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Welcome to my humble little fanfiction archive. Here the stories are kept starring our favorite bishounen (and Kuwabara).

Kuwabara: Why am I always seperated from that "favorite bishounen" category?

YK: Erm.... We love you, Kuwabara. Really, really love you. Love you so much we're gonna go write more delicious yaoi fics starring you...

Kuwabara: Forget I said anything. Please?

*ahem* Of course, all characters and situations borrowed from YuYu Hakusho are property of Yoshihiro Togashi-sama and Shounen Jump and whomever else had a hand in making and airing 'em. All original characters and situations are property of their respective authors. And remember, it isn't polite to sue the owner of this page. So far most of the stories here are by yours truly, but if you have a fic you'd like to donate to my little archive, read my notes on submitting fanfics.

Karasu: And if you don't, I'll blow you up! BWAHAHAHAHA!!

Kurama: For what? Not reading the notes or not submitting a fic?

Karasu: Uh... *sweatdrops*

Choose from series, one-shots, Non-YYH fics, or Guest Author's Fics

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Conquests (Of Love and War) [Formerly Untitled] -->COMPLETE! Shounen ai, lemon (part 5 & 10)
Yomi has succeeded in taking over the Makai, and now he has his eyes on the Ningenkai. With Yusuke gone, who's Koenma gonna call to assist his tantei in fighting off this new threat? Certainly the last people the rest of the team would expect!
Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 4/Part 5/Part 6/Part 7/Part 8/Part 9/Part 10/Part 11/Part 12


Shadows of the Dark Kingdom -->x-over, ongoing, refrences to rape, shounen ai
A YuYu Hakusho/Sailor Moon crossover. A mysterious, immensly powerful man turns up in the Dark Kingdom, and the Sailor Senshi call in the Reikai Tantei as backup. Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 4/Part 5/Part 6/Part 7/Part 8


Fox Tales -->Ongoing, shounen ai, lemonish, incest
A little ditty 'bout Kurama's past. Not recommended for the squeamish or the faint of heart ^^; Part 1/Part 2/Part 3


Thicker Than Water -->x-over, ongoing, shounen ai
A YuYu Hakusho/Harry Potter crossover. At Koenma's insitance, Kurama becomes involved with the great-grandson he'd never met--Harry Potter. And poor Harry, who'd never known a loving family, finds himself drawn into a world of demons and violence, where wizards are reviled for their contempt for and systematic opression of nonhumans. Are the two worlds incompatible, as Kurama believes, or will Harry manage to be part of both the wizarding and demon worlds? Prologue/ Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 .






Deep Silent Complete --> shounen-ai, death.
On the brink of death, Karasu muses on life, love, Kurama and Bui. Songfic to Nightwish's Deep Silent Complete.
Part 1


Four Hours --> lemon, PWP
Kurama has four hours to come up with something that will put a stop to his pending engagement to the daughter of one of his stefather's business associates. What will he do? Part 1


No Mere Words Could Express --> shounen ai
No one knows better than Kurama what a bitch love is. Will he be able to tell the one he loves how he feels? Part 1 .


Replacement Toys -->yaoi, lemon, PWP
Kurama is called to the Reikai to perform a special "task" for Koenma Part 1


Say My Name --> yaoi, lemon, PWP
Kuwabara is in love with Kurama, and plans to tell him. But things don't go quite the way he planned. Part 1


Solace in Your Arms --> yaoi, lemon, PWP
Yusuke is distraught after Keiko's death, and turns to everyone's favorite bishounen for comfort. Part 1


Thinking of You
A short monologue. Will the man he loves ever love him back...? Part 1


Unfortunate Consequences --> extreme silliness
Koenma tells them nnot to touch it, but does Yusuke listen? Oh, no. This is meant to be pure comedy: any resemblance to seriousness is strictly coincidental ^_^ Part 1


Unrequited Love -->shounen ai
A little different from my usual fics. Poor Yomi is in love, but the one he loves doesn't love him back...Part 1 .


Random Fics



Something There --> sexless slash
Fandom: Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar series (The Last Herald-Mage trilogy)
A drabble. Did Vanyel and Tylendel really manage to hide their relationship from everybody?
Part 1


Warder --> slash, incest
Fandom: Wheel of Time
My very first attempt at a Wheel of Time fanfic o.O Naturally, it's slash (or yaoi, if you prefer). Rand al'Thor has a secret. A deliciously dirty secret. This secret leads to sex. Mmmmmm..... sex. Part 1


Gethsemane --> slashy romance, incest
Fandom: Wheel of Time
Hey, this looks suspiciously like a prequel to Warder. ^.~ Rand and Galad truly meet for the first time, and become entangled in a web of lies, deceit, and love. Part 1


Guest Author's Fics



Karasu's Evil Plan by Kiyota_Rulez -->Yaoi-ish
That devious, dark, delectable, delicious.. *ahem* youkai Karasu has devised an evil plan! Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 4/Part 5/Part 6/Part7/Part8/Part9/Part10/Part11/Part12/Part13/Part14/Part15/Part16/Epilogue


Missing Rose by Moondansr --> ongoing, shounen ai-ish
Kurama has disappeared, leaving behind a very concerned Hiei. On top of that, Enma-Daiou has named Koenma, who has also disappeared, a traitor, and blames him for the theft of the Seal, which has gone missing as well. Part 1/ Part 2



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