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!!!Attention!!! For all fanfic writers out there that have GW stories, non-yaoi, yaoi, and preferably having something to do with Duo, please please email me! I would love to put them up!

* To contact the authors, just click on their names


Author: Duet Maxwell

I Promise You
songfic, shounen ai. Heero let's Duo know that he cares...sweet and romantic^-^

The First Date And Other Mishaps
A story spanning two days of hilarious encounters and situations for our Gundam boys...

Whose Line Is It Anyways? -Gundam Style-
Taking the coolest show, and giving it that nice Gundam taste to it, it's a riot!

Why Do You Fight?
shounen ai, sappy. Heero helps Duo come to terms

Without You I Would Fall Apart
*songfic* shounen ai, cute and sappy. After an argument, and a few weeks apart, Heero and Duo find that they can't be without each other...cute and sappy^-^

Random'ness that is me!
If it's late in the night, and you're this and get a few laughs...^-^

That Stupid Book
POV from Duo. shounen ai, 1x2 pairing by the end. Kinda cute, lovey-dovey story. Did Duo use to enjoy reading?...

Author: EbonyDove

Game Over
1x2, shounen ai, Duo's POV. A really good three part fic. Duo takes a gamble and tells Heero how he feels...sometimes he plays his cards right, other times wrong.
Go Fish
The second installment of the three part fic
Calling Your Bluff
The last installment of the three part fic.

Author: Flamika

Everything I Do
songfic, shounen ai. Takes place after Heero rescues Duo from OZ and before he leaves to eliminate the scientists.

The Golden Boy
implied 1x2. Part of a series arc (go to her page to read the others, in the link section!) An old friend from Duo's past pays a visit...

Author: FractalForge

Surface of Sleep
shonen ai, blanket fic. Duo and Heero alone and freezing in a cabin up in the mountains. Read and you will enjoy!

Author: Hope Of Dawn

And The Rest Is Silence
Some violence, shonen-ai, language. A horrible accident occurs during a battle, and Duo is the cause of it. Duo doesn't cry...

Author: Lilias

Falling For The First Time
shounen ai, songfic. Slightly AU, and some language. A fic taking off from episode three right after Heero is rescued by Duo. It's really cool, 1x2 fans will definetly like this.

In The Hour Past Midnight
shounen ai and sap, what a great combination! Duo and Heero are stuck in the mountains in a cabin,alone. Duo recalls an old tale concerning Christmas and the animals and what happens in the hour past midnight. A cute fic that is followed up by a cute sequel!

Better Than A Pony
Sequel to "In The Hour Past Midnight". shounen ai. A cute little ficcie, a great sequel too.

Author: Lys Ap Adin

*songfic* very sweet and adorable. yaoi, AU, OOC. Goes between Heero and Duo's POV's about each other and such.

Don't Leave
The title pretty much says it all. shounen ai. You'll get teary and go "awwww" at the end, just read it!

Author: MadamHydra

Heaven In Your Eyes
*songfic* yaoi. A mysterious encounter inspires Heero to give Duo an unexpected gift.

Like A Prayer
1x2 implied. Heero experiences a revelation inside an unusual church.

Maxwell's Demon
yaoi, lime, AU. dark humour. What if Relena knows (or thinks she knows) a dark and terrible secret about Duo?

Author: MadCat

GW Boys Watch Dubs
shounen ai. Duo rants about the dubbed version of the show, must read!

Author: Nixers

Once A Year
mild shounen ai. very good fic. Duo, Heero and Wufei are all Preventers, and there's a special assignment for Duo. But Wufei can't find him. When he does, he stumbles upon a special ritual that Duo has done for years...

The Simplest of Things
very cute and short, shounen ai. Just read it and go "aww, that's sweet".

Author: Shirin

And Never The Twain Shall Meet
AU, shounen ai. A fairy-tale kind of fic. Very well written, it's very long though, you are warned ;-). If you have the time, a must read, a great AU ficcie.