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Part 4


Kurama, as usual, was by Yusuke's bedside. Almost like he didn't trust the people of Hanassa to take care of his friend properly. The trustworthiness of the townsfolk didn't bother Karasu: the fact that he couldn't get Kurama alone did. Karasu leaned idly against the wall of Ginko's dirty little hovel, watching the redhead lavish attention upon his unconscious teammate. Karasu didn't understand Kurama at all: the beautiful redhead spent all his time and energy fawning over a boy who not only didn't deserve it, but wasn't even able to appreciate the Youko's attention and tender ministrations. He really ought to put his efforts into someone who would return the favor.

Like Karasu himself.

Actually, Karasu was fairly certain that if he could get Kurama alone with the unconscious boy, he might be able to persuade the fox to pry himself away from his friend to "play" for a moment. Or two. But it seemed like Fate itself conspired against the dark youkai. If Toguro or that idiot Kuwabara wasn't keeping a silent vigil over the two (or dancing attendance on Kurama, in Kuwabara's case. Karasu strongly suspected that the foolish ningen had a "thing" for *his* redhead), than someone from the town hovered close at hand, eager to assist the recovery of their Lord in any way they could. Karasu still hadn't figured out what Yusuke had done that would inspire such loyalty in his subjects.


"Hai?" The redhead didn't even look away from that undeserving brat.

The town Mayor (also, strangely enough, the fellow from the bar) stood beside Toguro, nervously dry-washing his hands. A weak creature like Gishirou had nothing to fear from Toguro, though: he wouldn't debase himself by attacking such a pitiful creature. Karasu wasn't certain Gishirou would even qualify as a D-class.

"You know I've made the inn available for you and your companions? Free of charge, of course... I wouldn't make anyone pay who was helpin' our good Lord."

Kurama didn't respond. Karasu moved forward to place one hand on the kitsune's shoulder. "I think he means that you should take some time to sleep, Kurama." Satisfaction welled inside him when the redhead looked up at him. He had barely acknowledged any of the others."You've hardly slept for three days: it's about time you rested."

Kurama flashed him a genuinely warm and open smile. "You're right, Karasu... Yusuke will be fine without me." Giving the unconscious boy a little pat on his head, Kurama stood. He brushed past Karasu with a small wink, briefly pressing his fingertips against the dark youkai's abdomen.

Karasu swallowed. Hard.

Toguro and Gishirou followed Kurama out, the latter babbling excitedly while the former remained silent. Karasu watched them go, his lips twisting into a smile beneath his mask.

"Watch out for that..." Karasu looked down at Yusuke. His face was slightly flushed, and he was muttering in his sleep. A tiny splatter drew his mind to another matter. A drop of blood on the floor, joined by another...and then another...

Chuckling quietly, Karasu left the boy alone. He needed to find something to stanch the nosebleed.

* * * *

"DAMNIT!!" Kuwabara all but trembled with rage, snarling as he shook a fist in the direction of the retreating youkai. "That bastard! How much you wanna bet he's working for Yomi?"

Sansuke, one of the youkai from the village, nodded his head. "It is very likely. We must return to the village and alert your friends."

Kuwabara raised his eyes to the pitch-black sky. His breath fogged out before him in the cold night air. "If you can find your back in such darkness...?"

Sansuke gave him a solemn look. "Of course, Kuwabara-san."

* * * *

Toguro hoisted Yusuke over his shoulder, handling the boy like he was no heavier than aluminum. Kuwabara carried the supplies, while Kurama gave last minute instructions to the townsfolk. Karasu contented himself with trailing the fox.

"...Don't worry, Gishirou, we'll take good care of Yusuke.. yes, yes, we've got enough medical supplies... we'll be fine..."

Gishirou was dry-washing his hands in that annoying way of his. "You must make sure Yusuke-sama comes to no harm."

