack and lets go."

Yusuke jerked his hand out of Kurama's grasp. "He didn't even tell us what would happen. You know, I bet something good would happen if I touch it. That would be just like Koenma, to keep some wonderful thing all to himself," he told his red-haired partner, while images of big-breasted, scantily clad women danced through his head. "You know how selfish he is, Kurama."

Kurama sighed and backed off. "Fine, fine. Touch it, if you want. But when something terrible happens to you, don't expect us to rescue you," he warned.

Grinning triumphantly, Yusuke reached for the ball. "Don't worry, Kurama. I'll be just- Ahhhh!!"


That was the last thing he heard as the world spun around him.

* * * *

Yusuke woke with a start. Rubbing his aching head, he sat up. "Hmm," he mumbled to himself. "Looks like I'm in an ally somewhere."

Indeed, with boxes lining the narrow street, and shadows cast by the surrounding buildings, it could be nothing but an ally. Pleased with his amazing talent for deduction, he hopped to his feet and walked to the end of the ally, surveying the street in front of him. "I really am good at this detective stuff. Maybe I'll start my own agency someday. I'll be more famous than Sherlock Holmes!"

The street itself was suspiciously devoid of life. Looking up and down the street, Yusuke frowned. "I wonder where all the people are," he muttered. Shrugging to himself, he tucked his hands in his pockets and wandered down the street.

It didn't take Yusuke long to figure out where he was. "I'm not to far from my school," was his surprised comment. "That little ball-thing must have brought me home... but where is everybody?" Well, there was really only one way to find out, so Yusuke continued walking, keen eyes darting about, trying to watch everything at once.

When Yusuke finally did spot someone, it was all he could do to keep from shouting with joy. And better still, for with long red hair like that, it could be none other than Kurama. Even if he was wearing a black leather trench coat. "Oi, Kurama!" he called, waving his hands. "Over here!"

He ran to meet the redhead. "Kurama, I'm sorry," he told the kitsune as soon as he reached him. "I should have listened to you and not touched it. It was a stupid thing to do, especially after Koenma warned us not to." He looked around, somewhat surprised to find that there were still no people. Had he really expected them to appear because he'd found his friend? "Where is everybody?"

Kurama's eyes narrowed. "You've been a bad boy, Yusuke? Then I guess you'll have to be.. punished." His green eyes gleamed in a way that was beginning to make Yusuke uneasy.

"Uh, Kurama..."

The leather coat dropped, and Yusuke's eyes followed it down, then slowly made their way up Kurama's body, growing bigger and bigger. From his leather boots and incredibly tight leather pants to the leather straps crisscrossing his bare chest, Kurama wore not a stitch that wasn't black. Even the whip hanging at his side was made of black leather. Yusuke gulped nervously.

Kurama's grin was evil. Pure, sadistic, I'm-gonna-hurt-you-and-you're-gonna-like-it evil. "On your knees, Yusuke. It's time for your punishment."

He began to back away. "Now wait a second, Kurama..."

"Stop right there!" The shout made both of them turn. "Villain, how dare you accost this young man?!"

It was Karasu standing in the middle of the street. At least, Yusuke thought it was Karasu. The youkai had his hair done up in two meatballs on his head, the rest hanging down in two tails. He was wearing a sailor fuku.

"Evil doer! I am Sailor Karasu, and I stand for love, justice, and the Canadian way! I right wrongs and triumph over evil!" He was waving his hands about in a most ridiculous manner. "And that means you. So in the name of the maple leaf, I will punish you!"

Kurama's grin widened. "Punish me?" he sounded delighted. "We'll see who punishes who." He grabbed his whip and cracked it menacingly. "You seem like a naughty fellow to me. I think I'll be the one punishing."

Yusuke decided it was high time to be away from there. While Kurama was distracted by Karasu, Yusuke darted by and ran as fast as he could, and kept running until they were mere specks on the horizon. Finally he was forced to stop, gasping for air.

"I don't know what the hell is going on," he panted to no one in particular. "But I'm going to put a stop to this!" Nodding to himself, he stood and began walking towards Genkai's temple. If anybody could tell him what was going on, it would be 'Baasan.

As he walked, there would occasionally be a flicker at the corner of his eye, like someone was darting through the shadows, but when he turned his head, they were gone. Disgusted, and a little upset with the whole situation, Yusuke increased his pace. The sight of Genkai's beautiful temple was almost enough to bring him to his knees. Grinning like an idiot, he dashed up the steps. "Baasan! Baasan!"

She was standing on the steps of the building itself, and turned when he came running up. "Yusuke?"

He swept her up in an enthusiastic hug. "Baasan! You'll never believe what happened to Kurama and Karasu! And the streets- all the people were gone! Do you know what's happening?" This said without a single pause for breath. "Baasan?"

