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My Interview

My Interview

This is an interview done by a owner of a Dragonball Z site. He interviewed me and asked me questions related to Dragonball Z and other animes...

Q: To start off, what are your thought on how Funimation has handled Dragonball Z in America?

A: They actually didn't do too bad. The voices in the begining were horrible and they edited it too much, but it wasn't funimations fault. They didn't own dragonball z at the time. The music is ok but they should have left the original. In overall funimation I think is doing a great job with the publicity and everything they are going to do like the video games and the movies etc.

Q: If you could change something in american DBZ,what would it be?

If I could change something I would change the begining of the series, the Radditz and Vegeta Sagas know as the Saiyan Saga. I would reedit and dub the whole thing again. I would also put in the real begining, you know that saban put as the begining the radditz pod landing. Well in the japanese version there was more behind that.

Q: You have a Dragonball Z website, correct?

A: Yes you are correct.

Q: What are your thoughts on the Dragonball Z web community?

A: I think its doing great in letting everyone know facts about the japanese version and what funimation isn't doing but I haven't seen a site yet that defends Funimation's triumphs.

Q: What are some of your favorite websites?

A: Planetnamek, Temple O' Trunks, DBZ2057, Daizenshuu EX, Satan City Comedy Club, Bid For Power, Saiyan Rage, DB3K and there are a few others.

Q: How do you feel the DBZ online RPGs are doing in portraying DBZ?

A: I think that they are a very creative way for fans of dragonball to come together and have fun roleplaying as their favorite dragonball z character as well as to get to know each other and express their feelings on what is going on in the world of dragonball z.

Q: What are your opinions on Irwin Toy, manufactuer of Dragonball Z toys?

A: well on the subject of the toys... I dont think that Irwin has made one toy that looks exactly like the Dragonball Z character they are supposed potraying but little kids love them and thats all that counts. On the subject of the actual manufacturer i think that they are doing a decent job but they should work on the design of the toys a little more and they should work a little more on publicity of Dragonball Z too because quite frankly those comercials look like they were done by little kids and their dads.

Q: What are your favorite animes/mangas of all time?

A: These are in the order from favorite to least:
1. Dragonball/Z/GT
2. Outlaw Star
3. Tenchi Muyo
4. Gundam Wing
5. pokemon