Name: Dragonball Z: Mission To Namek
Supplier: Cartoon Network
Release Date: April 2001
This is one of the best Flash based Dragonball Z Games I've played. The controls are
a little weird but they put the controls on the screen as well. It takes place on
Namek just before it gets destroyed. Goku, Trunks and Vegeta have to beat the Ginyu
Force and Freeza in order to save Namek. Even though Trunks was never on Freeza the
developers put him there anyways. Why you ask? I don't know, but it's still a good
The only way I've figured out to beat the game is to become Super Saiyan Vegeta and
beat the whole Ginyu Force and Freeza. In order to become Super Saiyan is to learn
all the moves. To learn moves you must drag you character down to a move that isn't
highlighted in green and drag another character to fight and at the end of the fight
you will probably have finished learning the move.
I give this game a
because it is a great game but it didn't go according to the
story line.