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Epilogue : Happy Ending


“Hiei! What are you doing here?” Kurama greeted, opening the window and letting Hiei into his room. He had been busy working, when suddenly he heard a tapping sound at his window. He looked up, and saw that it was Hiei.


Hiei stared at Kurama. Kurama looked back, a small smile on his face. He had no idea what Hiei was up to.


“Can…………. can I talk to you?” Hiei stammered out, his face as red as his eyes.


Kurama looked surprised. “Sure,” he replied, and sat down on his bed.


Hiei stood in front of him, his head bent down. Now Kurama was really puzzled. What’s happening? he wondered, and touched Hiei lightly on the shoulder.


All of a sudden Hiei wrapped his small arms around him, hugging him tight. Kurama was shocked, but got over it. He slowly put his arms around the small little body of Hiei’s, and hugged him tight.


No words were spoken. Actions spoke louder than words.



“Thank goodness this Hiei saga is over,” Kuwabara sighed, putting his legs on the table. Genkai slapped them off her table.


“Well, you and your sister sensed that something was going to happen, only that we didn’t know it concerned Hiei,” Genkai said, seating herself down on a cushion. “Those strange dreams you had, theu were about your confrontation with Karasu.”


“How so?” Yuusuke, who had heard about those dreams, asked.


“The colour purple, represents Karasu’s eye colour,” interpreted Genkai. “And the storm in Shizuru’s dream – it represents a fight, or a battle. The rest is pretty much straightforward.”


“Hm,” Yuusuke said. “Well, all I want to do now is have a good, long rest. These few days have been hectic.”


“Yup,” agreed Kuwabara. “A good, long rest.”




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