Kurama squeezed his eyes shut. Karasu placed a soothing hand on the small of his back, fully able to sympathize with the Youko. These stupid, filthy, unwashed peasants could try the patience of the kindest of souls. Kurama opened his eyes, giving Karasu the strangest look. Much like the one he'd given the dark youkai that morning when he'd told Kurama about Yomi's spy.

"If everything is taken care of," he said loudly. "we should be leaving now. Before that spy reports back to his master."

After that, the townsfolk couldn't be rid of them quick enough.


They had trekked almost a mile before Kuwabara stopped abruptly. "I feel something..."

The other three paused as well. "What, Kuwabara-kun?" Kurama queried, looking concerned.

"An unfamiliar youki... several. They're all very powerful." He gulped a little. "And they're coming this way!"

Toguro set Yusuke down. "Yomi's lackeys?"

Kuwabara shrugged. Kurama knelt by Yusuke, taking the boy's pulse.

"Kurama." The redhead blinked at Toguro. "If the villagers are correct, he's been asleep for almost a week. I don't believe he'll wake up now."

Kurama nodded and stood. "Very well. Shall we fight, then?"

Karasu and Toguro gave minute nods. Kuwabara grunted, his rei ken appearing.

"Let's go!"

The youkai appeared then: at least twenty in number, and all B-class and above. Karasu leapt into the fight eagerly, blowing up enemies left and right. They weren't so easily killed, though. Several times he was forced to the defensive as the youkai dodged his bombs and came dangerously close. Kurama stood not far away, Rose Whip in hand. He was bleeding from a slash on the cheek and one on his temple. He dodged another attack, trying to concentrate on the fight. But that wound could be serious, even deadly.

And the no one was allowed to kill *his* fox.

Except him.

A sudden flare of youki knocked the youkai surrounding him off their feet. It was extraordinarily power; none of them were able to escape. Unfortunately, neither he nor Kurama managed to escape it, either.

He crashed into the redhead, and they were sent tumbling down an inconveniently placed steep incline. He landed on top of the bishounen with an audible thud.

They lie there for several minutes, each trying to catch their breath. Finally Karasu rolled off Kurama, groaning softly. The bishounen Youko got unsteadily to his feet, managing to take only a few steps before he dropped to his knees. Karasu suddenly recalled the wound on his temple. He covered the distance between them quickly, kneeling in front of the redhead.

"Kurama... daijoubu?"

"H-hai.. I think..."

Karasu grasped the kitsune's chin firmly, turning his head to the side so he could get a better look at the wounds. Up close they didn't look nearly as bad: they just bled a lot. The thick liquid welled up from each wound, pouring down his face, coating it with red.

Gods, he was beautiful.

He could smell the Youko's blood, feel his erratic pulse. It was terribly exciting. So close... impossible to resist... He lifted his other hand to his face, and the mask dropped away. Their faces were inches apart. He leaned in the rest of the way, dragging his tongue over the wound on Kurama's cheek, licking away the blood.

It was delicious.

His breath coming more quickly, he lifted his lips to the wound on Kurama's temple, exploring it with tongue and teeth. The redhead began to struggle, whimpering. "Karasu... stop. Please."

He drew the resisting Youko into a tight embrace and began suckling on the wound. The blood, fresh and hot, filled his mouth with it's delicious coppery flavor. He took it eagerly, using his teeth to coax more from the redhead.

This was the closest he'd come to an orgasm in quite some time.

He rubbed his groin against Kurama's leg as he took his blood, desperate for release. The redhead's struggles ceased, and he lay limp in Karasu's arms. He didn't lose consciousness, though. A good thing, too: it wasn't fun if they didn't fight him before they died.

He felt the powerful youki from before, this time not far from them. He craned his neck back. There, on the top of the hill from which they'd fallen, stood Urameshi. Even the distance between them couldn't hide the fact that the boy was livid with rage.

Karasu stood quickly. Kurama remained on the ground, head bowed. Yusuke covered half the space between them in a single leap. His eyes darted to his bloody friend, then back to Karasu.

"Kisama," he snarled. "OMAE O KOROSU!"



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