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Update: June 22, 2001: Fan Art Update
Hello DBDR Fans. Finally one of you sent in a fan art submission. Thanks Crystle Karsnok for the submission. Now I know that some of you actually like my site enough to consider submiting in content. Hope they keep coming. I have finally finished school. I am working on some projects on my own computer that is the worst you can get, or bought because its 3 years old this July. I will be buying one soon so I can finally install the programs I have been reserving to help my site out. Some of these include Adobe Photoshop 6.0, Metacreations Bryce 4.0, Flash 5, Adobe Livemotion and a few others I can't think of at the time. But there is one good thing coming from this computer, it is going to be thrown down a flight of stairs and it will be recorded so you (the fans) will see what real entertainment is all about.

Update: June 14, 2001: New Music Video
Hello DBDR Fans. I have finally had a time to update. I put up a new music video. The large version is located here. The small version is located here. Thanks vegetto for putting this up for my site. I will be updating more regularly when i finish school next wednesday so keep checking here for new updates.

Update: June 5, 2001: Answer To Poll
Hello DBDR Fans. I guess it is time for me to answer the poll. I see that a lot of you were really close. Some of you would have had it right if you were going according to the English Dragonball Z. Since I clearly wasn't the answer is the Afterworld. In the episode where Goku is in the last round of the tournament he fights Paikuhan (if anyone knows the English spelling please email me). Since he couldn't defeat him, he tried using Super Saiyan. That still didn't work so he used his Kaioken and Super Saiyan Transformation at the same time. He called it the "Super Kaioken". Their originality is superb! ;^) Thanks for participating, I know there weren't any prizes but I am not getting anything for this website either so we are even. There will be more music videos to come. I am getting a new computer so I can finally use all the programs I have not been able to use because of this crappy 3 year old computer.