She nodded absently. "First, lets get some tea. I always like tea in the afternoon."

Yusuke frowned in puzzlement, but obediently followed her inside, and sat patiently as she brewed her favorite tea. She settled across from him with a contented sigh, sipping noisily at her tea. "Now, what was it you wanted to know?"

"Where are all the people, and why was Kurama acting so strange?"

"Oh.. let me see..." she frowned. "Hmph. I'm sure I knew it a minute ago." Shaking her head, she took another sip of tea.

"Baasan? What's wrong? Why can't you remember?" Yusuke was becoming very frustrated.

"Wrong? Oh, nothing is wrong. I suppose... it might just be old age. Or maybe... no, that's not it. Must be old age." She nodded to herself with a smile. "Though for the life of me, I can't seem to remember how old I am..."

A rather large sweatdrop had formed on Yusuke's brow. "B-baasan..?" Could it be that... was 'Baasan suffering from whatever ailed Kurama and Karasu? "That must be it!" he growled softly, leaping to his feet. Now, what to do about it.. "Oh! I'll find Yukina! Maybe she managed to escape it somehow!" If so, perhaps she could tell him what exactly was going on.

He strode purposefully out to the gardens, where he knew Yukina spent much of her time, leaving a bewildered Genkai with an extra cup and no one to use it. "Stupid kids," she muttered to herself. "No respect at all."

It didn't take Yusuke long to find Yukina. She was sitting on a bench near an oak grove, holding a squirrel in her lap. "Hey, little guy," she was crooning. "Aren't you a cutie?" She was leaning over, face hidden behind a veil of hair. Suddenly she looked up, and the twisted expression on her face frightened him. "Wouldn't it be a pity if you DIED?" Giggling madly, she picked it up by it's neck and shook it. "Wouldn't it be sad if someone SQUEEZED your cute little THROAT until-"

"Nooo!" howled a deep voice. Yusuke stumbled back in shock as the large figure emerged from the trees. "T-toguro??"

The big man was trembling with rage. "How dare you try and harm that cute, fuzzy animal?" he screeched. "He's never done anything to you!" Yusuke winced as Toguro stalked forward. "How can you even think of killing that defenseless little squirrel?"

Yukina stood, the defenseless little squirrel struggling in her grasp. "What? Can't I enjoy the way it squirms? Can't I enjoy the way it feels when I break it's neck? Can't I like having it's blood flow over my hands?" she smirked evilly. "Everything dies, so why not take the chance to enjoy it's death?"

Toguro was as pale as a sheet. "You- you monster!" He leapt into the air. "BE KIND TO FURRY ANIMALS KICK!!" His foot connected with Yukina's shoulder, sending the girl flying. The squirrel, released at impact, dropped to the ground and scrambled up the nearest tree.

"You bastard!"

Yusuke almost cried out in relief as Kuwabara stepped forward, Hiei beside him. "How dare you lay a hand on the fair and innocent Yukina?" Kuwabara demanded. Hiei growled menacingly, eyes narrowed into slits.

"Oh, thank the gods! They're normal!" Yusuke muttered.

"In the name of all that's good and Yukina-san, we shall impale you on the lance of love!"

"Yeah, Kuwabara-san!" Hiei cried, leaping forward. "We shall pummel this criminal with the hammer of justice!"

"We'll crush him with ten tons of purity!"

"We'll blind him with the mace of righteousness!"

Yusuke facevaulted, and lay twitching for several seconds.

"You would defend this harmer of innocent, cute, and fuzzy animals?" Toguro demanded. "I'll get you for this!" He charged forward.

"Wait! No, STOP!" Yusuke jumped to the side to keep from being trampled by...

"Oh, no," he groaned.

Sensui placed himself between the quarreling men. "You must not harm each other!" he cried. "All beings should live in harmony together! You must see that fighting is useless. Violence is the bane of everybody's existence. Don't you see that hating is WRONG?"

Toguro skidded to a halt, and Kuwabara and Hiei took a few steps back. "What are you babbling about?" asked Kuwabara. "This man attacked the beautiful Yukina-san. For that, he must endure the wrath of those who serve justice!"

Sensui's eyes widened with shock. "No! You must not hurt another living being! Have you no morals, no sense of compassion? How could you harm your fellow man-er, youkai?"

Yusuke scrambled backwards. "Their behavior is so... suspicious. I wonder what's going on-"

"Very suspicious." Itsuki agreed. Yusuke jumped to his feet, ready to fight, but Itsuki only stood there, arms folded across his chest. "A little too suspicious. Suspiciously suspicious, even. If I were a more paranoid person, I might believe some sort of conspiracy is involved."

