Ranma 1/2 is an anime about a boy, named Ranma, who swam across the ocean to China from Japan with his father. They eventually arrive at a cursed training ground where there are over 100 springs. It turns out those who fall in the springs turn into that spring's form when doused with cold water, but back into their normal form with hot water. Well, Ranma fell into the spring of the drowned girl, so he turns into a girl (hence Ranma 1/2) and his father fell into the spring of the droned panda. This also happened to others including Ryoga who turns into pig, Shampoo the Chinese amazon who turns into a cat, and Moose who turns into a duck. The show is about Ranma's quest to be cured, but mostly about his daily life with his many fiancées (Akane, Ukyou, and Shampoo).