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Karasu's Evil Plan

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 : Youkainapped!!

Hiei washed his face in the stream. He had just woken up, and was somehow feeling happy, something he very, very, very seldom felt. He'd had a dream about the silver fox, and he had treasured every moment of it.

Suddenly he heard a rustle in the bushes, and five demons appeared. They attacked, and Hiei defended himself. Alas, he was outnumbered, and he was tied up and gagged, and taken away by the demons. He was dumped into a cellar when they reached their destination. He stayed there for goodness knows how long. He fell asleep soon after.

When he woke up, he looked up and met a pair of violet eyes. It was Karasu, grinning down at him. He removed Hiei's gag.

"I thought you were dead," Hiei muttered.

Karasu laughed. "Indeed? I myself thought I was a goner, but my will to have Kurama's head in my glass case made me strong enough to actually survive Kurama's last blow."

"What do you want with me?" Hiei asked, raising his voice, getting angry.

"Ah? No need to shout, I'm not deaf." He smiled maliciously. "I don't want to hurt you, or even kill you. I am not that bad, you know." His smile widened. "I just want... your DNA."

"My what?"

"DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid. I can get it from your hair, your skin cells , your blood, your saliva...." he trailed off.

Hiei's eyes narrowed. "And what exactly do you want to do with it?" He could guess. Karasu wanted to hurt Kurama with it.

Karasu smiled as if he had read his thoughts. He smiled and waved his hand to a short, bald, bespectacled man standing at a corner in the room. He had been there all the time. He came over when Karasu waved his hand.

"This, my dear Hiei, is Dr. Jenihikara, or, for short, Dr. Jen. He is an expert in the matters of the youkai body." Karasu lowered his voice. "You know what I plan to do, Hiei?"

Hiei stared back at him, his eyes as red as fire.

Karasu chuckled evilly. "Since you'll never have a chance to get out of this place.....I'll be a Good Samaritan and tell you my wonderful, wonderful plan." He put his lips close to Hiei's ear. "I'm going to make a duplicate of you. He'll have the exact same DNA, the same attitude, fighting skills, voice, the works. He will replace you, and he will make Kurama mine. You want to know how? I'm not going to tell you. That will be MY biggest secret. AHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHAHAHHAAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He sobered down. "Jen!!" he barked. "Get a sample of the runt's DNA. Then dump him in his cell. Report to me after it is all done!! I shall be in my chambers."

He swept off, breezing away most majestically.



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