Yusuke began edging away from the green-haired man. 'Slowly. They won't notice you if you don't run.'

"It might even be the work of Them," he continued. Suddenly, he slitted his eyes at Yusuke. "Are you one of Them?" he demanded. Yusuke shook his head numbly. "I know They have Their agents everywhere. Of course, if you were one of Them, you wouldn't admit it."

Yusuke took a few steps back.

"You would stop me from meting out justice to those who defend harmers of small, cute, furry animals?" Toguro snarled. "In the name of all that's adorable, I shall punish you!"

"Punish?" Yusuke whirled around to see the leather-clad Kurama dragging "Sailor" Karasu behind him... on a black leather leash. "Who needs to be punished?"

Yusuke turned to run.

"Oh! Yusuke!" Kurama's tone was scolding. "You naughty boy, you ran away before I could punish you!" Kurama stepped forward, cracking his whip. "C'mere, Yusuke." His eyes seemed to radiate evilness and sadistic-ness.



"Don't fight!"

Toguro, Kuwabara, and Hiei flung themselves at each other, with Sensui stuck in the middle, screaming that there was a better way. Itsuki stood where he was, muttering about conspiracies and "Them." Yusuke began to run.

"Oh no you don't!" The youth screamed as he felt the whip wrapping around his ankles. He tripped, and Kurama dragged him back. "You're not going anywhere until you've been thoroughly punished!"


* * * *


He stopped screaming and leapt back. "No! I don't wanna be pun- oh! Koenma?"

Koenma stepped forward, looking concerned. "Are you okay, Yusuke?"

"We were afraid we'd never see you again." Kuwabara added. Yusuke took deep, calming breaths as he looked around. They were in Koenma's office. Koenma was in teenage form, and he and Kuwabara were standing closest to Yusuke. Beyond them, Kurama and Hiei leaned against the wall. His eyes widened as they fell on Kurama's jacket. His black leather jacket.

"Ahhh!" He shoved Koenma and Kuwabara aside and lunged at Kurama. "TAKE IT OFF!" he screamed. He hit Kurama, and they both tumbled to the floor. Grabbing Kurama's jacket, Yusuke tugged frantically. "Nonononono...."

"Yusuke! What are you doing?" Kurama gasped, trying to shove him off.

"Oi! Urameshi!" Between the three of them, Koenma, Hiei, and Kuwabara managed to pull Yusuke off the redhead.

"Calm down, Yusuke! We've freed you!" Koenma shouted.

Yusuke stopped struggling. "Freed me?" he asked.

"Yes," Koenma glared at him. "Freed you. I told you not to touch it, but did you listen to me? Oh, no... it's just a harmless little ball, couldn't hurt anyone..."

"What happened to me?"

Koenma seated himself behind his desk with a sigh. "Well, the artifact can create a world made up of your worst nightmares... but it can only do this if you touch it." He looked pointedly at Yusuke, who flushed. "We were able to get you out- barely- but you must never touch it again" His eyes narrowed. "Next time, we might not be able to retrieve you."

Yusuke nodded. "I'm sorry, and I'll never, never do it again."

Koenma nodded. "All right then. The artifact has been returned. Mission successful." When they didn't move, he gestured impatiently towards the door. "Shoo. Go home now."

A little dazed by the abrupt dismissal (and all that had come before it), Yusuke allowed himself to be guided out by Kurama. Hiei disappeared as soon as they were back in the Ningenkai, and Kuwabara hurriedly excused himself, muttering about a concert or some such thing. Kurama offered to walk home with him, and he accepted gratefully.

"So tell me, Yusuke," the redhead said conversationally. "What exactly happened to you?"

Yusuke told everything to Kurama- including the kitsune's own role, which made him raise his eyebrows in surprise.

"And you had me tied with the whip, and you were going to punish me. That's when I was brought back." Yusuke finished with a relieved sigh.

"Punish you." Kurama murmured consideringly. Yusuke looked at his friend, and was very alarmed to see that all-too-familiar gleam in his eyes.

"Ah-ah, Kurama.. I gotta go. JA!" Yusuke had never ran so fast in his life.

"Wait, Yusuke!" Kurama watched the retreating figure with a sigh. Well, so much for that. He shook his head sadly and turned towards home. One hand reached into the jacket to idly finger the whip (which, luckily, Yusuke hadn't noticed when he'd been trying to take off the jacket), while he considered all that had happened.

Yusuke had been a very, very bad boy, indeed.

And bad boys deserved to be punished. .

YK: And the moral of this story is...

Koenma: If I tell you not to touch it, than by the gods, DON'T TOUCH IT!


Or is it...? .


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